The guard looks back; to his surprise, they got caught by the CCTV.
Zen: "Oh no..."
Guard: "It's over for us..."
The door opens, walks in soldiers.
Soldier I: Hand up!
Zen and the guard put their hands up. The soldiers put handcuffs on them, but when they were being moved, the guard kicked a soldier in such a way the soldier tripped and fell. Then the guard quickly takes the keys with his mouth, shifts them to his hand, and easily opens his handcuffs in an instant.
Zen: "You are fast!"
Guard: "I worked at the army back in the Cold War..."
The guard shoots everyone and frees Zen.
Zen: "Thanks!"
Guard: "No problem, let's focus on running."
More soldiers come, Zen and the guard start running, and the soldiers start chasing them with all arms while the guard is shooting them...
Guard: "Here comes the last restock. After that, we are doomed..."
Zen: "This can't be..."
Guard and Zen come across a stairway; Guard holds Zen.
Guard: "This is going to hurt..."
Zen: "Are you going to jump?"
Guard jumps while holding Zen.
Guard: "Ouch! Are you safe?"
Zen: "Yeah...Thanks for holding me..."
Guard: "Here's my office! It has the key to close the facility!"
The guard takes the keys, goes outside with Zen, and locks the facility.
Zen: "What if they have the key as well?"
Guard: "Only I contain keys; there are no other keys; they are trapped."
Zen: "Let's go to my house..."
Guard: "Okay..."
They arrive.
Devlin: "How did it go?"
Zen: "We fucked up...We got caught at the very end..."
Guard: "We were not able to get any images of level 10..."
Zen: "Anything about you?"
Devlin: "I tried calling Mr. Beelzebub."
Zen: "What about it?"
Devlin: "He was busy in a call..."
Zen: "Ohh...So we have to wait?"
Devlin: "We need a bigger place as well to fit them..."
Zen: "Yeah...Our neighbors are disturbed, aren't they?"
Devlin: "The apartment is..."
Zen: "Should I try to call Mr. Beelzebub?"
Devlin: "Go for it if you want."
Zen calls Beelzebub; he replies.
Beelzebub: "Hello?"
Zen: "Hello, Mr. Beelzebub, It's Kaneshiro!"
Beelzebub: "What do you want?"
Zen: "We just did a mission; we have found terrifying things..."
Beelzebub: "Like what?"
Zen: "First things first, the facility isn't legit... They are torturing people by hanging them upside down on a cross and force-feeding them..."
Beelzebub: "I'm free...Have an appointment with me..."
Zen: "Thank you."
Beelzebub cuts the call.
Zen: "We have an appointment. Let's go. Take a dozen people here."
Zen, The Guard, and Devlin go alongside 12 other people.
They reach the building of Beelzebub.
Beelzebub: "I want evidence..."
Zen shows a picture of a hanged man.
Beelzebub: "You weren't lying..."
Zen: "Then there's a video of this guy and another person..."
Beelzebub: "Show"
Zen shows the conversation.
Beelzebub: "Huh? Who is the owner?"
Guard: "Liang Cheng, the Chinese entrepreneur!"
Beelzebub: "Cheng?"
Zen: "Yes..."
Beelzebub: "A facility costs over 2 billion karma. One day he made a mysterious investment; it was all over the news... So that was his investment."
Zen: "No one made theories."
Beelzebub: "The thing is..."
Beelzebub stands up and takes a newspaper.
Beelzebub shows it.
Beelzebub: "Look here it says he made multiple investments."
Zen: "Why will he hide it?"
Beelzebub: "Well, Whenever a facility is brought, Many people like inspectors and record keepers come, Nothing like that must have happened and it was done secretly..."
Beelzebub stops and continues
Beelzebub: "Many people come to see, many other facility owners, Cheng didn't want that, is my answer and he simply wanted the operation done as quickly as possible."
Devlin: "Why would he want to have done that!"
