
Zen: "Let me call a taxi."

A cab pulls up and stops as they wait.

Zen: "Beelzebub Castle, please."

Driver: "I don't really think a person is allowed there."

Zen: "Special permission, we are invited."

Driver: "Hop in."

Zen: "Thanks."

They take a seat as the driver puts the address.

Driver: "Yall will reach in around 30 minutes."

Devlin: "Isn't it an hour away?"

Driver: "I was a racer, my friend!"

Devlin: "No way!"

Driver: "Yes, So it's my habit to drive fast."

Guard: "Don't you get pulled over?"

Driver: "I have a permit."

Devlin: "Accelerate!"

Driver: "Sure!"

The driver reaches a speed of 200 mph.

Devlin: "Woah!"

The guard looks at Zen and asks,

Gaurd: "He must love cars."

Zen: "Yeah, He is a fan."

Driver: "So, why were you invited?"

Zen: "Oh, It's for a mission, We are Envoy."

Driver: "Meeting Beelzebub in person requires high ranks, no?

Zen: "Not anymore, Doesn't matter, I'm a rank 1 in a way, Just the thing is I'm the only one of the kind to do so."

Driver: "Aren't they celebrities?"

Zen: "I belong to no kind actually...belong to neutrals, I am the only one to be a neutral."

Driver: "Cool, how many missions have you done?"

Zen: "Halfway through the first one."

Driver: "It's just your first? And what about you two?"

Devlin: "First as well."

Guard: "I'm not an Envoy, I just tagged along."

After some time they reach the Beelzebub Castle.

Driver: "That will be 2000 karma!"

Gaurd: "I got this."

The guard pays and the cab leaves.

They enter and are greeted by maids.

Maid: "Please follow us to reach your rooms."

Devlin: "Please be space."

Zen opens his phone and shows a message to Devlin.

Zen: "We are not going to share rooms."

Devlin: "Alright."

They follow the maids. At the first floor.

Maid: "Mr. John, This is your room."

The guard enters his room as everyone leaves.

Guard: "Something's off..."

He sits in a bed looking towards the left and sees a painting, Painting of a ghost.

Guard: "Maybe this painting is making me feel weird, I will move it."

The guard reaches the painting as a hand emerges from the painting and grabs the head of the guard.


The guard grabs the hand, desperately trying to remove it but his tries didn't work, he is sucked up, it was just his head and he sees a meeting council, they couldn't see him as if he was a ghost even though, in reality everyone is a ghost.

At first he didn't recognise anyone, but he saw the same overseer he took down, with him were others and the man Liang Cheng, There was no doubt, The guard was seeing the pride country.

Overseer 1: "What to do with that guard?"

Overseer 2: "That guard shot all other guards!"

Liang Cheng: "Yall couldn't keep anything safe! You all are fired!"

Overseer 1: "B-but"

Liang Cheng: "Get out of my sight fools! The demon I contracted with allows me to time loop! I have looped 17 times, No success!"

Everyone leaves except Liang.

Liang: "Laqueus, A demon of hell has allowed me to time loop, This time, That piece of brat John won't keep on telling me..."

Liang stops.

Liang: "No one has Fate, Everyone's actions are controlled and governed by free, some are chosen to be gone to damnation, The same I'll decide for you...I hate that

The guard is pulled back, Now in front of him was a demon, he looked like an stereotypical demon.

???: "John Hernandez~"

Guard: "W-Who are you?"

???: "That ghost, Laqueus~"

Guard: "La-Laqueus, W-what do you want?"

Laqueus: "I want you to put Liang to damnation~"

Guard: "Then why did you come to even contract with him?"

Laqueus: "It was 400 years ago, he was a hunter, He wanted to betray everyone he offered me his soul, The deal was~"

He pauses and resumes.

Laqueus: "He will ultimately be stripped from his pride, He would be sent to hell afterall, He had become the new king of hell~"

Guard: "K-king of hell?"

Laqueus: "He is the new king of hell, once he is sent to damnation, he will be stripped of that~"

Gaurd: "You want me to put him to damnation?"

Laqueus: "Yes, precisely~"

Guard: "But how?"

Laqueus: "Make a contract."

Guard: "Now?"

Laqueus: "In front of Liang~"

Guard: "Come with me."

