"heads up" luca said as he threw me a bag of chips, as twilight, played on the screen on the tv as I sat on the plush soft sofa, with luca spreading his limb. His wore his black , Mickey mouse pj's, that I usually tease him about, while I wore a Nike oversized t shirt and a short.
We were at my house , having a sleepover, something he and I use to do, every weekends
" You should stop wearing this Pj's, you look like a man child." I teased while applying my face mask on while hewaches the show on the screen.
" Well am still going to wear them anyway" he countered without removing his gaze from the tv.
I sighed, as I was through applying the face masks ,and watched the show. " I wonder if this is real" I said, " dory, you've being going on about this for ages now" he said, quietly harsh as if he was bored to here the same topic over and over again.
I turned to face him " are you for real, right now? , if this creatures , Vampires , werewolves, fairies and witches are real, do you know what it will mean" my eyes sparkled with delight and expectation.
He pushed away a strand of blonde hair out of his face. " Dora, even if is real, there never going to appear in front of us human, what we are going to do is to experiment on them, or kill them" he said his tone skeptical.
" more like kill us " I mumured but I knew he heard it, but he didn't bother to say anything.
We sat in silence, it was a peaceful one, the only noise that wade, was the sound of the tv.
I sighed, " who's Dina?" I asked and he snapped his head towards me, so fast that I thought it was going to break.
I saw a picture of him with a dark haired lady that had a bright smile on her face as luca's green eyes, stared at her, on his insta story, that wrote,
" Had the best day of my life, @dina524 "
I raised an eyebrow at his reaction
He cleared his throat, messing with up his blonde hair, " umm ... One of my coworkers" he said while not staring at me.
Luca worked in a health care center, he's a doctor who helps the less privilege , which I found kind and genuine.
" And you had the best day of your life with her" I muttered, " well we went on a date" he mumured and my eyes widened
" What do you mean a date?" I asked,
" Well... A romantic lunch .. with her" he mumured again.
I stood up from the couch and stared down at him. " Why didn't you tell me?" I felt betrayed
He messed his hair again, he does that when his nervous, " I didn't want to bother, you" he said
I sighed in disbelief, " you didn't want to bother me? What do you mean by that , you always bother me, that's how our friendship works." I said agitated,
"Am your best friend, I should be there, during your good and bad times, how could you hide such a big thing to me" I said
" I hate secrets, you know that, would you keep.this from me? . How long have you guys been dating?" I asked.
I lowered his head down " three months "
I widened my eyes in disbelief
" Am so sorry, dory, I made a huge mistake, I didn't think you would care, about it this much".
He muttered.
I scoffed,"are you trying to say am self centered?"
" Of course not, dory, your my best friend" I said as I folded my hands,
" You know what am going to bed" I said,
" Dory," he muttered my name.
But I didn't bother to face him as he called out my name. I know I was being childish, but it hurt, he kept this a secret and he knew I hated secrets
I lay in my bed, trying to process every new information I just got from luca, why won't he tell me, I always told him every thing that, goes in in my life,why can't he do the same, we have been friends for over a decade now , didn't he feel he could tell me or share his happiness with me. I felt disappointment and betrayal, burn within me, this is why, I hate secrets, it could destroy, relationships built for decades, destroy everything you have and own, it was, worst than death for me
Death could come untimely or timely, but secrets, is what build death. Death comes in secret, doesn't announce it, just comes like ,an unwanted itch.
I felt a ping on my phone, I turned my head towards my phone that was placed on the white lamp table.
I took it and saw a message from, luca
" Am leaving , I am so sorry, I know your mad . Talk to you later, k"
I just sighed, I shoke my head before keeping my phone on the desk back.
Luca and I had never argued before, and when we do is for petty things like, who gonna take the last bite of the pizza , I love maple syrup on my pancake, than peanut butter .
I heard another ping on my phone, I took it to find a message from Liam. I furrowed my brows, he had never texted me in the night
" Dora, eight am, office "
" Ok" I replied
It must be serious, if he sounded , serious.
I felt sleepy, I closed my eyes to succumbed , as I slept peacefully.
" Vampires" I turned towards the direction of the voice, " lily shuddered as her hair and was damped with sweat. I furrowed my brow, what was going on.
Hilda,onE of our HR personnel, handed, lily a glass of water, she shakily took it and gulped it. It was like she was shaking as if she was freezing even though it was 22°c, but they still draped a blanket on her ,covering her up
I walked over to were they were, " what's going on " I asked, while they all raised their heads to stare at me, including lily, with her tear stained face.
" What happened?" I asked again when no one replied. Then lily burst a huge cry, as she fell on my hands and I hugged her back, and patted er gently.
" Vampires.. I..I.." she muttered as she continued to sob harder.
" Tell me everything slowly, am here " I told her as I patted her head comfortably. She stopped hugging then she cleaned her tears.
" Last night I was going on, my usual run , I had my headphones on. All of sudden, I felt a presence behind me..I stopped jogging and turned, around and saw no one, I thought I was imagining it, then i continued to jogged. I stopped in ally to take a breathe and drink my water. Then I felt a hair on the back of my neck, I felt a presence behind me again, I turned around but didn't see anyone. As I turned around to continue jogging , I realized I was face to face with a person , smiling at me, he had black hair, onyx dark eyes and pale white skin , paler the moon. He had long canines., I screamed because of how close he was to me, I fell on the floor. He swatted down to my level and stared at me, and licked his lips, " who are you?" I asked but he didn't respond, only shifted his gaze to my neck, and licked his lips.....then he.... pinned me on the floor, his eyes turning darker... Then he tried to bite me, then luckily, Mr grey came along and saved me" she said and I furrowed my brows, what was he doing there