Beelzebub: "I don't know...I have a new mission for you...Disguise yourself, Liang would have sent you apparently"
Zen: "They know our faces..."
Beelzebub: "Hmm...You will wear a mask and a wig, to hide it better, One of you will search for level 10, one of you will search the other level cages while one of you searches for everything else like the offices and security rooms"
Devlin: "Can you really send these people to get tortured?!"
Person 1: "Yeah...Please don't send us there..."
Beelzebub: "No, I have millions of robots, you will be here while those androids are disguised as you"
Person 2: "Thank you for fighting for our sake, Mr. Beelzebub, And you three!"
Zen: "No need to thank us!"
Beelzebub: "They record a lot, That means you must record! This makes this easier...and for the escaped, They stay at the castle of mine, tho it will be crowded you know"
Beelzebub stops and continues.
Beelzebub: "This is your new mission, Let's call this... Project F, This starts tomorrow at 8:00 A.M sharp, You are dismissed"
Everyone leaves.
Beelzebub: "Let's call Lucifer"
Beelzebub dials Lucifer number.
Lucifer: "What the hell is it now?"
Beelzebub: "Liang Cheng is doing illegal buisness in here..."
Lucifer: "Eh? Elaborate"
Beelzebub: "You see...He bought a facility and does illegal things like torturing and uploads it on the dark web..."
Lucifer: "Okay now I'm interested, tell me more!"
Beelzebub: "The website is"
Lucifer searches the website
Lucifer: "You are right..."
Beelzebub: "Zen, That kid found out about this facility, He clicked some pictures.
Lucifer: "Well well well, Id come at your place, be there!"
Lucifer cuts the call
Lucifer: "Time to see these, I won't be scared, thats for sure!"
Lucifer opens one of the videos
The video showed a hanged man upside on a cross, he was fed by someone in pure black, his face was blurred, The man was being feed what seemed to be worms, These worms were alive.
Lucifer: "The Fuck"
The man finished the worms, then came a centipede, it was alive and big, The centipede bites the tongue of the poor hanged man.
Lucifer: "Now what?"
The video is over, Then another video comes, now came another man, the same room, the same punisher, the person was different, now fatter, It took some time and then the punisher had a tray of mites.
Lucifer: "They feed them insect?"
Lucifer sees some more, he concludeds
Lucifer: "Hmm...Level one are feed insects, Level two have some organs added, level three to seven have live animals added, Level eight are being given shit, level nine are given demons...And level ten are forced to eat their own parts which regenerate...There mouth is controlled"
Lucifer now thinking,
Lucifer: "Well, I will get the demons to join, We will attack Liang..."
The scene changes to Devlin, Zen and the guard
Guard: "We will have to wait till tomorrow..."
Zen: "We should get the people who didn't came..."
Devlin: "Well...You do have a point"
Guard: "We don't know where they are..."
Devlin: "Oh"
Zen: "Well, Nevermind then, but why?"
Gaurd: "It's just that, It me"
Devlin: "Huh?"
Guard: "If they see me, they won't trust me, All these people saw me save them!"
Zen: "Hmm...Both me and Devlin can go!"
Guard: "The thing is that, Nevermind..."
Zen: "Tell us"
Gaurd: "They might think of this as a trap."
Zen: "Why?"
Guard: "You are clueless aren't you?"
Zen: "Yeah! I need context!"
Guard: "Calm down...Have you ever been bullied?"
Zen: "Well I did have bullies and was raised in an aggressive neighbourhood."
Gaurd: "If some strangers knocked on your door and said they have taken care of your bullies and know they are invited you to there house, will you come?"
Zen: "No..."
Guard: "That's what I'm saying, They might not come, They might think this is a trap!"
Devlin: "Unless they are hopeless..."
Guard: "Well...In that case..."
Guard pauses.
Guard: "We can try."
The guards, Zen and Devlin go outside.
Zen: "You know their places right?
