As the king's nights approached them he he vanished into the forest where he had killed both Lisa and Luna
Alex frowned at the change of location "What the hell!"
The man in the suit who had investigated there stood still not caring how angry Alex had looked
The man then spoke up in a cold tone "If you had continued to battle then you might have died,do not take my masters kindness for granted"
Alex eyes then widened and then he laughed "Wait,you're a servant of the demon king,I see he want something from me or maybe..." He paused and pointed to himself
"He wants me" Alex smiled wider
The man didn't reply and turned back about to leave but Alex quickly stopped him "Before you go please tell me your name" Alex asked
"Shadow" He said quietly and disappeared into thin air
He then turned back and smiled brightly at Ember who still had a look of worry "Rejoice Ember,were going to the demon land" Alex said out
"But that very far away,it will take at least five years" Ember complained
"Don't you believe in me,it will take us only one year or less" He reassured her
The next day they soared high above the elve kingdom,it was covered with beautiful trees and flowers of kind,roses,sunflowers,hibiscus,anything and everything
They could see a big fight happening some distances away,it seems like some demons were attacking them,Alex knew it was a demon but yet it looked like an angel with white amour and large wings and a giant sword
"Fly over there" Alex commanded and smiled at the new obstacle
As soon as she landed a large beam of light was sent their way,while there was no room to dodge Alex but Alex created a chain of fire to shield him from the attack
"What a nice welcoming you got there,I'm pretty sure the demon king wouldn't like that of you" Alex chuckled
Ember looked suprised,how couldn't she,no one else here knew that he was one of the demon king's subordinates
Alex then leapt forward creating creating a wave of fire but the swing of the demons sword defeated the attack
The then leapt up to attack but the sword stabbed in the guts making him spit out blood and fall helplessly in the floor
"Is this the one who challenges our demon king" The demon spoke up
Before he could utter any more words he started feeling a burning feeling in his chest, Alex already healed himself and stood up grinning widely knowing his plan worked
"What happened,should I get you some water " Alex taunted
The demon then backed off and teleported away from the scene,the elves looked at him with new found admiration,that's right,if he hadn't come here they would all be dead
The leader then came out,he was trying and had a well built body,he had belong hair and wore green clothes,it seemed like they all attacked with magic arrows
He knelt down and thanked Alex,the rest followed pursuit and soon they all knelt down to thank him
"May I know how to address you" The leader asked
"Well I'm the demon king Alex" Alex said proudly
The leader smiled warmly and replied "I'm Magus,the ruler of this land"
Alex and Ember were then lead to their hut were he was seated in a dining room and served varieties of vegetables but ...
'I would love to eat but it reminds me of the shitty hospital food' He thought inside
Ember ate as if she had never seen food before,Alex decided to try a trick and picked up a spoon of salad
"Say Ahh" He said smiling at her
Ember blushed slightly and opened her mouth to eat the food,it was clear she had been starving for a long time
'Its my fault for not realising it in time's
He then stared at the elves sheathed on the side of the table and decided to make a speech "I'm definitely going to defeat the demon so rest easy,you can rely on me any time"
A black cloud then surrounded the elve village making it dark and everyone was unable to see
"Intresting,blocking our eyesight" Alex spoke up
He and Ember then went outside with the rest of the warrior elves beside him,he then begain to hear strange voices in his head
Kill Alex.....kill Alex...
It seemed like everyone else could hear it,their eyes glowed red as they all set their arrows on Alex,Ember created a shield of fire surround them thereby holding off the arrows for now
'It could be the angel like demon behind this,theres some else'
A girl with red hair then came out,she wore a black dress and floated up in the air "So you're the one our demon king takes so seriously" She then looked down at them like they were insignificant pests
"I don't see it" She stated coldly
She then rose up her hand as a dark red energy ball was created,Ember didn't seem to know what kind of power that was but Alex knew too well
"A ball that destroys all that comes it's way" He said with a forced smile
The ball then descended but Alex and Ember had created their own fire ball but Alex had decided to try something else
He leapt forward taking the impact of the ball but he turned out unscathed,the girl had a look of suprised as her mouth was oped
But to surprise her evenore Alex replicated her own attack and shot it towards her,due to her surprise she didn't have many time to escape but a bright beam of light came making the ball turn into nothing,
The angel like demon came out raising his sword at him,and then to make them completely confused he laughed out loudly
He then stared at them and wiped the tears in his eyes "You just called me weak a while ago but yet I'm still standing and now you need two" He laughed even more
"Are the demon king subordinates this pathetic" He said making them both angry to the extent their veins started popping out
The girl and the angel like demon. Both attacked him at once but Alex had seen that attack one to many times,be pointed both of his hands at the attack and glided away with the fire in his feets giving him speed
'its all going according to my plan' Alex chuckled