
Nadia didn't respond to what I said she wasn't responding to anything I said, looking at her still stunned and trembling at the chaos she had witnessed, I bent my hand and slapped her face. Of course, I didn't use my full strength, just enough to wake her up, "are you awake now? Sorry for slapping you but I have to" I said apologetically, this time Nadia was back to her usual self "It's okay and I'm sorry for being a burden and... thank you Amon"

We both stayed silent, we could hear the screams from outside, some even banged the door asking us to let them in, to which Nadia said "Amon should we open the door?" to which I shook my head silently, I motioned her to lower her voice "we cant Nadia, if what I'm thinking right now is true then letting someone inside right now is dangerous" I stood up and walk towards the window to look outside, I motioned her to look outside.

Nadia followed and looked outside the window, we were on the fourth floor in the west building, and outside the window, we could see what was happening outside the school, which was much worse than what I saw in the hallway or maybe outside much more dangerous than inside the school campus. "if I'm right then zombie apocalypse is happening right in front of our eyes" I said lightly which made Nadia staggered back due to sheer amount of carnage and to what I've said, "'t-that's i-impossible Amon, zombie is a fantasy and unscientific you said it your self back then" Nadia stuttered.

Taken aback that Nadia remembered what I said months ago, I quickly composed myself and replied softly "Well I take back my word, it's happening right in front of our eyes" Maybe, just maybe the zombie's body would decompose 2 weeks later but we still have to survive and what if 2 weeks have passed and that body bag of an infection is still running and biting... Nadia noticed that I went silent, she steeled herself approached the window, and closed the blinds with a concerned voice she asked, "Are you okay?" noticing her actions, my face formed a small smile. "I'm fine Nadia", anyway, I took off my brown flannel and handed it over to her, "Wear that flannel Nadia, the aircon is on and you might feel cold."

Nadia accepted my flannel and wore it, she looked cute wearing my flannel which was a bit oversized for her. "thanks Amon" I just nodded at her and walked to the steel chairs, which I dismantled by removing each bolt and using the longest steel as a makeshift weapon, Nadia tried to help me by removing some of the bolts in other steel chairs. After a while I held two steel about 3 feet in size, I tried swinging both of them to feel their weight, "do you have some experience at using arnis Amon?" to which I replied "Yeah at high school from grade 7 to 10, I've been using it for PE back then"

Growl ~ "Nadia are you hungry?"

Her face turned red after hearing my question "Y-yeah, it's already 11 so I f-feel hungry" she stuttered while looking away, not daring to look at my face.

I chuckled and went to my sling bag and took out my lunch box "Eat this, don't worry about me, I still have some 4 Nutri bars in my bag" I handed her my lunch box as I took one of the Nutri bars out and opened it and munch on it.

"a-are you sure? We could share you know" she said as she accepted my lunch box hesitantly, "yeah I'm sure, I'm still full, and eating Nutri bars can sustain my appetite for now" realizing that we lacked food as we were stuck in this room and we're on the fourth floor, "but I might have to go out after things calm down later so that I could sneak towards the canteen to get us some food that could help us survive longer hopefully"

"I'll come as well Amon" Hearing that I planned to go out, Nadia offered to come as well, "Just stay here Nadia, it's more efficient if I go alone, I promise to come here... don't worry about that, just eat peacefully Nadia" I replied, although I planned to go out later after thing's calm down a little it's still dangerous, I don't know how many infected are outside and both of us going out could be lethal if we're not careful, it's best if I go out alone so that I do not have to split my attention when engaging the supposed zombies.

After that both of us went silent, Nadia lowered her head and focused on eating meanwhile I tried to make myself comfortable wielding these two steel to use like an Arnis stick. The bloodcurdling screams outside the classroom could still be heard, making the mood in the room drop even further, at the same time it was awkward, Nadia and I knew that I'm usually more silent and just listen to them talking, but since there's only both of us here in this room, it makes things awkward.