Ash then walked closer towards us as he unsheathed his blade "My my don't disappoint me now my little demon" Ask said out
As Alex was about to get up his whole body went stiff,he looked to see the sword inside my stomach,I looked up to see he was already in front of me and he was digging the blade deeper
Alex eyes widened as he fell to the ground,all the strength in his body had left him making him numb,Seraphina created multiple destruction balls and sent them flying towards Ash
Ember assisted her by creating balls of fire and sent it flying towards him,Ash removed his sword and swiped it from the attack making it all disappear like it never existed
"What!" Seraphina let out
Seraph was quick and unleashed multiple chains but it ended up the same,Ember transformed to a dragon and breathed flames at it but it all disappeared
"You guys! Retreat!" Alex yelled out
Ember quickly grabbed Alex and they all flew away,Ash then swiped his sword at them,as all the attacks that failed came out and was now aimed at them
Seraphina looked back and yelled out "Shit!"
The attacks had hit us making us all drop to the ground,they managed to retreat some distances before they all came crashing down
They were all weakened and unable to move properly,Alex couldn't move at all "Damn it,this wasn't the plan" he let out weakly
Alex pushed through the pain and stood right up to his feets,he was breathing heavily and could faint at any moment
"This is just a minor set back,don't let it get you down guys,we will defeat them" Alex said out
"How can I be a demon king if I couldn't beat them" He then grinned
The rest then began to stand up despite their serious injuries,they didn't want to admit it but they were motivated
Ember then glanced his way and smiled "What next demon king" She said
"I'll take on Ash,you guys can handle the girl,that cool?"
Seraphina then hissed and smiled "just don't make sure you get your ass beaten" She let out
"You too" He replied
He then ran further into the foggy mountain "I know you can hear me Ash,come out and face the demon king"
Ash then came out from nowhere swinging his sword at his but Alex quickly made a sword of fire and used it to black him
Ash chuckled and continued attacking swiftly but Alex didn't relent and blacked every single one
They then clashed sword as a red flame came from both of them,and they both jumped back from the impact
"Time to get serious" Ash said out
"Tch show off" Alex chuckled
He then dug his sword to the ground as a large magical circle appeared below him and Alex,Alex body then began to desintegrate and then there was nothing left of him
Ash chuckled and smiled widely "I guess it was nothing but a pipe dream"
Alex then raapered from above with his fire sword and delivered a slash to his neck making his entire body set ablaze
He then looked at the phone giving him a notification
You have two lives left
"If not for this I might have died back then,well like I said,all according to my plan" He then put back the phone watching as Blaze tried to but out the fire
Ash trashed on the ground but the flames still won't go away "Damn it,why would you want to kill me,its not as if I couldn't bring you back!" He yelled out
"No thanks,I've had my fair share from your side" Alex let out
Alex then patted his head "Don't worry,you lost as soon as you were named Ash" He then let out a laugh
He then dispelled the fire making Ash eye him in surprise
"What,why would you do that" Ash asked
Alex grinned and replied "You lost fair and square,till next time,you're that type of person right" Alex grinned wider
Ash looked at him and laughed out loud "Damn right I am,if I beat you next time then we go on a date"
"I will think about it" Alex chuckled
He then rushed out,he didn't know where the rest so he had to go rush out quickly,of course he wasn't going to interrupt their fight
As soon as he got there he found every single one of them burnt up and barely breathing
Alex stared at the girl in front and sighed, he then let out a fire healing them but also making sure it burned her,
She then jumped to a tree to avoid the fire,the rest stood up and Ember held Alex soon as he fell,his body had already gone limb
"Don't worry,we'll finish this" Ember smiled at him
She then dropped Alex down and they all attacked the woman from the air since the ground was covered with fire
Since the girl was at a disadvantage the others were able to lands some attacks on her
Ash swooped carrying Alex go a tree so he could observe the fight properly "Not to lie,you're a good leader"
Alex didn't reply as he watched the fight, Seraph had a sword infused with Seraphinas and Embers attacks,he then slashed the girl making her fall down to the burning fire
Ash rushed creating a magical circle where she died and brought her back to life "Till we meet again"
They then left leaving Alex alone with the rest,he then sighed "Were not even upto quarter of their strength"
They then decided to rest,since Alex coudmt move anyways and he wasn't in a mood toeet another guy after his life
He then spotted something that looked like a human sitting down seemingly staring off into space,
He didn't even move despite how serious the fight was,Alex hoped this wasn't another guy after his life,being wanted always a stressful job