Laqueus: "Dearly~"

Gaurd: "Stop that tone."

Laqueus: "I cant~"

Guard sighs.

Guard (looking at a maid): "Hey! Excuse me! Can you call Zen and Devlin here? It's urgent!"

The maid leaves.

Guard: "Keep hiding in that picture."

Zen and Devlin arrive.

Gaurd: "I want you to know something...alongside Beelzebub."

Zen: "Huh?"

Guard: "Liang can time loop."

Zen: "Huh? Say that again."

Guard: "I said...Liang can time loop."

Zen: "But how?"

Guard: "Show yourself!"

Laqueus: "Hello~"

Zen: "A demon?"

Laqueus: "The sort of current ruler of hell! Laqueus~"

Zen: "Sort of?"

Laqueus: "Liang Cheng is the current ruler of hell~, and has been for the past 400 years~"

Zen: "So how did he even get that power?"

Laqueus: "He made a contract with me!~"

Zen: "So why does he have the power to loop time?"

Laqueus: "I gave him this power~"

Zen: "Why?"

Laqueus: "I can't tell~"

Gaurd: "Now let's go to Beelzebub."

They reach Beelzebub's office.

Beelzebub: "Laqueus?"

Laqueus: "Yes~"

Beelzebub: "What are you doing here?"

Laqueus: "To complete the fate of Liang!~"

Beelzebub: "Fate?"

Laqueus: "Liang's fate is to be put in damnation!~"

Beelzebub: "How come you know his fate?"

Laqueus: "Because I was the one who set it up for him~"

Beelzebub: "Why?"

Laqueus: "That's what I can't tell~"

Beelzebub: "What can you tell?"

Laqueus: "Liang can loop time~"

Guard: "Yes, Liang has already looped 50 times."

Beelzebub: "Then how will we be able to not cause it for the 51st time."

Laqueus: "I have thought of that~"

Beelzebub: "How?"

Laqueus: "He always loops while he is almost defeated, that's the time I snatch it from him~"

Beelzebub: "You'll give false hope, Laqueus?"

Laqueus: "Now you get it~"

Beelzebub: "Hmm...Id inform Lucifer, You all stay here."

Beelzebub calls Lucifer.

Lucifer: "What is it now punk?

Beelzebub: "Liang has a contract with Laqueus."

Lucifer: "What contract?"

Beelzebub: "Liang can loop time and is also the king of hell."

Lucifer: "Anyways, I did some research and here's what I found; Level one are feed insects, Level two have some organs added, level three to seven have live animals added, Level eight are being given shit, level nine are given demons...And level ten are forced to eat their own parts which regenerate...Their mouth is controlled"

Beelzebub: "Interesting..."

Lucifer: "I will get all the demons in my castle."

Beelzebub: "Also get high ranks..."

Lucifer: "No shit sherlocks!"

Lucifer cuts the phone.

Beelzebub: "You are dismissed."

Everyone leaves.

The next day arrives. At 6 in the morning everyone arrived.

Zen: "Okay, We need masks."

Devlin: "We have to wait for the stylist to come."

Some time passes, The stylist arrives.

Stylist: "First, The white haired guy will come."

Devlin: "Alrighty!"

Devlin sits.

Devlin: "What are you planning to do?"

Stylist: "First, you will pick the hair color."

Devlin: "Blonde."

Stylist: "Now eye color."

Devlin: "Yellow."

Stylist: "Okay, Being the mask."

The stylist receives the mask and puts it off, Then he dyes the hair and sets the hair back and puts contacts.

Zen: "Woah! You look unrecognizable!"

Beelzebub: "Take this clothes."

The clothes were pure black with a white secondary color.

Stylist: "Now the blue one."

Zen: "That will be me."

Stylist: "What will be your h-"

Zen: "Black hair blue eyes."

Stylist: "Pass me the mask."

The stylist receives and puts the mask on Zen. Then the stylist dyes the hair and styles it then puts contacts at Zens Eyes. Zen takes his clothes.

Zen: "Alright...Now it's time for clothes."

Zen takes the clothes and leaves.

Stylist: "Now you."

Guard: "Yes."

The guard sits.

Stylist: "What will you like?"

Guard: "Purple hair maybe...alongside yellow eyes."

The stylist puts on the mask, dyes the hair and puts the contacts.

