"Fuck " lily , my co worker muttered as she settled into the chair across from me, she's the receptionist, for the publishing firm. I didn't bother to look at her, as I was typing away in my laptop, " what's happened ?" I asked, " he's so hot" she muttered again with a sigh, I still didn't bother look at her, because she finds everyone hot.
I even spotted her checking tom out earlier, when he and I were talking.
" Who? " I asked even though I didn't want to know.
" The new guy" she said and I raised my head to see her twirling her hair, while she stared at the glass door, leading to our Mr Liam, our managers office.
I saw a figure with huge build and, protruding muscles, his hair , raven black that was slicked back.
' Wow, he's hot' I said in my head,
" What new guy" I said still staring at the figured man.
" Well, since Liam, is going to be transferred to another branch of the company, someone the has to take his position." She said still twirling her hair. I nodded in understanding.
" So the chairman, decided to send someone one here to take over, since according to him , David isn't eligible to take over" she finished.
David was Liam's assistant. I. Sighed, I thought I would miss, Liam so very much after his departure, but if that hottie over there, is taking his place, I don't think I would miss him." She remarked,and I stared at her in disbelief, " you need to leave, I have things to do" I said as I tapped on my laptop.
" Oh, c'mon , I have a better view at your desk" she whined, " out" I playfully glared, she scoffed," bitch" , " you too darling" I finished.
I still stared at the figured man, who was he anyway, I have neverd being interested in men before, not that am gay or something, I just don't find them interesting or charming.
Whenever girls sobs about their boyfriend dumping her, I don't understand why they're investing their emotions in someone who doesn't deserve them.
" You've never fallen in love before" luca said to when I judge, Britney his sister for crying over her ex who dumped her
I nodded In agreement," exactly, something I will never do. Love is stupid" I said, and he laughed " What's funny?" I asked,
" That's what people who haven't been in love say" I eyed him, " look who's talking, have you ever been in love?" I asked and he had this glint in his eyes, something I have never seen before. I gasped , " who?" I askedas he ruffled his hair, to hide his flushed face from me,
" no one"
I just pouted because I knew he didn't want me to probe any further.
" Dora" David called me snapping me out of my reverie, I raised my head to face him " hmm?" David was a typical blonde - at first sight you'll think of him, as a play boy. Well that's what I thought of him while I was an intern.
" Liam,seeks your presence" he nudged his head towards the office, I turned to face the glass door, where the figure of the man had been, but was no longer there, I furrowed my brows, where had he gone to?
I nodded at David and he smiled and went out, from my desk door.
I opened the glass door that led to Liam's office. I saw Liam sitting in his office chair handing David what looked like files, or documents, I wasn't sure. Then I saw a stranger... The figured man, the man, who lily prompted as hot, the first man, that I considered hot, and charming even though I only saw his back.
He sat in the sofa across, Liam's desk, while man spreading, and the knot in my stomach, that I forgot about, resurfaced.
He stared at me, as if he was trying to read me. He wore an a navy Armani suit, that outlined his muscles.
I felt heart rush in my face, as I stared at his body then back to his face, taking in his perfectly pink lips, his trimmed stubble, chistled toned jaw, straight nose , hazel eyes that locked onto mine, with an expression I couldn't quite comprehend.
" Dora" my head snapped to Liam , I couldn't find, David beside him anymore,
" Where are the documents?" He asked
I furrowed my brows, " What... Documents?" I asked,
" The mayor, and his sister's wife documents, are you done with them" he asked
As I tucked my hair behind my ears " umm ... Yeah, I think so, but we have to give the police some of this information that I have acquired" I said.
Liam's eyes narrowed" What information."
I took a deep breath." Well, the mayor knew where she was, when she was supposedly missing, he gave her the community ,trust fund money, and also he embezzled the some of the towns money meant for schools and nursing homes".
Liam sighed as he nodded his hair, " son of a bitch"
"Am just gonna get the files"
" Hold on" a deep, masculine, husky voice called out, stopping me in my tracks, I spun around to face the owner.
