plot and war

In year 3450 humanity archives a great feat by having an advanced technology, science and a spaceship that can travell space in light years away like the (star trek or star wars) and exploiting and exploring new land in the vastness of the universe but even that advancement human greed for power will still corrupt them.

(Forget the power of technology and science. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter. 40k reference btw).

In the planet name NOVA a selfish greedy president of that world aka self proclaimed king name Aric (meaning "ruler of all") declares war on the planet EARTH where humanity originated before exploring the vastness of the universe. He thinks by conquering that planet the other planetary leaders will bow down to him or seek alliance to him but no it's a big mistake for him. Because the planetary leaders from a universal military alliance named UPA ( universal, planetary, alliance) to fight him the NOVA planet have way more advanced weaponry and thecnology just like german in world war II that's why the planetary leaders forms un alliance to fight the NOVA'S. Year 3451 the NOVA'S finally declares war on the planet EARTH and it's allies.

The spaceships

Hull Structure and color: The ship features a sleek, elongated hull with angular contours, embodying a futuristic military aesthetic and have ablack and greyish color.

Identification Markings: Distinctive insignias and the ship's name are prominently displayed on the exterior, enhancing its authoritative presence.

Bridge: The command center of the ship, equipped with advanced navigation and communication systems, allowing for strategic mission planning.

Armory: A dedicated area housing an extensive arsenal, enabling solders to prepare for diverse combat in space and land scenarios.

Hangar Bay: Serves as the deployment zone for the solders and robots drop pods or other transport vehicles.

Living Quarters: Accommodations for crew members, providing rest areas and essential facilities to maintain morale and efficiency.

Weapon Systems: The ship is outfitted with an array of offensive capabilities, including laser cannons and missile batteries, ensuring readiness for space combat.

Defense Mechanisms: Advanced shielding technology and countermeasure systems protect against various threats.

Propulsion: State-of-the-art engines facilitate rapid travel across star system.

100 thousand military alliance warship wait in the combat zone located at port Pluto each military personnel are waiting in anticipation for the enemy fleet consisting of 25 thousand to arrive at the battle zone. minute has past and still the enemy are no where to be seen hours and days the allied anticipation and preparation died down in the enemy war fleet. After the allied though the enemy didn't want to continue the war a sudden explosion seen in the allied ships that attack destroyed 10 spaceship the allied shaken by the sudden attack didn't respond immediately and another attack occurred it destroyed another 5 ships and that the allied regained their self and starting counter attacking. ships after ships are being destroyed advanced technology vs more in numbers the battle lasted for 3 days where the allied wins but at the price of 21 million solders and a 70 thousand battle ships.

(The reminiscence of that battle are way more look a like in the battle of Battle of B-R5RB)

Where the dead body and the debris from the battle are floating in the emptiness of space. The allied pay respects for the dead solders before advanceing their fleet to the planet NOVA after 3 days they reach their destination planet NOVA

Planet NOVA description and people

Planet NOVA is a mars-like world with a resilient ecosystem

Size: Slightly larger than Earth, with lower gravity

A vast, wind-swept dunes of iron-rich sand, similar to Mars, but interspersed with hardy vegetation. But have a advancement of technology and more war factory

Climate & Weather

Hot days, freezing nights.

Seasonal Dust Storms: Massive, planet-wide dust storms

Rare Rainfall: When storms break, they trigger rapid plant growth and brief bursts of lush greenery.

Magnetic Storms: Intense solar activity causes auroras and affects migratory patterns of aerial creatures

Intelligent Civilization of planet NOVA

Species Name: The NOVA'S


Tall, thin humanoids with reddish, leathery skin to withstand the arid climate.

Large, black or golden eyes adapted for low light, allowing them to see in the frequent dust storms.

Five-fingered hands.

Lungs capable of processing thin air efficiently, allowing them to survive in high-altitude regions

The allied soldiers looking down at the planet in shock on how drastically change by being peaceful planet to wepon producing planet in less than a year. the high ranking officer are planing strategies on land and space battle by deploying solders and other necessary items by pod and defense against the enemy fleet

After they final built a plan they begin the attack dropping millions of solders and robots in the planet NOVA following a suppressive fire using laser and missile on the NOVA'S defense explosion and death rain down to the NOVA'S while struggling to form a counter defense against the allied attack finally the allied soldier drop pod finally reached the land the pod slowly opened and solders, robots and Humvee rush out . and theother pod tanks and heavy attack vihecle rush out. While the allied successfully land the solders now the begin the pase 2 of the plan attack the coming enemy fleet. The space show bright colors in the battle explosion and laser and plasma firing. While in land cacophony of battle and warcry can be heard.

(the relentless and cyclical nature of loss on the battlefield, where one soldier'sdeath often leads to another, creating a seemingly unending cycle of grief and mortality)

just for peace many solders lose their lives.