Guard: "It's on my phone, Let me check"
Zen: "Sure"
The guard checks
Zen: "You have them marked?"
Guard: "There's a tick for everyone I let in, Okay, First is Thomas...150 are missing..."
Zen: "Well it's gonna take some time"
Gaurd: "Let's not waste any time!"
After walking for a bit, They reach Thomas's house. The guard rings the bell.
Thomas: "Huh? Please don't take me!"
Guard: "I'm not...I left that job once for all kinda."
Thomas: "You have proof?"
Guard: "Well...I don't for now-"
The guard receives a message, He opens it and it says that the guard is fired.
Guard: "Well...Heres my proof!"
Thomas: "What do you even want eh?"
Zen: "We are destroying that facility once for all!"
Thomas: "How?"
Zen: "It's my mission!"
Thomas: "Huh? That mission is small...What's your rank?"
Zen: "Rank 1"
Thomas: "Huh?"
Zen: "I'm the 15th rank one, representing the neutral! By that I mean only me!"
Thomas: "You are one hell of a man, eh?"
Zen: "Go to this castle..."
Thomas: "Isn't that..."
Zen: "It's an important mission afterall"
Thomas: Well, You are one heck of a man! What's your name?"
Zen: "Zen, Zen Kaneshiro"
Thomas: "Well let me get my keys..."
Thomas goes inside and gets his keys, The guard, Zen and Devlin go away to another house.
Guard: "Now, Amun...He also is close"
Zen: "Let's go"
They reach Amun's house. Devlin rigs the doorbell, Then comes an Egyptian guy.
Amun: "Please don't take me mister..."
Guard: "I got fired"
Devlin: "We are ending that facility for good."
Amun: "How do I know you aren't lying?"
Devlin: "Show him the message"
Zen: "I have a message as well now. I just received it."
Guard: "Here look..."
The guard shows the message, The message showed that he was fired.
Amun: "Huh...I thought they wouldn't fire anyone with that much information..."
Zen: "Here my"
The message was by God, The new message said,
God: "Your new mission is to disguise yourself in the facility owned by Liang Cheng"
Amun: "G-God...Who are you?"
Zen: "Zen Kaneshiro, rank 1 of the neutrals"
Amun starts crying, crying a lot.
Devlin: "Y-you fine?!"
Amun: "Thank...Thank you everyone...Thank you for fighting for our sake..."
Devlin: "You don't have to cry for that!"
Amun: "S-sorry..."
Amun wipes his tears, but the tears won't stop coming.
Devlin: "It's okay..."
Amun hugs Devlin.
Amun: "Thank you...It's been 50 years since I started being punished here..."
Devlin: "5-50? Level?"
Amun: "9..."
Devlin: "Don't worry everything will be fine!"
Amun: "Once again, thank you"
Amun stops hugging Devlin.
Amun goes inside.
Gaurd: "Make sure you go towards the Beelzebub Castle!"
Amun: "Got it!"
Devlin, Zen and the guard leaves.
Guard: "Let's now go to Delphine..."
They reach Delphine's house.
Delphine: "Who is this?"
Zen: "We are going to end your facility!"
Guard: "Yep!"
Delphine: "Do you have proof?"
Zen shows the message and so does the guard.
Delphine: "You are legit I believe...Id go"
She leaves.
Zen: "Uh... Excuse me! You forgot to lock your house."
Delphine locks it and goes.
Devlin: "That was fast."
Zen: "We still have like what?"
Guard: "3 out of 150, we are 30th done, It's gonna take some time"
Devlin: "What if we just say to say it to others who live in the same building?"
Guard: "Yeah...We could do that! Anyways...Now comes Raj"
They go towards Raj's house.
Raj: "Uh....Don't take me!"
Guard: "I'm fired"
Raj: "Huh?"
Guard: "Well...I kinda know you..."
Raj: "Do what?"
