Roger's Inheritance!

Silence fell for a beat, heavy and strained. Leonard watched from the shadows, his fireball ready but hesitating.

Roger's voice, weaker now, came out like a cracked whisper. "I thought… I thought I could use you. A perfect tool. You were supposed to fight for me… die for me. But you're nothing but a reminder."

The Stitched Monster's stitched lips quivered, the voices now soft and uncertain. "Protect… you."

Roger turned, his gaze meeting Leonard's. For a moment, the fire in his eye sockets blazed brighter, a desperate determination taking hold. "Take my life if you want it," he rasped. "But spare it; spare the creature. It's weak. Useless. It'll pose no threat to you."

Leonard raised an eyebrow, considering the offer.

Roger continued, his voice shaking. "As payment… I'll give you everything; my inheritance. All the knowledge I possess. Only I can pass it on. If I die here, you'll get nothing but burnt scraps and broken bones."