Chapter 6

It has been a week and the leveling seems to be getting harder as Kael only hade one lv up after it has been a week

"Uhhhh,I feel like It's getting harder to lv up for me" Kael said and complained until he's capture alarm goes off

"Huh? I caught a monster?" Kael said and a fire burs out making Kael go in fear

"What the hell!?" Kael said and runs out of he's new house and looked at the ones who burned he's house

"Who the he-!" As kael saw who burned he's house it was human and Kael got scared and trembling in fear

"Where's the egg?!" The first human said "I don't know!?" The other human said and the rest saw me

"Get that thing and destroy it!" The other human said and brings out a blade,Kael ran away from them

The humans chaes after kael as Kael kept running he turns to directions but it was just higher level monsters "Shit! This is not good!" Kael said and ties to find a way out

Kael then spots 2 legend big lizards running at him that gave him an idea *they will distract the humans for a while!* Kael said and charged towards them as the humans are behind

Kael jump to the monsters and the legend monsters tries to bite and scratch him but he dodged them mid jump and landed on the ground and ran

Kael then looks back and sees the humans killing the monsters *Ha! It worked!* Kael said in he's thoughts as he grined widely

As Kael kept running an looking back he suddenly got traped by a pebble and fell deeper in the cave now he's in a labyrinth

As Kael falls he caught himself by using he's silk and landed safely "great! I'm deeper in the labyrinth now!!!" Kael said yelled in anger

As Kale complained he didn't notice a monster coming up towards

Kael kept complaining until he turn and See's a cobra all in brown with green eyes "...oh no" Kael said and closes he's eyes and prepares to accept he's faith

As Kael closes he's eyes the cobra jumps at him opens it's mounth with fangs ready to kill Kael

As kale stood their he hears a great shake of the ground and hears piercing and screaming one opens he's eyes to see the cobra getting pierced by rock projectiles on he's body and getting ready for a fight

"What the fu-" Kael was taken it back and sees a dragon with blue and back scales fighting the cobra

"A dragon!?!!" Keal said and hide from the fight and use he's aprisal skill on the dragon


Name: The mighty ignus

Error! Error! To power ful to be seen need to lv up aprisal skill!!!}

As Kael saw it's stats he got scared and See's ignus grab the cobra and open it's mouth

Ignus then summons a gliff and comes out a huge crystal and drop on the cobras mouth killing it

Kael saw this and admire the power of a dragon "Woahhh that was awesome" kael said with admiration

Ignus then turns to look at Kael and looks at Kael intensely that scared the shit out of Kael ignus then turn and drags the cobra by he's teeth

As Kael ignus go away he sighs in relief as to how luck he was to survive "My god that was close if I meet ignus against I'm sure I'll die" Kael said to him self and ran away from the area

Kale then is walking around the new deep inside the labyrinth trying to find another way out because ignus is in that one so he'll die if he goes to that one "Great! Just great! There is a damn dragon in that way!" Kael said as he walked

"Now how will I find another way out" kael said as he kept walking through the labyrinth

After 3 hours he encounters really higher monster that are not even defeatable for Kael and they are eating each other up wanting to only survive

"Uggghhhh!!!,I can't even find food it's just monsters who can kill me within seconds!!!" Kale said as he walked through the labyrinth

Kael kept growning and complaining and spots a cave with snails in color purple and kale got into questioning *Wait why isn't the monsters eating these?* Kael said in he's thoughts and grabbed one

"Well guess more for me then" Kael said and takes a bite and suddenly fainted and dies








Thanks for reading the story for story of Kael

Tanks for the support! And byee!

"So I got Isekaied,huh?" The End










Just kidding 😂

As Kael soul was about to die he pulls it back and wakes up

'gasp' kael wakes up he's body tired and looked at he's Hp

{Name: Kael

Species: red flair ant

Lv: lv 4

Hp: 10/118

Mp: 112/122

Atk: 40

Def: 34

Endo: 90/90

Spd: 15}

Kael then rise up "Ugghhhh...." Kael said as he slowly tise up and tries to find food fast

Kael was shaking while walking tried and about to fall but he kept going trying to find food to survive

As Kael walk he spots cockroaches in color red eating a corps "....f-finaly" kael got relief and use he's black spike and hits them in the corps

Kael comes closes and ate them with the corps but this is more disgusting than kale though but he had no choice but eat it all

*I need to survive I have to do this* Kael said in he's thoughts as he force himself to eat it all to heal up

After he ate them all he rose up fully healed but the taste is still there in he's mouth "damn it man it's stuck with me I need to brush it out" Kael said and goes to find a water source

After 30 minutes of seeing powerful monsters that him he finally found a water source "fucking finally!" Kael sd mad ran to it

Kael drinks it and use he's hands to brush it away he continues and finally got rid of the smaell

"Finally I'm done I can go back to where I need to find more food" Kael said and runs off to fight them again

It's now have been a day Kael still isn't finding anything witch course him to have hunger again and lead he's Hp to be depleted to half of it due to hunger

"Ugh I'm losing hp no..." Kael said as he's stomach growled in hunger he kept walking and walking until he gets attacked by giant bees about he's size

"Woah! *Dodge* what th-" Kael saw 5 bees charges at Kael with their stingers ready as he saw them getting closer he dodged them and use flair shot on one of them weakening it

"Ok they seem to be in my level of strength" Kael said and gets to a fighting stance

Kael then uses he's aprisal skill on them

{Species: cortag bees

Lv: 3

Hp: 70/70

Mp: 65/65

Atk: 62

Def: 34

Endo: 80/80

Spd: 10

Ability: use zap magic,poison sting, dizziness effects}

As Keal saw it he realized that this species is more in power "alright this may give me trouble" Kael said and charged at them

The bees also charged at him to using their stingers Kael then jumps and use flair shots on them killing only one and the rest low

Kael lands on the ground and the bees send a scream for help and a swarm of bees come to kill Kael

Kael then See's them and had a sweat drop down he's face "well this is not good but I taking it" Kael said and use flair shots on the bees that scream for help killing them

"Alright bring it!" Keal screamed and jump at the swarm of bees and use flair shots on them damaging them

A bee sneak up to Kael and stings him doing a poison effect on kael's body and he fell *shit I'm poisoned I need to run quick and heal up to fight* as Kael hit the ground damaging him he ran off

The bees saw this and charged at the now running Kael and they use their zap magic to make tiny electric zaps to try and hit Kael and paralyzed him

*Panting and dodging* Kael dodged the zaps feeling the dizziness going through he's head by the Poison in he's body and brain

*Shit I'm getting the effects this getting me to die quicker* Kael said to him self as he was getting chased by a swarm of bees

Kael then ran and ran faster and heed behind a rock and the bees didn't see him heed and kept running at the direction

"Good this should stall them out for a while" Kale said and rest down for a bit but as he rest 5 bees saw him and about to sting him

Kael noticed this and moved a bit nearly getting hit and the bees scream

The swarm of bees then arrived and charge in at Kael

To Be Continued...