The sky was dark, rain fell ominously over the city. A young boy sat in front of a store, drifting his mind into the glistening stars above him. He looked empty… his long black hair suddenly dropped in front of his eyes, taking his mind back from the stars. He looked behind him to see a tall man standing just behind him.
"Kid, what are you doing in front of my store?"
The kid just sat there, staring into the eyes of the man, he didn't say anything.
"If you're not going to say anything then get the hell away from my store."
The boy didn't move, he just continued to stare into the man's eyes. The man showed a demanding look, and suddenly he picked up the kid by his collar. He reached back over his shoulder, then extended his arm forward, lobbing the kid into the asphalt of the street, bruising him.
The boy got up, averting his attention back into the street. Headlights appeared down the road, and the kid took three steps towards the middle of the street. The car approached fast, rain drops covered the windshield. He put his arms out, and the lights landed on his torn shirt.
"Kid, what the hell are you doing!?"
The boy turned his head, and he saw the shopkeeper running towards him.
The kid sat still, staring into the man's eyes.
The man dove towards the kid, throwing him to the curb. A loud bang occurred and the man fell to the ground.
The kid continued to stare into the man's eyes, no change in his expression.
"again…" he mumbled quietly.
The car stopped. And a man in an all gray suit stepped out. His eyes were green and his hair gray. He seemed to be at least 60 to Len.
"Hey kid are you okay!? I almost hit you there!"
The boy continued to stare at the man's body, slowly nodding his head to answer the driver. The man looked into the boy's eyes and turned around, he looked at the road, nothing was there.
"What are you looking at kid, are your senses okay?"
The boy nodded, he slowly pointed at the man on the ground. The driver turned around for a second time looking just above where the man lay, and again, he 'didn't' see anything.
"Hmmm, are you sure you are okay?"
The boy turned his gaze towards the man's face and slowly nodded. The man looked around to see if anyone was with the boy.
"Are you with anyone?"
He continued to stare into the man's eyes, not moving his head. The man sighed.
"Where are your parents at?"
The kid shook his head. The man rubbed his hand down his face, grabbing the kid by his arm.
"Why don't you come with me alright, maybe I can help you find them."
He dragged the boy into the back seat of his car and closed the door. He got into the car himself and started the car.
"So kid, what's your name?"
He looked down at his own feet.
"L-Len," he responded quietly.
The driver smiled at Len's response.
"Well it's nice to meet you Len, you can call me Doc!"
An eerie grin appeared on Doc's face.
They headed up the road towards a hill, where a single house resided, a very fancy one with pure glass windows overlooking the city.
They pulled into the driveway, Doc got out but Len stayed sitting in the backseat. Doc opened up the backdoor and gestured that he was welcome to get out and let out his hand. Hesitantly Len grabbed his hand and he helped him out of the car.
"Welcome to my home! You can stay here for a while, until we find someone who can help you okay?'
Len slowly nodded.
"Alright! Let's go in!"
He grabbed Len's arm and brought him inside. The house appeared empty. As they walked through the entrance, Doc turned on the light to the living room. There was nothing there…
Only a singular chair stood in the center of the room turned towards the windows overlooking the city.
"Let me take you to where you will be sleeping, alright?"
Len nodded slowly. Doc took his hand and led him down a set of stairs, to a room isolated from the rest. They got to the door and Doc openedit. The room seemed normal…
"This is your room! So, what do you think?"
Len looked around the room, still carrying a blank expression.
"Quite nice isn't it, there is a bed, a desk, everything you could need! You even got a mirror so you can admire yourself!"
Len walked over to the bed and sat on it.
"It's getting pretty late, kid, so rest for now and I'll meet you in the morning, okay?"
Len nodded.
Seeing that he was alright, Doc exited the room, closing the door behind him, murmuring to himself.
Len admired the room he was in, scanning everything inside the room, he spotted a mirror in the corner of the room. He slowly got down from the bed and walked over to the mirror. He saw a boy in the reflection, a boy with black hair and brown eyes, he seemed… weak. Len reached his hand out to touch the mirror… the reflection was gone… He returned to the bed. He reached his arm out staring into the white ceiling above… he slowly closed his eyes, and fell asleep.
Wake up…
Wake up young child…
Len's eyes slowly opened and a current of wind tossed him in the air, a blue light appeared under him just as he began to fall. He landed on a watery surface, he looked down, he saw himself in the reflection.
Up here
He looked up to see he was in a space-like atmosphere with bright stars all around him…
Len looked forward, seeing a blue star appear in front of him. He stared at it deeply, not moving his body.
Obtain my will…
And Live…
Len was sent back up into the air, he admired the beautiful horizon, but gravity pulled him down, he closed his eyes, and as soon as he hit the ground…
*Knock Knock*
Doc swung the door open, looking towards where the bed resided
"Good morning Len!"
Doc acted energetic as usual.
"Get on up and we'll get you some food!"
Len arose from his bed and turned his head towards Doc, confused that it became morning so quickly.. Doc quickly left the room. He looked back at the mirror, and it seemed normal. He quickly stepped out of bed, and rushed out of the room and slowly made his way upstairs. He peered over at the windows and he just stared…
The sun was slowly rising above the city, and to Len, the image in front of his eyes was beautiful.
"Amazing isn't it?"
Len nodded.
"Here, follow me. I got some food here, so come over here and eat!"
He slowly walked over to the kitchen and was handed a plate. Eggs and toast, he was used to eating this food, but it seemed different to him, he had never seen food prepared in such a way. He took a fork and began picking at his food, he took a bite, but his face still remained emotionless.
"How is it?" Doc asked
Len just nodded and turned away.
