Chapter three

A man walked over the place that Alex had killed Luna,he had jet black hair hand flaming red eyes and wore a black suit

"It seems like a big fight happened here, and this's giving a tiny feel like the domon king's fire" The man let out

He knelt down and began to feel the ashes on the ground and then when he was done he disappeared into the forest

Alex sat on top of Ember as she transformed to her dragon form,he smiled as they soared high in the sky

They flew above and saw a market filled with people,there were dozen of shops lined beside each other,it was the first time that Alex had ever been near so much people,he had always been confined to that hospital bed

He shook his head and gave a signal for Ember to fly down,she then transformed back to human

Alex wondered around the streets to see a wanted poster of him with 20 copper lumins on his head,he knew that copper cost five Lumin and he had twenty coper lumins

He then widened his eyes and then shrugged it off "That's a hundred,it seems like in a short amount of time I've become an enemy" He chuckled

Ember had a look of worry on her face but was reassured when Alex smiled,he was going to become a demon king after all

"Demon king Alex" Ember laughed softly

They then saw a flier about a competion that was starting soon in the palace,he grinned widely and pulled out the poster,the reward was being a hero but who cared about that

"I'm going to kill the king" He smirked even wider

The people watching him were all terrified,he then flew on top of Ember,he felt something on his back poking at him and reached his hand for it

There lay the mask the mysterious man wore when he was injected with the green liquid,he frowned as he glanced down at the mask

"I might be walking into a trap but who gives, I'm as free as a bird" He let out silently

He then put on the mask and flew down,it didn't need registration as any random person could enter at any moment

He saw an arena filled with many people,the competitors were located in a small room near the arena,ember transformed to her human form as they walked into the room

Most of them were just buff guys but it's always those type of people who are weak,only a few may be actually strong

When the competition started be breezed through it,like he thought those buff guys were actually weak,they literally went down with one punch

The competition was then down to four people, Alex was now about to fight a guy named Moonie,the crowd cheered for him as he walked with grace to the arena

Alex had heated some rumours about him and smirked like a devil "Are you the one they call the perfect creation" Alex asked

"If so then you already lost,Mr perfect" Alex smirked

He then sent a wave of flames at him but it all disappeared as the man waved his arms,Alex blinked in surprise

"That has never happened before" He muttered

He then moved forward and did a flip and touched an hair but it didn't set on fire,Before he could retreat his hand was suddenly sent flying across the arena,he wanted to scream but held it in

'This is bad'

He wanted to heal himself but he was worried,what if he was paralyzed again,he then remembered healing ember and sighed,by the time he healed himself completely he suddenly felt his whole body go limb again

"Darn it!" He cursed out

The wind around him then got sharper until it started to tear his skin,he looked over to Ember,she had tears in her eyes

"Weakling" The man muttered under his breath

Alex then stood up and shot chains of flames until all of them completely wrapped up around the man's body

Alex then tightened the chain around the man's body "She is not weak! That is what is called tenderness,something I doubt you have" A million spikes then appeared on the chains

"You claim to be perfect meaning you have reached your destination, but I'm imperfect meaning I still have room for improvement and now you'll die because of it" He smirked

He then let the man go and then he collapsed on the ground, The man then made the wind strong enough to blow off

Everyone standing in the arena were shocked,here before them stood Alex, a wanted person

Then it all came crashing down when his body went limb again,Ember came rushing to his side,everyone in the arena had started to fire elemental attacks

Ember tuned herself into a dragon and endured it as the attacks hit her body,Alex was angry with himself,Ember was there sacrificing herself while he couldn't do anything

'I have no other choice...'

"Ember,get me my mask" He asked of her

She used her tail to weakly toss the mask at him weakly,she then turned to a human and helped him to out it on

When theask was fitted he suddenly lost all consciousness of himself,Alex then stood up and used his fire to hurt Ember

Alex then held his head in pain,there was someone else trying to take over his mind,he quickly removed the flames that had hurt Ember

The king's knights then came,Alex eyes widened but he but his tongue making the unknown presence go away from his mind

"I'm not leaving until I kill the king" He said as he healed Ember

Thanks to the mask he wouldn't go limb,but the man had room toninvade his mind any time he wanted

'Till later little rabbit' A voice spoke out from his head