The guard goes and changes.

Everyone leaves.

The guard, Zen and Devlin enter a cab.

Devlin: "Let's decide names."

Gaurds: "How about by numbers?"

Devlin: "I'm number 1."

Guard: "So what's mine?"

Devlin: "2, 3 is Zen..."

Zen: "Sounds good to me."

Devlin: "Whom ya talking to?"

Zen: "Just writting our plans."

Devlin: "Alright"

Zen: "Just the plans"

They enter the facility.

Person 1: "Who are you?"

Zen: "We are sent by Mr. Liang Cheng."

Person 2: "Okay, then you must know the contractor."

Gaurd: "Laqueus."

Person 1: "Come in."

Zen: "I have been said to check level 10."

Devlin: "I will check the other levels."

Guard: "I will check the other rooms."

The split up

Devlin: "Let's enter."

Punisher: "Good morning good sir."

Devlin (thinking): "Hm...Weren't they informed by Liang?"

Devlin: "Good morning, Continue."

Punisher: "Yes sir!"

Devlin (thinking): "He doesn't suspect anything..."

While the punisher was punishing, Devlin says.

Devlin: "I heard some events happen yesterday."

Punisher: "Yes sir, Two Envoy's found out the truth."

Devlin: "What did you do about it?"

Punisher: "We weren't able to do no shit."

Devlin: "What was the security doing?"

Punisher: "The security failed, they all were killed by John Hernandez."

Devlin: "To see if you are legit or not, I'd ask some questions."

Punisher: "Of course, Good sir."

Devlin: "Okay, id start off with the basics. Why did Liang start this operation."

Punisher: "He is the king of hell, There's no king without no punishment."

Devlin: "Alright...Why did he become the king of hell."

Punisher: "He hated humanity to its fullest, they were people who believed in a creator, the all good and powerful...But in reality it was evil, after a 100 years in here he finally thought, he was above all making him corrupted and taking over hell in the 1600's, He couldn't do anything, so he would buy a property, at first was pride, then come lust then come sloth and now is gluttony, next will be wrath."

Devlin: "Last question, How does Liang loop time?"

Punisher: "Well, it's his will, if he pleases then he can go back."

Devlin: "Alright, you are legit, I'd go."

Devlin: "Time to go to level 2, Now I'd get more context.

Devlin: "Hey, Tell me more about the mission that caused Liang to become the glorious king."

Punisher: "Delighted to answer! Mr. Liang was a hunter and hated the ways of here and thought that humans should be punished for eternity, even if they committed a virtue more than the sin, the sin should count."

Devlin: "So why does he take over the facility every 100 years?"

Punisher: "To stay in the shadow."

Devlin: "Why did he contract with Laqueus and why was he given the power to loop time?"

Punisher: "Laqueus gave him that power for an event, the second Rebellion."

Devlin: "I'd go out."

Devlin exists.

Devlin: "Now let's go to 3."

Devlin reaches level 3 and enters a room

Devlin: "Tell me about the rebellion."

Punisher: "Well...It's gonna happen at pride country tomorrow."

Devlin: "Hmm...Why tomorrow?"

Punisher: "Their secret is leaked by Zen Kaneshiro, Devlin, John Hernandez, Beelzebub and Lucifer."

Devlin: "How many times did he loop by now?"

Punisher: "I don't know..."

Devlin: "I may go."

Punisher: "I was very delighted to meet you."

Devlin heads out.

Devlin does some more research and finds that he can't go above level 7.

Devlin concludes everything, meanwhile the guard's mission went:-

Guard: "I'll check the security first..."

The guard goes to the security room.

Guard: "I'm here for a check up."

Security: "Alright."

Guard: "How come you didn't ring the bell till they reached the end of level 9?"

Security: "We were told to do that."

Gaurd: "By whom?"

Security: "Mr. Liang."

Guard: "Okay show me cameras now."

Security: "Yes sir!"

Gaurd (thinking): "This is my chance to find the rooms necessary"

Guard checks.

Guard (thinking): "Room seven is where I have to go?"

The guard leaves and straight up goes to room 7, while on his way, he is interrupted.

Devlin: "Hey....Number 3!"

Guard: "Yes number 1?"

Devlin: "Come here!"

The guard comes there.

