Alexander's mother in his past life had been a softhearted woman, her blonde hair like spun gold, her heart as gentle as the gardens she tended. She spent most of her time amidst the flowers and tea parties, far detached from her husband's tyrannical pursuits.
In fact, she had tried her very best to get Alexander's father to stop the invasion of other kingdoms. But the king was steadfast on his conquest, and Alexander, the tyrant prince himself, was all too happy to continue spilling blood in his father's name.
Because of this, he'd never been close to his mother. Her affectionate, loving character oftentimes clashed with his self serving, violent self and they grew even more apart over the years.
But, Ravena Revenant was nothing like Alexander's mother in his past life.
Despite being only an Enhancer, she held the record for the most kills in a World Defense among Enhancers and ranked eleventh overall for any Spark Wielder.
Not only was she one of the strongest combat specialists across all four Districts, but she was also a proud Tri-Derivative Wielder, mastering her core element of fire alongside three Derivatives: Heat, Magma, and Radiance.
Her strength was legendary, her presence commanding, and her reputation unassailable.
Alexander got out of the cruiser when the driver opened it for him, but he just couldn't take his eyes off her.
She was a very striking figure. Not just because she was Revenant royalty or because she was a Tri-Derivative Wielder, it only seemed natural. Like an aura that followed around her causing heads to bow in reverence.
She had astonishing dark hair cascading down her back, and her scarlet colored eyes were sharp and intense as she inspected her son from afar.
Her attire was a feminine, form-fitting bodysuit of deep black, having line patterns that decorated it in a darker shade of red.
From the shoulders, the suit draped down behind her, forming a royal red cape, trimmed with black and flaring dramatically like the tail of a phoenix as she approached.
Alexander saw his sister walk to her and say something that he couldn't hear. Ravena only stopped for a moment to listen, then she continued towards her son.
Alexander got closer, heart pounding in his chest as he just gazed at her, not sure what to say or what was to happen.
They were finally standing heel to heel and Alexander gulped silently, staring up at her.
He saw her lift her hand and he instinctively winced, bracing for a reprimand. But the next thing he knew, he was locked in a tight hug as Ravena placed both hands over his shoulder and pulled him close to her.
"You silly boy," she said with a tender voice of relief, brushing his hair gently.
Alexander's eyes widened.
"Why do you insist on giving me a heart attack? I am not so young anymore, you know?" She finally let him go and lifted his chin up. "And neither is your father. Your disappearance interrupted his meeting with the Parliament, and because of that, his petition has been indefinitely suspended."
Alexander frowned, feeling guilty. With Razen's memories, he knew how important that petition was to his father. The weaponsmiths were being heavily taxed, and it had caused a growing riot in Stormrock.
Ronan had taken it upon himself to speak to the Parliament about it, in hopes that they would reduce the tax percentage as weaponsmiths already played an important role in the war against Bloodstone.
But a petition being indefinitely suspended meant the Parliament was likely never going to entertain it again. Not anytime soon.
"What did I tell you about actions and consequences?" Ravena knelt before him, her scarlet eyes locking onto his, although she didn't seem particularly angry at him, or too disappointed.
"I'm sorry, mother." Alexander found himself saying, true remorse tugging at his heart.
Ravena smiled at him.
"Apologies only mean something if you truly plan to never falter again."
Alexander lowered his head, feeling this childish guilt that he could not at all control. Even though it wasn't his fault this had happened, he accepted the blame wholly, as though Razen's memories were now shaping his character.
As a war prince, it really was frustrating.
"Come now," Ravena said, rising to her feet and placing a hand on his shoulder. "Your father wants to see you."
She took one silent glance at the large hole in his shirt but turned around saying nothing as she led him back into the dome, a hand placed on his back.
Rainee stood, waiting for them to pass, and then she followed after them, walking stoically behind Alexander.
Then, one by one, the lined corporals followed behind her, marching in unison and stopping at the entrance whilst the Revenant royalties entered the Citadel's dome.
Alexander had promised himself not to let the grandness of whatever awaited him inside take him by surprise. But even with the memories in his head, the interior of the Citadel was indeed a sight to behold.
The grand entrance hall was circular and extensive, dimly lit for the most part. The floor was as black as the dome itself, however there were lightscones placed on every edge in organised lines.
These lightscones shone a softer and duller red, closer to the color of burgundy. They were also on the edges of the very high ceiling, and on the curved pillars that connected the ceiling to the ground, emphasizing the circular shape of the room.
But the lightscones weren't the only thing that decorated the ceiling. On the surface of the ceiling itself was a glowing red holographic map of not just Bridenfall, but the entire Western District.
And on the walls were multiple banners of red and black with the Revenant crest proudly displayed.
The largest of these banners was placed on the middle wall.
It was a holographic banner, crimson colored as well, but rather than the Revenant crest, it displayed different patriarchs who had led the Revenant family in rulership over the Western District.
Alexander watched with astonished eyes as different men with all kinds of dispositions and personalities were exhibited on this holographic banner.
Their names were written below: Rashnurn Revenant, Rapheon Revenant, Rhays Revenant, Rexard Revenant, and many more grand looking men.
Below the wall where the large banner was placed, a large door flanked with two corporals awaited. Like all the other doors, the Revenant crest was inscribed on it, and it divided when the door pulled open as they got closer to it.
Ravena, Alexander and Rainee walked past it, leaving the grand entrance hall and entering the main corridor.
Still regaining himself from that imposing display in the hall, Alexander found the corridor to be quite warmer.
They walked on a long red carpet that had flame-inspired embroidery, and there were actual small, red flames lining the edge of the walls.
Their footsteps echoed almost ominously as they walked through the long corridor and Alexander began to wonder where it was they were taking him to.
Finally, they arrived at another door, but rather than leading straight to a room, it led to a curious contraption made with Spark Iron and shaped like a small, cuboidal room.
Alexander recognized it as a lifter.
They stepped into it, then Rainee did the honors by placing her palm on the dashboard placed on the wall.
Recognizing her Spark coding, the lifter jolted slightly, taking Alexander by surprise before it began to ascend. It hummed slowly as it did.
"You must be very honest when you apologize to your father, Razen," Ravena said, glancing at her son before looking straight. "He is a Lord. And he can not rule if you continue to be reckless and irresponsible."
Alexander nodded. "I will, mother."
He then turned and glanced at his sister who was giving him a look that said, 'Remember what I told you about the tear in your shirt.'
Alexander lowered his gaze and took a deep breath. He wasn't scared of his father, because from what he gathered, Ronan Revenant was not a particularly harsh man. At least not to his son.
But such a situation where the Scion had gone missing for long hours had not happened before. Alexander wasn't certain how the Lord of Bridenfall would react.
The lifter came to a stop, and then the doors pulled open once again, singing a soft chime after.
Another long corridor with red flames stretched in front of them, which they walked past, leaving Alexander curious of just how big the dome was.
Finally, they arrived at what seemed to be the final door. Rainee placed her hand on another scanner and with a hiss, the door unlocked.
It revealed a dark chamber with red colored lightscones giving it some illumination. A large table was at the center with chairs surrounding it and special armored Rangers standing at all corners in attention.
This was a secret chamber from what Alexander gathered. Perhaps it was where the Revenants strategized and conducted secret meetings.
However, Alexander's eyes moved away from the armored Rangers and the tactical maps to a tall, broad figure, hunched over the table in worry.
Hearing the noise of them enter, the figure turned around, showing the face and body of a man who was undeniably the Revenant Lord of Bridenfall.
His worry-stricken face softened with relief as his eyes fell on Alexander. "Razen," he whispered, striding towards him. "My son."