He took his food back to the living room, wanting to look out over the city again. He approached the glass, and the city turned gray… suddenly a boy appeared in the reflection of the glass, his eyes stood out, they were blue, like the ocean…
A dark figure appeared behind the boy, and Len turned around. Doc was standing right behind him.
"What are you looking at? Huh, the sky is gray again? Looks like it's going to be another rainy day."
Doc patted his head and walked back to the kitchen to clean up. Len looked back towards the glass, and the boy in the reflection was gone. Randomly, Doc shouted from the kitchen.
"I have to go out today, how about you come with me!?"
He peaked out of the door frame and Len looked at him nodding.
"Your clothes are all torn up, we'll get you some new ones while we are out too!"
Len looked down at his clothes, they were nearly torn to shreds.
"Go clean up first, I'll be waiting for you outside!"
He listened to Doc but didn't move, it was his first day in the house, and he didn't know where the bathroom was.
He found himself wandering around the house looking for what may seem like a bathroom. He checked all of the rooms on the main floor, but couldn't find one. He next went back downstairs remembering there was a door in the room he slept in, maybe that was a bathroom. He walked downstairs and approached the room, opening the door. He looked around and spotted the door in the corner of the room. He tried grabbing the handle. Locked…
"Hmmm" he murmured.
He turned around, and noticed the mirror from the night before was on the opposite side of the room. Out of curiosity from before he approached the mirror. There was no reflection…
He reached his hand out, touching the mirror… The boy appeared again in the mirror this time with a darker presence behind him. Len turned around, but only saw the door there. He looked back at the mirror and he was gone. At that time, Doc peaked around the doorway.
"Hey Len, what are you doing here? You should wash up!"
"Ohhhhh, I'm sorry, I forgot to show you where the bathroom is, follow me!"
He was led to the top floor where there were multiple bedrooms and a bathroom. Doc went back outside allowing Len to wash up. Soon Len appeared outside near the car. The two got into the car and drove off towards the city.
"Here, let's go get you some clothes first!"
They parked on the side of the street in front of a clothing store.
"Hey this is where I almost hit you last night hah-"
Len stared at him
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
The two headed inside, the store was almost empty. Two women could be seen in the store, one hanging up shirts and the other behind the register. Doc told Len to go find any clothes he likes and then he approached the lady hanging up shirts.
"Wow this is a nice place! Uhm, excuse me ma'am how long has this place been here for?"
"Oh welcome sir, we have been at this location for almost 10 years!" The woman responded.
"I only noticed this place last night, it doesn't seem that popular, it amazes me you've been in business for so long! Who owns this place?"
"My family owns this place"
She pointed at the register.
"See, look over there, that's my mom behind the register."
"That's great, that's great! What about your father?"
"I've never seen him," she responded.
The two continued talking while Len listened in. He remembered what had happened the night before. The man in the street definitely said he was the owner of the store. Just what was happening. Len started moving again and grabbed a few pieces of clothing for the next few days.
"You got what you need Len?"
He nodded.
They brought the stuff towards the register, and Doc began talking to the woman. Len put the clothes on the counter and started feeling a pain in his left eye, he covered it with his hand.
"Everything alright Len?"
He nodded.
A light gray ghostly figure appeared behind the women. Len stared at the figure, and caught its attention. The figure looked back at him, and approached him. The figure stood in front of him and reached his hand out to touch him, bringing Len to close his eyes.
"You ready to go, Len?"
Len opened his eyes and the figure was gone.
"Y-yeah," Len responded.
Doc's eyes opened wide.
"You can talk?"
"Uhh… yeah," he said quietly.
Doc started laughing.
"Haha, I was joking with you kid, it's not good to be quiet all the time, you should talk more!"
Len nodded.
"While we're at it we should get you a haircut, your hair is very long."
Len grabbed the hair in front of him and stretched it out looking at how long his hair was. Doc patted him on the back.
"C'mon let's go, I'll drop you off at the salon, while I go do something alright, don't worry, I'll be back."
It's not like it mattered to Len if he left, after all, he was alone on the streets for four years of his life.
Doc dropped him off at the salon and rolled down the window.
"Here, take this umbrella, I'll be back in an hour, don't worry about paying for it right away, I'll pay when I return."
Len nodded.
"Welcome kid"
Len stood in the entrance looking around, the place was empty. He looked towards the back of the room where a clock resided, "10:32."
"Come over here kid, take a seat."
He walked over to the chair and got up onto the seat.
"What can I do for you kid?"
Len grabbed his hair again, only stretching it to where it hit his eyebrows.
"You want me to cut all of that off?"
Len nodded.
He looked into the mirror at himself, and the boy suddenly appeared again, this time with a light figure behind him. The figure was cutting the boy's hair, he stared into the mirror and the boy remained. He stared deep into the boy's blue eyes admiring him. The light figure disappeared for a second and returned, the boy's eyes turned brown and the figure turned human.
The stylist started humming a song.
"We are almost done now so sit tight."
He looked back in the mirror focusing on himself. He looked like a different person, it's been years since he has seen himself like this.
"Aaaaand we are done!"
He hopped out of the chair and looked at the stylist.
"T-thank y-you."
"No problem kid!"
He looked at the clock, "11:36."
A car suddenly pulled up outside, Doc was back. Len walked outside beside the stylist and Doc rolled down the window.
"Sorry I'm a bit late Len! And ma'am, thank you for cutting the kid's hair!"
"No worries!"
"How much do I owe you?"
"No need to pay me, it's free today."
He gave a stern look.
"Please, I insist."
"I don't want to waste your time, so If you insist…"
The stylist returned inside.
"Hop in Len!"
Len opened the door and beside Doc sat a man in the passenger seat. Len felt a pain in his eye again and found a dark figure surrounding the man. The figure looked at him, and pointed.
"your next…"