The allied soldiers slowly advancing their troops in the enemy defense line soldiers after soldiers are dying robots and heavy vehicle and tank are being destroyed but even that degree of destruction the allied soldiers never wavered they still continue their advancement.. battle echoes in the distance land and space. Many are dying the NOVA'S defense line are slowly being destroyed the fight using plasma thank and disintegrator cannon ( the tall of the Disintegrator are 6 - 8 storey building and having a 20-30 meter wide and 7-8 long)
The NOVA'S try their best to defend their land but it's futile because of the overpowering bombardment coming from the allied destroying their factory military base and their strong defense arsenal and now they are slowly being push back to their central States where the tyrant name Aric reside..
Central States presidental office.
Aric shit i thought we have the upper hand because of our way more advanced technology but I'm wrong they use their number to fight or advanced arsenal yha!!! he flipped the chair and table and throw everything he sees in her anger. Corrupted by power he lead his people to die meaningless because of his greed amidst of that a sudden hologram appear in front of him their a shadow figure can be seen it's start speaking to Aric #@$-"*) -√¶∆ Aric replied i know I'm sorry to disappoint you they out number us and the use their number to fight our advanced technology that you give to us the unknown figure speak
¥¢£℅¶∆× Aric replied understood after Aric said that the figure says unworthy before the hologram disappear after that encounter Aric is way more angry because the entity promises to help him achieve his wish to become the king of the humanity in a simple cost of following their comand without further retaliation because of her greed of power now it back fire the allied soldiers are slowly approaching her location the only remaining land that his men are currently controlling are the central states .. the other land outside have been conquered or captured by the allied (the central state size are roughly the size of Germany) after the conversation Aric call all her high ranking generals to form a counter offensive attack or highly defensive attack. After an hour they never came out a good plan the only remaining answer are to surrender or fight till death Aric is way more angrier because of her general didn't come out a better plan. the cacophony of battle can be heard slowly advanceing to their position. Aric ordered her generals that they will never surrend he ordered fight till death for the glory of the NOVA'S Aric yelled before turning and going out in the meeting room.
Space in NOVA planet
The allied surviving 30 thousand spacesips in the Pluto port battle are now only 15 thousand remains they lose 15k ships because of the NOVA'S ambush and strong land to space cannon defense the allied ships win in the occupation of space supremacy now they are now focusing in assisting the soldiers in land by using laser and bombardment in the enemy position mark by the soldiers in ground and by dropping additional enforcement and heavy vihecle and robots and doing med evac at the injured soldiers
The high ranking officer name Eric give a specific ordered to the other ships the 5k ships will do the bombardment the other do the supplying and med evac and his and other in 5k remaining ships will do the cover up in case of a sudden enemy surprise attack. All the ships have received their order and now they are doing their specific given comand.
In planet NOVA'S ground
Allied soldiers slowly advancing in the NOVA'S central states. houses and road are full of dead bodies and destroyed defense weaponry and tank in the air hovercraft and subsonic fighter planes are fighting tooth and nail attack plane and hovercraft are falling apart or being destroyed above. Same thing in the ground dead soldiers and destroyed heavy vihecle are littered around and the destruction will keep on piling or rising.
The NOVA'S defense in the central states are now thinning more and more now the allied finally push through the death line that what they say because of the death toll on that battle now the allied are marching and running in the final defense of the NOVA'S For Democracy the allied yell.
NOVA'S the remaining soldiers having no choice they to will soon join their fallen brothers for the NOVA soldier yell they have nothing to lose so the rash in defense formation some are going to the remaining disintegrator cannon and other defense weaponry while others are preparing for close and assault battle.
Central states presidental office
Aric alone in her office looking at the object in table that the other shadow entitie from the hologram give to him via teleportation the entity says press the button if you are ready to be teleported in our planet €√÷£¶∆€ thats the simpliest thing that we can offer because of our simple alliances.
Aric thought is fighting if he will stay and watch him empire burn and die within it or be teleported in the uncharted planet that he form alliance with. Aric says I need more time to think but it's futile because the allied forces are slowly getting closer. Aric didn't thought more so he just pressed the red teleportation device he sigh so this is the end of the NOVA'S planet but before he will be teleported a sudden bright lights shine in the middle of the battle field he quickly turn and see a portal a huge blue portal.
Aric is shocked at the scene and he mumbled holy s------ before he get teleported.