Alex decided that's it's best not to ignore the guy,he didn't know he he could pose a threat to him later
As he approached the guy he noticed the guy had a white cloth around his eye,bright belong hair and wore a white kimono
He approached the guy gently so as to arouse any suspicion "yo" He waved
The guy turned to him and kept on being silent for a while,Alex was tempted to talk but seems like the guy beat him to it
"Are you Alex" said the guy calmly
Alex was tempted to lie but he was sure the guy wouldn't buy it "Yup,seems like you want something with me"
The guy stared for a while and spoke"The demon king sent me here,I am the second lower ranked, Asher"
Alex eyebrows lifted a little,it was like he had knee that name from somewhere before,he then shrugged it off
'That would be a bad thing's
"So,what do you want,to kill me like the rest?" Alex spoke up
The guy again kept silent and then spoke "Well, you have two choices, either you let your friends die or you let your self die for good without reviving like before" The guy said calmly
The air around Alex became still as his heart beat fastened,he then calm down and thought it through
'Sounds impossible'
He then looked him directly in the eye or the cloth covering it and spoke "And what are the odds of those happening"
"I'll give you a week's time to think this through" The guy then looked away and removed a small glove from his hand using it to touch the grass making it die completely
Alex eye twitched but he was even more shocked when he removed the cloth around his eye,then the ground began to crack
"The hell..." Alex muttered
"That's not the limitations of my powers" The guy said as he wore the gloves and the cloth
He then looked back at Alex and spoke "When you're ready you can always find me here"
Alex eyes then widened,it didn't seem like there was a way around this,Alex stared at the boy glaring and then created a sword out of fire ussing it to attack but it disappeared upon contact
"The hell..." He said out but Asher didn't even flinch
"What the hell!,it's not like they're the ones you want so why involve them?!" He yelled out but received no response
His hands trembled slightly but he controlled it,it would hurt his pride if he was weak in front of the enemy
He then made his way back to the others dragging his feets,he would never imagine he had to make a choice like this
'Should I chose them....but...I also want to live' He then fell down to his knees
He stared at the rest hapily chatting among themselves,he then smiled but something unexpected happened
Tears began to fall from his eyes,he didn't even understand,he had decided he would die but he never even realised how much he valued his own life
'I wouldn't even give this a second thought back in the hospital'
He looked at them from afar one more time and made his decision,he didn't need a week to know which decision would make him happy
He then went up to the boy staring at him with his eyes growing dark,he wished he would just die right here
"I've madey choice,I chose to die" He said out loud
"What a stupid choice" Asher said but didn't do anything
Alex blinked in surprise,he was still there so what was all this about him dying,Alex body trembled a bit but he felt something wasn't right
He went to the others waving at them but it seemed like they didn't take notice,he then tapped on Ember but she didn't even look at him
A felt a pang of pain in his chest as he tried his best to get their attention but they couldn't see him
"What the hell,why did this happen..."
He then came to a conclusion,only the demon king and his servants could see him,well he didn't care,he knew he would somehow be able to solve this he he won't on by himself
He trusted the others would also continue on the journey,why?,because he just had that kind of faith in them,
After a month passed he felt just as empty as when he was in the hospital,he barely smiled and he felt as if he was back to square one
'Would this have happened if I chose to live' He thought inside
He then immediately shook in head,how could he even think that,it would both be the same regardless
He then looked at the sky and sighed "I do not regret this after all my decisions are my own'
The only thing he regret is not being able to talk to them before this long seperation,he felt like his personality would revert to that of when he was in the hospital
Always pitying himself and lived in dispair,he didn't want to associate with that again,and of course he wanted to be demon king because he felt at piece with demons
But he wasn't satisfied with that,when all is said and done,his goal was formed out of his own greed
But it's Jan nature to have greed,some just show it differently from the others,but it lurks in their hearts
While he was contemplating he saw a shadow that grabbed on to his leg and continued to pull him while knocking him on treess and stones along the way
'Who else would do something so absurd except from shadow's
He was then dragged along the river making it hard for him to breath properly,at last it stopped and dropped him in a dark house that was almost two stories tall
There every where was empty,there wasn't a sign anyone one was living in the house,Alex attached his head out of irritation and called out
"Hey shadow,I don't appreciate being dragged you know" He Siad but there was no reply
He then looked to his left and saw an exact replicate of him smiling and waving at him
"Way to go,you gave up your chance of living for some people that you didn't know that long"The replicate said and stopped smiling
"Bastard" it cursed at Alex