The Hallway's Horror

Day 1, Time: 3:45 PM. Fourth Floor, Lecture Room 412.

I checked my watch. Four hours. Four hours since everything went crazy. The screams outside had mostly stopped, but it was a quiet that made your skin crawl. We could still hear someone crying, or banging, or begging for help now and then.

"Nadia, I'm going out now. Don't open this door unless you hear my voice," I said, trying to be really clear. I didn't want her opening the door and getting hurt. We didn't know what was happening out there, but I knew it was bad.

"Yes, Amon. Please come back safe, okay?" Nadia said, her face all worried.

I smiled, glad she was worried about me. "Of course, I'll be back. I promised, right?" I gave her cheek a little pinch. I knew she was scared and I was the only one she trusted, and that made me feel... good, in a weird way.

After we talked, I grabbed my sling bag and got the two steel pipes ready. Just in case there was a zombie right outside the door. I opened the door and said, "I'm going now, Nadia." She said right back, "Be careful out there!" Then I closed the door.

I looked around as soon as the door was shut. I almost puked. The hallway was full of guts, blood, and stuff. "This is gonna be a tough job," I thought, getting the steel pipes in a good grip and moving my bag to my back so it wouldn't get in the way.


I heard a low, rough growl and looked up. A zombie was running at me, like it wanted to tackle me and bite me. When it got close, about three meters away, I hit its reaching hand with the right steel pipe, then hit its head with the left pipe.

The head broke apart when I hit it. I saw the skull crack and brain fly out, and I almost puked again. The zombie fell down, and I hit its head again to make sure it was dead. "Man, I gotta move fast. This is too gross to get used to right away," I said to myself.

I fought back the urge to throw up and went to the stairs slowly. I looked down and saw a lot of them walking around, some still eating something. "Getting past them without killing them is gonna be hard. I might have to take them out one by one," I whispered.

I walked up to one quietly and hit its head hard. "They're like zombies, so I guess their head is the weak spot," I thought. I saw two more zombies turn their heads when they heard the hit. I stepped back, ready to fight. One tried to tackle me, but I stepped to the side and kicked its leg, making it wobble. Then I went after the other one running at me.

Like before, I used the right pipe to block their hands, and the left pipe to hit their head. I heard a loud crunch, and it fell. I turned to the other one, it was standing up. It ran at me again, and I swung the left pipe at its head, making it fall down hard.

When it fell, I hit its head again to make sure it was really dead. "This is gonna be a long job," I said, and kept killing the zombies in my way. After a lot of killing and sneaking, I got to the second floor. There weren't as many zombies here, which made me careful. I walked quietly and looked around. I saw some dead zombies with their heads smashed. "The students or teachers must be coming out to find food and water," I thought.

I sneaked to the walkway, which went down to the first floor. I saw someone sneaking around, and it was someone I knew. "Rick? Man, you're alive!" I said, loud enough for him to hear, but not too loud to bring all the zombies.

Rick looked at me, his eyes lighting up. "Amon! Man, I'm glad to see you're alive!" I quickly put my finger to my lips to tell him to be quiet. "Oh, sorry, I'm just so happy to see you," he said, and came towards me for a hug. I stepped back, because his hands were covered in blood. I was covered in blood too, but not as much. "Good to see you too, man. Who are you with?"

Rick is a Filipino guy, good-looking enough for girls to like. He has black hair and black eyes, and he's about 5'9. "I'm with my girlfriend, Sarah. What about you?"

"I'm with Nadia. She was with me in the office when everything went down. She's in our lecture room," I said quickly. "Oh, Pres. Nadia is with you? How's it feel to save and stay with your crush during the zombie thing?" he teased.

I didn't pay attention to his teasing. "Same to you, Mr. Knight in Shining Armor, saving your girlfriend," I teased back. He blushed and rubbed his head. Rick was popular, but he was a good guy, not someone who let it go to his head.