Finding Information

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I sat in our room and searched for the information I needed on the internet, on the laptop I had recently bought. And the most important thing for me at the moment was to find out about the superheroes that were active at the moment.

So I started by checking on my brother and Kara. However, after finding information on them, I was surprised to say the least. Yes, at first, everything was as it was. However, about six months ago, another hero appeared in their pair, and his personality... was unusual.

And she looked just like Kara. Except there were some differences. Firstly, her hair was shorter, her costume was a little more revealing. But the biggest difference between her and Kara was that she was smiling in every picture. Well, Kara wasn't smiling, to put it mildly.

Already I was quite surprised by that, and it wasn't anything as shocking from there. I actually knew a little bit about the DC universe, but not much, and I didn't remember this character. Although Superman often had clones, so maybe this is just a clone of Kara? Okay, let's forget about what else is interesting for now.

I'm currently interested in the most recent interesting battles of heroes and villains, or just recent personalities in the field. Some of the heroes could be recruited for their team, which apparently will have to be approved. I have a good feeling about this one.

Only recently Superman fought two villains that he failed to capture. Most of his enemies with superpowers are now in jail and only these two are on the loose.

The first is a strange robot, or cyborg, who appeared about six months ago, while nearly defeating Superman due to the surprise factor. For some unknown reason, he only wants to kill Superman himself and all the people associated with him. He himself looks like a metal robot with kryptonite instead of a heart, which is already interesting.

He's dangerous to Superman precisely because of the kryptonite, but ordinary people can't do anything against him either, as he surpasses them in strength many times over. He's also been seen attacking some factories or labs, which he's done most likely for his own betterment. I'm not sure I could handle him, but I think I could disarm him.

He's currently hiding somewhere, after a battle with Superman and Supergirl, in which he lost, but managed to sneak out somehow. A dangerous villain I'll need to get rid of. And I really want to take his heart, too, I can't tell you that.

The second villain won't be as dangerous, at least not to Superman himself, but probably not to me either. It's really more of a victim of circumstance, like many of the villains in this universe. Livewire, a girl who, partly through Superman's fault, has come to possess special powers.

Her main power is in controlling electricity, as well as drawing it from any source. In fact, in a recent incident with her and Superman, she was able to absorb the power of several power plants and caused a great deal of damage. including material damage. However, defeating her will be easy.

Firstly, her main weakness is water, which I know how to control, and secondly, I can deflect her lightning, as Aang was perfectly capable of using this skill in his past life.

Livewire herself looks like a young girl with grey skin, and blue hair with electricity shimmering in it. The suit is made of a strange material, which is not damaged by her abilities, and frankly speaking, she is not beautiful. Not everyone has to be beautiful.

She was last seen in Gotham, and interestingly enough, she also fought Batman, but was able to get away.

I also found information on a few more of Superman's enemies, but nothing particularly important. What bothers me the most is that the most important of his enemies still haven't made an appearance, namely Darkseid, Doomsday, and Brainiac. I remember them as one of Superman's strongest opponents, but there hasn't even been a hint of their appearance yet. Which only means one thing... They'll show up later, and I'll have to fight them as well. I'll need to prepare for that moment thoroughly.

As for other places, not just Metropolis, things have been relatively quiet so far as well. The strongest villains have not appeared yet, just a lot of so to speak small ones. But that's not the case with Gotham, there's always some madness going on there.

But first, let's look at the heroes that are currently active. I've already said everything about Superman and his family. However, the next most important hero, namely Batman is also far from being the only hero.

At this point, we can say that Batman has four sidekicks. Batgirl, Nightwing, Robin, and Huntress have already been spotlighted. All pretty interesting individuals who often patrol the city with the batsman himself. Also, Catwoman has also been seen quite often with Batman's "team", and she is a supervillain.

There's not much to say about Batman himself, he, according to the information I have, appeared before Superman, about six years ago. His sidekicks, however, are noteworthy. Nightwing used to sort of be a robin until he decided to split from batman to become a solo hero, but ended up reverting back to batsuit anyway.

The new robin, on the other hand, appeared almost immediately after Nightwing left that ambassador, and has been helping batman in all his dealings for like two years now. Batgirl appeared about a year ago, and from my information, at first she was just a wannabe, and only later became a full-fledged hero and started working together with Batman.

The Huntress, on the other hand, is the most interesting one here. She was at first a vigilante who appeared out of nowhere and started killing all the criminals in Gotham. However, Batman probably got onto her after that, because she disappeared from all radars for two months, and then reappeared with Batman's team.

Batman himself has too many adversaries, half of whom are now in Arkham, but escape from there too often. Joker, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Clayface, the Enigma, Bane... And that's just the most famous ones, because there are plenty more freaks out there. I already feel like I'm going to be sent to Gotham to deal with all of this.....

But Superman and Batman aren't the only superheroes in the world. However, there are still somehow fewer superheroes than I originally expected. At least, there aren't many known ones at this time. And I'm not counting any almost unknown weak vigilante or wannabe heroes.About a year and a half ago, in Central City, a metropolis as metropolitan as Metropolis and Gotham, a new superhero appeared, eventually dubbed The Flash. His superpower was his incredible speed for a human, and because of this, there were almost no pictures of him in normal quality.

However, he appeared at the same moment as a lot of metal people, because of which the opinion of him initially was not particularly positive. However, he is already recognised as a hero in his city and has a good reputation. He hasn't had any extraordinary enemies so far, but he has had a lot of different metal people imprisoned by him.

However, here it's more like not to prison, but to the labs, and also to Task Force X. Still, I know the morals of our authorities much better. Flash himself looks like a kind of young-looking guy in a red suit covering his whole body. The most distinguishing part of the suit is the lightning bolt emblem in the centre of his chest.

The next hero became a full-fledged hero not too long ago, and started out as a regular vigilante. Green Arrow, a man with no special superpowers, but clearly trained to the maximum level for a human, and also possesses excellent skills.

At first he just slaughtered various factions in Star City, but then something unusual happened, because he suddenly became a goody-goody and didn't kill his opponents anymore. He also didn't have any particularly unusual or strong opponents. Well, I won't forget about him, I'll have to take a look at him sometime.

Well, he looks pretty ordinary, green suit, along with armour, hooded face, bow and arrow. It's like a modern-day Robin Hood.

The next heroine, however, is much more interesting to me, at least because I might well be able to invite her into my squad, and she might even have to accept. Black Canary, a superheroine who has appeared in various cities across the US. However, she's mostly been in New York City. Doesn't have some pretty interesting abilities that are expressed in the form of a scream. With this sound you can stun and even deafen many opponents, which is quite useful. But the most interesting thing here is her personality.

I don't know why our authorities haven't got to her yet, but her mother once worked for the FBI, under the same alias she's a hero under. Plus, they have almost identical abilities, except her mother's are weaker, and significantly so.

She looks stunning, though. Pretty open suit, black leather jacket, some sort of swimming costume and tights. I'd say I like it, purely aesthetically, yeah....

Well the last of the heroes that are on the rumour right now is Aquaman, some kind of man who appears in various parts of America and helps with water disasters, sinking ships, smugglers and pirates. Can control sea animals and water, which is also pretty strong, in that very water. It would even be interesting to test which of us has stronger water control abilities.

He looks like a man about 25-30 years old in a rather odd costume. However, I don't judge for that, everyone has a different style....

The study of the main characters is over, but these are just the ones who didn't hide much. There are enough more hidden villains in the world, and also mercenaries and various organisations. At least the League of Assassins or the Hive. So there's still a lot of work for me to do....


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