the unknown portal

NOVAS central states battle ground the last stand.

Soldiers are fighting the NOVAS and the allied are giving them all. The defense weaponry of the NOVAS are firing at the upcoming forces of the allied soldiers and as the allied are getting bombardment and some are being disintegrated in retaliation the fire back at the NOVAS using tank and precise orbital bombardment; the NOVA'S shaken by the surprise bombardment they quickly regain their sense and continue to fight till death.

When the allied soldiers and heavy attack vihecle almost reached the NOVA'S dug trenches and huge wall with a disintegrator cannon built and other defense weaponry

a sudden boom occurred in the middle of the fight bright light shine brightly blinding both the allied and the NOVA'S. both of the different side quickly pause on what they are doing just to see the huge mesmerizing thing some soldiers from the allied said that's look's like a portal talking to the other soldier same things are happening in the NOVA'S part both parties are looking and puzzling on what is happening in the middle of the war zone

The huge portal description

The appearance: are swirling have a shimmering circle glow with pulsating energy and the surface might ripple like liquid, twist with spirals of light

The colors: are vivid and otherworldly deep blue and a blend of shifting hues that seem to defy logic.

The sound: having a low hum, and whoosh with resonant echoes

Effect on surroundings: The air may be distort, objects could levitate, and particles of light or dust might swirl into the portal's gravitational pull

Both the allied and the NOVA'S curiousity to see the portal up close some of the soldier suddenly walking towards near the portal that they didn't even notice that they are now standing side by side at each other some of the soldier nod at each other and didn't even mind at all for the sudden ceasefire; after a minute long standby other soldiers join in the group near the portal to see clearly what in the world is that curiousity struck by one of the allied soldier and start walking towards the unknown swirling portal by the shock of both NOVA'S and allied soldiers they are just looking at the random soldier walking towards the portal some of the allied yelled "Heyy!! WTF !! Are you doing? "the soldiers replied i don't know i just want to see up close this mother fucking thing you know what i mean curiousity MF!!yeah!!!.

When the soldier finally reached the portal up close just a centimeter away her radio crak " bzzz what's the update can you discribe it to us?? "the soldier replied i don't know this thing it's just broke the law of science it self when you get closer you will see some debris floating near that thing and the sound it creat it's like humming like a mechanical humm like thing i i can't explain "bzzz copy that" meanwhile in the position of the one radioed him the radio is in speaker mode so all of the crumpled soldiers in both line can hear the description of the soldier that came closed in the portal.

Soldiers in the portal pov

Hmmm what the heck is this thing it's just like the movie or novel that i read a portal that connecting to a fantasy world it's must be good if it's reall he chuckled her arm slowly rises to touch the portal and to her surprise her hand went through the portal her are fell a slight cold and that was it nothing more while her arm are inside of the portal he radio back to her comrade the discovery he made and a sudden pain rush through her arm inside the portal he quickly pull out to her shock her are is cut he yell in pain will the other receiver can hear her struggle and yell the quickly start looking at the portal some are using binoculars to see what is going on over there.

"other side of the portal before the soldiers arm got cut"

Commander of the first attack force Ragnar

A tall red masculine ork confused at what he sees "hmm is that an arm?" He said to the soldier beside him the soldier replied yes commander that's a human arm it's might be a villager or a civil "hmmm how do you even know if it's a villager the ork say's" it's the dress commander if that one is a warrior he supposed to be wearing a leather or metal planting in part of her arm but that one is just wearing a rag "hmmm after that the ork look at the arm and say might be a curious villager then" after that the ork turn back to face the soldier, mage, monster, dragon, and a giant and a Titan.

The ork start talking "on this day we the first attack force will be the first to step on this new land we will build our comand post in this new world we will conquer and enslave the people in that world steal their riches exploit their land and we will rule them all!!!"

All the first attack force yell yeh!!hura!!!! and others roar! in excitement to conquer this new land.

After the ork speech he turned and say first we must capture some of the villagers and interrogate them for what might we face but only bring 6 to interrogate the rest kill them all after he says that hey cut that arm it's irritating me already and you dragon after that soldier cut that arm do a fire breath before we enter the portal we must show terror to the people in the other side "after that he ride hir steed"

Present other side NOVA planet portal

The soldier are yelling in pain for her cut arm he feal a excruciating pain and blood continue pouring out nonstop.

In the distance other soldier in the battle field are looking at the soldier in pain confused at what is happening and then they are suddenly petrified on what they saw at the portal a giant salamander head is slowly coming out and it's slowly opened it's mouth and a flickering red thing is forming in it's mouth and then booooom!!! A hot line of fire coming out in it's mouth melting everything that came in it's way metal and debris are melting.

Sadly by the curious soldier near the portal her arm already got cut now he is slowly melting in agony by the sudden attack of the giant salamanders.