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"Kim Would you stop sulking already? You have plenty more places to go for an interview." My best friend Serena Carter said to me as I bugged her about my current predicament.

"You don't understand Rena, after seeing everything I saw at Maxwell Telecommunications Empire, you wouldn't want any other place else either." I whined.

"Yeah? Atleast you have a choice to even want someplace else. What if you were like me, I couldn't go to college with you, and now I can't have the choice to get a good white collar job like you have. So be grateful you're even getting called in for interviews." Rena said to me.

"Sorry if I was being insensitive." I said to her and pouted my lips.

Serena and I went to the same kindergarten, middle school, and even high school.

We've been friends since we were in diapers. Our mothers were also best friends, and sadly they even went far as sharing the same fate.

They died in a car accident when we had just graduated high school, which threw everything and everyone off balance.

My dad died in my freshman year in college. But he did leave us in a deep debt before leaving the earth.

We found out that he was never even working but pretended to be just to throw us off. He apparently got all the money we've been using through a loan from a very rich company.

Rena's Dad was still alive and kicking and a horrible father might I add.

He's never ever there for Rena and her brother. He just automatically passed down all the responsibilities to Rena, which I think is pretty unfair.

"I'm really sorry Rena." I said to her.

"What the hell are you sorry for?" She asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"Everything." I said and shrugged.

"Shut up and eat your cheeseburgers before I hit you with this pan." Rena said to me and smiled.

She was working in a small Cafe and always gave me discounts in all my purchases. Even when it put her in trouble with her boss.

"You...are the best." I say and munched on my burger.

I suddenly got a phone call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered the call.

"Hello, am I on with Miss Kimberly" the lady asked me.

"Hmm yes...yes this is she. " I say nervously.

Must be the company my Dad is owning.

"Congratulations. You have successfully passed your interview at Maxwell Telecommunications Empire. Be ready to get your suit ready and start work officially on Monday." The lady said to me.

"Oh my goodness, are you serious? Thank you so much." I replied with so much happiness.

When the call ended, I couldn't contain the joy I felt at the moment.

"Rena!!!" I yelled out her name and that got the attention of everyone at the Cafe.

They were all staring at me looking very displeased at my nuisance.

"Sorry, sorry." I mouthed to them looking down embarrassed while walking to meet Rena by the counter.

"What the hell Kim, are you trying to get yourself thrown out the place?" She asked me and I kept grinning at her filled with excitement.

"Well what is it? Spill it out before you choke." She said and laughed at my foolishness.

"I just received a call right now." I told her.

"Okay?" She questioned.

"I got the Job!" I blurted out.

"Wait really?? Like THEE Job?" She asked me.

"Yes!!" I replied and she suddenly came to my side, held my hand and we started jumping up and down together with excitement.

"I'm Soo happy Kim. See? I told you to stop stressing about it. I knew you'd get it and you were just being worried for nothing." She said to me when we stopped jumping.

"Yeah. Thank you for listening to all my blabs. Ohhhh I have to go tell my aunt and siblings, they are going to faint for sure. My brother said I would never get the job because the company only hired people with sophisticated background. Can't wait to shame him on that." I said to Rena and she Shaked her head.

"Your little brother is a handful.. Atleast your sister is better." She said to me and smiled.

"Yeah I know.. I gotta go now, I'll catch up with you later."I said to her.

"Promise? Don't you dare forget me when you get rich." Rena said to me and nudged my shoulder.

"I would never. It's till death do us part, you and me forever." I said to her and she smiled.

" you're just being weird. Go tell your family the good news." She pushed me towards the door and I waved at her because leaving.


We had a special dinner that night, sponsored by my beautiful aunt to celebrate the good news.

"I can't believe you actually got the Job. That's impossible. I did a thorough research about the company and I'm telling you, they just don't hire any body. They only hire rich people." My annoying little brother, Bryan said during dinner.

"Oh stop it. Your sister is more than deserving of that Job, and I'm sure she's as good as everyone else there if not better. That is why she was hired." My aunt defended me.

"Yeah I'm proud of you sis." Bailey, Bryan's twin sister said to me.

"Thank you my family and Bryan for your letdown and doubt." I said to them all.

"Sorry. I'm just saying. It's a little surprising and weird that you of all people got the job." Bryan said and took a mouthful of pizza.

"There's nothing weird about that. It's all my hard work and capabilities that got me this job." I said to him and he just shrugged his shoulders.

We chatted about how work on Monday was going to be.

And what I was going to wear, and the way I would carry myself there.

We talked all night long till midnight, then everyone had to go to bed.

Tomorrow was Sunday and I was planning on arranging everything I would be needing on Monday so I wouldn't be stranded.

I went to bed that night feeling very light and happy.

I looked at the pictures of my parents that I kept on my bedside table.

"Don't worry Mom, I'll pay off Dad's debt so your spirit will finally be at peace. And You too Dad, even though you're the one that got us into this mess in the first place." I said to their pictures and smiled before closing my eyes to rest for the night.


