Revenant (II)

He was supposed to be the head of the most powerful family in all four Districts, a man whose name commanded respect and fear in equal measure. 

Yet in the presence of his son, the formidable Lord Ronan Revenant dropped to one knee. 

His broad arms, muscled and strong, reached out to embrace Alexander, pulling him into a hug that lasted several seconds. "The whole Citadel was in search of you."

Ronan's voice was deep and gentle. But even as gentle as it was now, Alexander could still sense that commanding power in it as he spoke. 

Pulling back, he placed his large, calloused hands on Alexander's shoulders and looked directly into his eyes.

This gave Alexander the opportunity to see the full face of the Lord of Bridenfall. Ronan was a dreadfully handsome man, full bearded with features that were rugged and at the same time, refined. 

His perfect beard connected to his dark, glossy hair, which was tied back in a tight ponytail. His eyes were as crimson as everyone else's in the room, but they were deeper, intense. A look into them and one would know he'd fought many wars and had many tales.

He wore a ceremonial armored vest, black and polished with a red crest of the Revenants on the right chest plate. Over this, a thick, flowing red cape fell from his heavy shoulder pads and draped down to the floor.

His gauntlets and boots were crafted from Spark Iron, and there were lines that seemed ordinary, however they were transferring Spark Energy throughout the suit, for protection in case of an attack. 

This showed that Lord Ronan was a man of readiness and detail. His appearance exuded authority, making it clear that this was not only a father, but also a sovereign Wielder of immense power.

Alexander stared at him, sensing that immense power even though it wasn't threatening him. This man was his father; Ronan Revenant, one of the greatest Spark Wielders in the world. 

Unlike Ravena, who had mastered three Derivatives, Ronan had only mastered two: Lightning and Heat. 

But as a Manifester, his control over these sub elements far surpassed ordinary mastery. 

Razen had been fond of listening to stories about his father, and the memories of these stories were there for Alexander to see.

One of them revealed that Ronan's Lightning, the element he had chosen to make his Aspect, could split mountains and obliterate armies in a single strike. It also revealed that he had fought in more World Defenses than most Revenants alive, and there were even more of his gallant heroics already etched in history.

Standing before him now, Alexander could see why.

"Where did you go?" Ronan asked, concern in his voice.

He was about to answer, but Rainee spoke on his behalf. "I found him at the Arrigary Border," she said expressionlessly. "He was... strolling again."

Ronan raised a brow and turned his gaze to his son. "Strolling?" His eyes narrowed slightly as he processed the statement. "From here all the way to the Arrigary Border?"

Ravena chuckled. "The agile feet of a boy," she said, attempting to lighten the mood.

A short silence occurred after that. Then, Alexander lowered his gaze, feeling guilt washing over him once again. "I'm sorry, Father. The meeting with the Parliament... I know how important it was to you. I'm sorry I made you miss it."

Ronan looked at his son's face and sighed, then gave his shoulders a reassuring squeeze. "It is fine, Razen. I am Lord of the Western District. The Parliament will grant me an audience again if I ask. What is important is that you are safe, back in the Citadel."

Alexander was utterly confused. 'This... this is truly odd.' Why were they being so nice to him? He had done something wrong, hadn't he? 

He expected some kind of punishment. This warmth and forgiveness — he was unfamiliar with it. 

In his old life, Alexander had known nothing but his father's steel words. The man had been cold and relentless in training him to be a weapon. There had been no room for affection. 

But this man, Ronan Revenant. Even though he was just as powerful as his old father, perhaps even more powerful, he still showed love and affection for his son.

Alexander didn't know how to tackle it, but the feeling completely overwhelmed him.

"But Razen," Ronan continued, his tone growing firmer, "you must promise me to stop these impromptu strolls of yours. I don't want you doing them anymore. Do you understand?"

Alexander nodded slowly. "Yes, Father."

Ronan sighed, his hands sliding down to his son's arms. "I understand that you are curious about the world beyond the Citadel. But that world is not only astonishing, it is also dangerous, especially for a Scion. Your place is here, Razen."

Alexander waited, allowing his father's words to resonate before replying with a trembling voice. "Thank you, Father."

He was truly touched and inspired by those words, and even though this affection felt new, Razen's memories made it seem familiar. For the first time, Alexander felt seen — not as a weapon, not as a tool, but as a son.

Just as he was about to get up, Ronan's sharp gaze suddenly dropped to the tear on Alexander's shirt. 

His lips stretched to a frown while his eyes narrowed. 

He noticed faint scorch marks at the edges of the tear — marks that the normal eye wouldn't see. And with his mastery of the Heat Derivative, he could also sense the residual heat emanating out of them.

Ronan's eyes darkened.

"What happened here?" he asked, his voice almost slipping away to a more serious tone.

Alexander glanced at his sister, remembering what she had told him.

Rainee spoke up. "Nothing to worry about, Father. It was my doing."

"I see," Ronan said. "Well, you two should be careful how you play." He looked at Alexander for another moment before standing up and stepping back. "Razen, one of the armored Rangers will escort you to your room."

Ravena approached then, a smile on her face. "Go ahead now and take a shower," she said warmly, brushing a strand of hair from his face. "I'll check on you later."

"Okay, Mother." Alexander replied. He turned to his sister. "Thanks, Rainee." 

"No strolling," she said.

He smiled affirmatively, then turned to leave, the heavy door groaning open as an armored Ranger followed behind him. The sound of their boots echoed down the corridor as they disappeared.

The moment the door shut, Ravena, who had been standing and waiting for Razen to leave, suddenly turned to her husband.

It was like the transformation of an angel to a demon. Her soft eyes turned cold, and her lips pressed into a thin line. The maternal warmth that was in her gaze earlier completely vanished and was replaced with a silent intensity. 

"We need to send an envoy to the Frostspires immediately and take this case to the High Court," she said sharply. "They must explain what they've done with my son's Spark Core."