His hazel eyes studied me, as I faced him,
" Is that all, you could get" his tone hinting disappointment
I tilted my head in confusion " umm.. yes"
He touched his jaw, his expression thoughtful" I this this information is not useful"
I furrowed my brows again,
" What you mean?"
" What are you trying to do, to remove him from his position or trying to label him as a criminal" he asked, his tone laced in seriousness.
"We trying to find out why his wife's sister and him came out from the same room together" I said.
He just smirked," that's what you think, what if , they were talking, what if, they were with Danielle (the mayor's wife) " he mockingly.
I narrowed my eyes, " What are you trying to imply"
He shrugged, " what do you think am trying to imply,hmm" he said and I felt anger boil inside me.
I scoffed, " are trying to say that I am creating false news"
He clicked his tongue, " bingo"
My anger flared" What the hell! who do you think you are?, how can you just say, that, I did my research and found, and said what I saw."
" Dora" Liam called out to me . I turned to face him, " calm down" , I always listened to Liam, he was like, my big brother always guided me, and now that he's leaving, it took a mental toll on me.
I heaved a sigh, I didn't want to get affected by this, stranger that I don't even know about.
"should I get the document or not" it came out harsher than I intended for it to come out.
Liam stared at me as he shook his head, " Dora, I think Mr grey, is right"
" What!" I exclaimed.
" In the perspective that we don't know what they were doing inside the room" he finished.
"And I will like to see those documents " he added
I bit the inside of my cheek in annoyance,
" Fine then. Nice meeting you Mr grey" I mocked as a smirk appeared on his lips and, I swear to God, i felt inexplainable flutter in my stomach.
I paced round my desk with the documents clutched in my hands, my thoughts pouring across the room.
' who does he even think he is, telling how to do my job'
'he has not even yet being replaced yet and his acting like this'
" Dora" Lily called out my name
" What! What ! What!??" I yelled, it was harsh, pretty harsh, and I didn't regret it, ever since I came out of, Liam's office, she kept pestering me about, that- Mr freaking grey.
She raised an eyebrow, " you know, your saying your thoughts out loud"
I just rolled my eyes, " Okay?
*you look pissed "
" I look pissed?" , " ok fine your pissed, but if you ask me, I think he was just giving his opinion " I glared at her " that's , why it's a good thing that didn't ask you" I said ,
She huffed " Fine be a bitch then"as she stormed out.
"Ok, what was that?" Tom asked and I just sat in my chair grumpily, as I folded my hands. "You wanna grab launch?" He asked, and I took a glance at him, be because, I was starving , I nodded in response.
I munched on my fries angrily. " Like who does he think he is"
I said as I explained why happened , in Liam's office.
Tom listeed attentively while taking a huge bite of his burger " Well I think he was just giving his opinion, and besides, it was a good one," his tone neutral
I huffed, " Not you too!!, why is everyone taking his side"
Tom's expression turned thoughtful" Well I get it, you ego is bruised, you are, very good at your job, no one has ever criticize you before and that's why your being this way" he said.
I rolled my eyes " Whatever" I said defensive.
" By the way, when is your wedding " I said while changing the topic.
Tom had been dating a beautiful brunette, Angela, for five years. Just last week on their anniversary, he proposed to her.
" On valatine" he said simply. I raised an eyebrow, we were in the middle of September, which was the marriage was five months away, " how romantic" I said, " hmm .. is that genuine or fake" he asked
" It's real" I said dramatically. He just smiled, it was charming.
" You know, you have been working here, for five years now and I don't even know when your telling the truth or not"
I rolled my eyes, " maybe it's better that way"
I said and he laughed,
" You remind me of my little sister alot" he said
" Ok, at least am better than her right ?" I asked and he nodded "way better" he said and I smiled.
We continued talking for what felt like hours, until we cleared up our food and headed back to the office.