I woke up early before anyone else was up and everywhere still kind of dark to go for a morning run.

After my morning run, I came back home and made some coffee for myself to keep me active for the day, after that I went to my wardrobe in my room to line out outfits for the week.

I know needed to look smart always. But I know that'll be difficult for me to do because I barely had any good clothes with good quality because I couldn't afford them even if I wanted to.

Well, I have to make do with what I have. Maybe when I start earning, I'd spare some change to buy some new clothes and shoes.

After lining up my outfits for the week perfectly and accordingly in the wardrobe, I was satisfied.

"Hey, you've been up for a while now. Come have some breakfast." My aunt said to me, peeping into my room.

"Okay, I'll be out in a minute." I said to her.

I quickly had my shower and wore a nice dress for church.

I needed to Thank God for a successful employment opportunity and also ask for a smooth and beautiful work experience.

After having breakfast, we all left for church that morning and returned later in the afternoon.

I launched myself on my bed and slept in all through the evening. I even skipped dinner because I didn't want to be distracted from my stress relieving sleep.



My eyes kept flying open in panick every single hour in the night, I kept thinking my alarm was going to ring soon.

I couldn't wait for it to ring anymore, I had set it to go off at 4am but it was currently 3am now.

I decided to brush and shower first.

After I had my shower, I blow dried my silky jet black hair and straightened it out with the stretcher before coming out of the bathroom.

That was when the alarm decided to ring.

Ha. I got up before you.

I mocked the alarm clock.

I wore my chosen outfit for the day and did a very slight makeup if you can call it that.

I was no where near a make-up expert like Serena was.

After dressing up for work, I checked the time and it was 5:30am.

Shoot, time to go.

I came out of my room and went to greet my aunt goodbye.

"Hi aunt Judy." I said to her.

She was still obviously sleepy.

"Oh Kim, you're all set. I'm really proud of you babygirl. Now go show them what you've got." She said to me and hugged me.

"Thank you." I say to her and left the room to allow her sleep some more.

I slightly checked on my twin siblings a bit before leaving the house.

This is going to be a good day.


Thankfully there wasn't much of any traffic on my way to work.

The road was very smooth and Serene this morning.

Immediately I got to the office, I checked the time and it was exactly 7:30 am.

I still had extra 30 minutes before 8 am.


I'm making a good first impression.

After the security check in, I walked down to the main building.

Once again I was stunned by how beautiful the whole place was.

I made my way to the secretaret to check which department I was posted to.

I found out I was posted to the Board meetings committee department and I was shocked.

That wasn't even the department I had in mind.

I didn't even know I was up to that level. Board meetings committee handles all the arrangement of important meetings that takes place in the company, Both with international Investors and local investors.

This is huge. How did I manage to get this far up?

I smiled brightly to myself.

Ha. In your face Bryan.

One of the ladies in the secretaret showed me the way to the department I was posted in.

I was shocked when we got to the elevator and went all the way up to the second to the last floor.

"Um, can I ask who stays at the first floor?" I asked the lady.

"The Boss. His office is at the top. Obviously." She replied me and I nodded.

When we got off on my floor, she walked me to the office where everyone else working in this department was staying.

Everyone had their own private sections demarcated by a fancy brick wall.

Nobody seemed to notice us when we entered the huge office.

"This is your destination Miss. Welcome to Maxwell Telecommunications Empire And Good luck." She said to me and left me standing there alone.

I let out a heavy breath, summoning every courage I had in me, and decided to ask someone about the Head of Department's office around here.

I asked the first person that walked my way.

"Excuse me? Sorry could you please point me to the Head of Department's office?" I asked a beautiful girl with blonde hair.

Instead of answering me, she looked me up and down and rolled her eyes at me before stylishly walking away from me.

Ok. Rude much.

I decided to ask someone else.

"Hi excuse me? I'm looking for....." I was saying to a guy and he just completely ignored me like I wasn't even there.

What is their problem?

I decided to try again with two girls I saw talking and smiling with each other.

They looked friendly.

"Hi excuse me, could you guys point me to the Head of Department's office?" I asked them and suddenly the smile on their faces vanished.

"And who exactly are you?" One of them asked me.

Atleast these ones were talking to me.

"I'm Kimberly Gilbert, a new employee here. Just started today." I said to them and smiled at them but they didn't look impressed.

"HOD's office is that way." The other one said to me and they turned their backs on me and continued their conversation.

"Thanks." I mumbled to myself.

Wow. What is with the attitude of everyone here?

I walked down to the HOD's office and went in to submit my files officially.

"Who are you?" The Man said to me sternly.

"Um... My name is Kimberly Gilbert, Sir, I'm a new employee here. Came to submit my files to you." I said to him and he scanned me from head to toe carefully.

"Have a seat, Miss Gilbert." He said to me and I pulled a chair and sat down feeling a little awkward and out of place.

Everyone here seems so cold.