Devlin: "I just finished my research...We aren't allowed at level 8 onwards for no reason...but the thing is, Zen was allowed in level 10."

Gaurd: "Huh?"

Devlin: "Yeah...Where ya heading?"

Guard: "Room 7, the meeting room."

Devlin: "Alright...Best of luck."

Guard: "Thanks"

The guard reaches room 7.

Overseer 1: "You are John, aren't you?"

Guard: "No..."

Overseer 1: "We are at your side. Somehow, we could see your head next to Laqueus."

Gaurd: "Huh?"

Overseer 1: "Only Liang couldn't."

Guard: "You all got fired, right?"

Overseer 1: "Yes...Can you summon Laqueus?"

Guard: "Laqueus!"

Laqueus: "Hello Overseer~"

Overseer 1: "Tell Beelzebub and Lucifer that we are at your side!"

Laqueus: "Alrighty~"

Laqueus teleports to Beelzebub.

Beelzebub: "Now what?"

Laqueus: "All the overseers are at your side~"

Beelzebub: "How come?"

Laqueus: "Humiliation~"

The scene changes to Guard.

Guard: "So...How many people are with Liang?"

Overseer: "A lot, Thousands of demons. But Laqueus isn't."

Overseer 2: "12,700, No more no less."

Overseer 3: "Whom do we have?"

Guard: "Two princes, hundreds of hunters and Envoy's including Rex Tasca D'Almerita, Zen Kaneshiro and so on, alongside that he will have the army and the king of hell, Laqueus"

Overseer 4: "Our chances of winning are high..."

Guard: "Extremely high, now Laqueus will not have Liang loop time"

Overseer 4: "Laqueus took that ability?"

Guard: "Yes."

Laqueus: "I'm back~"

Overseer 4: "Is it true that you took the ability to time loop from Liang?"

Laqueus: "Yes I did~"

Gaurd: "We aren't allowed to go to level 8 onwards but Zen Kaneshiro was allowed to do that."

Overseer 5: "Maybe Liang wants him there?"

Guard: "Liang"

Overseer 5: "Liang looped 50 times...He should know that!"

Guard: "You have a point"

The guard concludes everything.

The scene changes to Zen.

Zen: "Level 10 arrives.

Security: "We have re-"

Zen shoots them.

Zen (looking at his gun): "Good thing I took this thing with me.

Zen goes outside the lift.

Zen: "Liang has commanded one thing! He ordered you all to get shot!"

Security: "Proof?"

Zen had changed Beelzebub in contact with the name of "Mr. Liang Cheng"

Security: "He ain't lying..."

Everyone sits on their knees with their hands back.

Zen shoots everyone one by one, He arrives at the last one.

Zen: "Thank you for being such a fool"

Last one: "No...."

Zen shoots him.

Zen: "Forgive me Mr. Beelzebub...But I'm right..."

Zen frees everyone and meets the guard and Devlin.

Zen: "Low level 9..."

Zen kills everyone in there.

Zen: "8..."

Zen kills everyone in there.

Zen: "7"

Zen kills everyone in there.

Zen: "6"

Zen kills everyone in there.

Zen: "5"

He kills everyone.

Zen: "4"

He kills everyone.

Zen: "3"

He kills everyone

Zen: "2"

He kills everyone.

Zen: "1"

He kills everyone.

He finds the guard and Devlin on the ground floor, To his surprise he saw overseers

Zen: "Overseers?"

Guard: "Yes they are at our side"

Zen: "Sweet!"

Devlin: "Anyways, Liang wanted to re build the old hell, the hell of his image and he creates facility every 100 years, Pride, Lust, Sloth next would had been Wrath."

Zen: "Oh..."

Guard: "Anyways so you managed to free them? Zen."

Zen: "Yes"

Devlin: "How?"

Zen, showing his gun: "This, I killed them."

Guard: "The fu-"

Zen: "How else could I do that...These people are dumbasses, I even killed the other guards just in case!"

Devlin: "This wasn't the plan!"

Zen: "The thing is...I managed to contact Lucifer."

Devlin: "Elaborate..."

Zen: "Well...You see, what I was doing is discussing this new plan for Lucifer, I wasn't writing our plans!"

Devlin: "What does Lucifer have to do with this?"

Zen: "He has his army near the chamber...They are spawn killing them."