Guard: "Kinda leaked the truth to the government... Killing like 50 other guards...Kinda causing a war...kinda causes a company to go down...Kinda make 50 million people lose their jobs...Kinda ruining the economy..."
Raj: "Y-you are predicting are you?"
Gaurd: "Yeah, Just go to Beelzebub Castle"
Raj: "Okay, Who are these"
Guard: "The guys who ended up starting this operation..."
Zen: "Zen, Zen Kaneshiro of the neutrals, Making me an automatic rank 1 even tho my first mission isn't even done..."
Devlin: "Devlin, Just Devlin, I ain't no neutral and this is my first mission!"
Raj: "That's one crazy mission..."
Zen: "Yeah..."
Raj: "Wherever the winds take me scenario?"
Devlin: "Yeah...It is I guess"
Raj: "Anyways...Bye!"
Gaurd: "Bye!"
They go.
Zen: "Low key just a chill guy"
Devlin: "Real"
Guard: "I'd skip all the ones in this apartment now, which takes down around 5 people
Zen: "So who is next?"
Gaurd: "Some guy named Aaron"
They reach Aaron's house.
Aaron: "Eh? Isn't this time supposed to be working time?"
Guard: "Finally someone who noticed eh?"
Aaron: "I'm also kinda confused you know"
Gaurd: "Well I got fired because I kinda betrayed the facility's trust"
Aaron: "You leaked it?"
Guard: "Yeah...I kinda released everyone"
Aaron: "Now way!"
Gaurd: "Yeah...So reach the Beelzebub Castle"
Aaron: "Wait you are involving Mr. Beelzebub?"
Gaurd: "Well yeah, just go there."
Aaron: "Telling everyone one by one will be tiring, I know hacking, want me to hack the group of the facility and announce that?"
Gaurd: "The workers are also in it"
Aaron: "I will kick them out"
Guard: "Well thanks!"
Aaron: "Come in"
They come inside.
Aaron: "So this is my room, have a seat"
They seat. Aaron opens his laptop and starts hacking.
Guard: "So since have you been hacking?"
Aaron: "Like since I was 16"
Guard: "How old are you?"
Aaron: "I died at 22 so it's around 28 now, what about you?"
Gaurd: "Well I did die in the cold war, October 17th, 1991 at the age of 25 making me 60"
Aaron: "Wait, you were a soldier?"
Gaurd: "Yeah..."
Aaron: "How did you die?
Guard: "It got shot, I still don't know who it was but I forgive them"
Aaron: "What about you two?"
Devlin: "Well I was a sailor who died in 2024, it was the storm that took me"
Aaron: "And you"
Zen: "Uhh..."
Devlin: "He died in his sleep like a few days ago, he doesn't know what was the cause"
Guard: "Oh..."
Aaron: "Crazy how they don't tell the cause of death!"
Zen: "What about you?"
Aaron: "Well I got hit by a truck"
Devlin: "Isn't that just Isekai?"
Aaron: "Well I do like that genre...I think it's evident from my poster, well anyways done... What ya want me to do?"
Zen: "First remove all the staff, add Beelzebub. The number is 987********"
Aaron: "Alrighty"
Aaron removes the staff and adds Beelzebub.
Zen: "Now announce to come there, I'd call Beelzebub."
Zen calls Beelzebub.
Beelzebub: "Hello? What is it now?"
Zen: "Can you see if you got added to a group?"
Beelzebub checks.
Beelzebub: "Yeah..."
Zen: "A message will come, you have to confirm that it's legit"
Aaron (messaging): "Everyone to go to Beelzebub Castle"
Beelzebub (messaging): "This message is legit, everyone will come there immediately"
Aaron: "Thank you, you may leave and so will I"
Beelzebub: "Zen, Devlin and John, you all will also come to my Castle."
Zen: "Alright"
Zen cuts the call.
Zen: "We also have to go there"
Guard: "Okay"
They leave.