Reaching a sturdy stone pillar, Leonard slipped behind it, pressing his back against the cold, damp surface. He risked a glance. Roger was there, hunched over a workbench littered with potions, reagents, and bits of unspeakable things.
Leonard estimated the distance: 'forty… fifty meters.' Far enough to stay out of immediate range of acid missiles and most direct spells, but close enough for him to act.
A sleeping spell wouldn't work; undead creatures were highly resistant to anything that dulled the senses. Thorn Whip? Useless. Its ten-meter range was far too short.
"Fireball it is," Leonard whispered, reaching a decision. The secondary fireball spell was quick, reliable, and destructive; everything he needed right now.
He took a deep breath, calming his mind. Using mental power to lock onto Roger would risk alerting him, so Leonard relied on pure physical aim.