As the bees got close to Kael with their stingers ready to poison Kael to death
"Shit gotta dodge!" Kael said and jumped out of the swarm of bees and then a screen pop up on he's face "Huh?" Kael said and looked at the screen
{New ability unlocked!
- poison resistance lv 1}
As Kael read it he suddenly feels not dizzy anymore and quickly found out that he gain an ability to be immune to poison "ha! Nice! And great timing to!" Kael said and rise up and looked at the bees with a grin on he's face
"Bring it on mother fuckers!" Kael said and began to use he's magic and attack them hes Stats shows up to inform him of he's current state
{Name: Kael
Species: red flair ant
Lv: 4
Hp: 54/118
Mp: 100/122
Atk: 40
Def: 34
Endo: 60/90
Spd: 15}
Kael didn't pay attention and prepared he's flair shots skill on them but only he got a few of them
The bees all use their zap magic to electricute Kael to oblivion but Kael dodged and use black spike and flair shot next
3/4 of the swarm where wiped out band burn to a crisp by kael's magic and the bees got a angered and combine thier power into one attack witch turn into one thunder strike hitting kael's body
Kael "Ach!" Kael screamed in pain as it dealt an enormous 40 damage on him
"Shit" Kael said as he looked at he's damage body and looked at the swarm off bees
As Kael looked at them in fear he found a way to kill them *Wait the bees are now together if I hit them with the flair ball it can spread the fire!* Kael though and the bees together charged in and about to use their stingers
"Waittttt....Now!" Kael shouted as the bess gone closer to him and he use he's skill flair shot to hit on witch in turn spres out in the pack
As the bees gone on fire while still charging at Kael,Kael then roles out of the way and the bees hit the ground burning alive
As the fire went out the bees are now dead and burned so Kael goes to them and smells the smoke
"Ugghhh it smells horrible" Kael said and plugged he's nose
"But I have no choice for survival" Kael said and chopped on the bee bleeding out out purple blood
Kael then as before didn't enjoy it he finished them in 50 minutes as it was a lot of bodies and he laid their disgusted
"Oghh" Kael growned and then vomits on the floor after all the bullshit he had to eat
As Kael vomited on the floor and a screen pop up but Kael ignored it and layed down for a rest
"ZzzzZzzzz" Kael snored and sleeped
We go now to a girl with white hair and red hair coming out from below her hair and in some what academy clothes
"Uhhhh I'm bored" she said as she is a reincarnate named Fiona she sat down on the chair bored her other world name is shina
"Oh come on girl it ain't that boring" a girl with blue hair talk to Shina her name is Ribia "I mean it's just use learning magic and stuff" Rubia said to Shina
"I know it's just boring! Even tho you know magic already!" Shina said to Ribia as she read on the library how to use magic
"Oh come on! Your the one who always read!" Ribia said to Shina as she knows she studies in the library basically a nerd
"I know! It's boring!" Shina said to Ribia and a little dragon to Shiba and hope on her shoulder "woah! Hahaha! Easy there Azura!" Shina said and hold on on the table for support
"Hey isn't that the dragon that your brother gave you?" Ribia said to Shina as the dragon licked Shina on the cheek so Shina push she a bit to talk to Ribia "Yeah! He is the best isn't he?"
Shina said to Ribia with a smile and happiness so Ribia sighed as she thought "Isn't your brother the hero?" Ribia said to Shina as she commented on her brother being the hero
"Yeah! I mean he is a powerful guy!" Shina said to the comment of Ribia "I mean yeah he did defeat a grgon that was attacking the city" Ribia said to Shina as they remembered The hero thought a dragon to defend the city
"Yeah I remembered so well" Shina said to Ribia with confidence to say that "man girl your lucky huh?" Ribia said as the class rings to begin the class
"Alright class take your sits as we are now learning about how we can rank each other" as the class goes to their sits they hear that they are now learning about ranking and got exited
"Oh man finally something interesting!" A boy said with intress
"Yeah!" A girl said next to the boy
"So now you all may know about how this world can rank you by your power" the teacher said and began to write the Rankings on the board
Rank F
Rank E
Rank D
Rank C
Rank B
Rank A
Rank S
Rank SS
Rank SSS]
"Now you all may say that oh sir you forgot about the Rank Z,it's because no one can obtain this only the most powerful hero and demon lord in history can be able to have this ranking" the teacher said to the students
"That's because no demon lord or hero has been able to get this only 1 hero and 1 demon lord did in history has got this rank and now has been recorded as the most powerful" the teacher said and goes to another board
[Their is another system for you to go to the next rank by having+++ to go to the next rank
Rank D+ -> Rank D++
Rank D +++ -> Rank C]
The teacher wrote down on the bored "Now this is how you can got to the next rank by getting 3 + you can now go up by one more" the teacher said to the students
And a student rise up he's hand it was a boy with violet hair and a yellow stripe on it "Yes you can ask a question" the teacher said to the boy
"Weren't the hero Sozo and the demon lord Hakai the ones to have this rank in history sir?" The boy said to the teacher
"Correct! My boy So now we are going through the demon lord first Known as Hakai" the teacher said and bring out a book of the demon lord Hakai and the hero Sozo
"A long time ago thier was ones a peaceful place of human animals and demons where they can't be disbalanced" the teacher said
"Until the domon lord Hakai has he's army ready to fight as he destroys kingdoms and powerful warriors" the teacher said
"Hakai concurred half of the world to he's hands until a bright light appeared" the teacher said
"A human came with nature magic in he's hand and fight for the world to be free" the teacher said
"Now that creation is fighting destruction the demon lord and hero fought till thier opponent died in their hands" the teacher said
"As the demon lord Hakai fought with the hero Sozo they fought for 8 days and 8 nights as their power damaged everything around them" the teacher said
"As they grew tired they only died to each other with their last breaths the turn into dust and never to be seen against so the balanced was restored after 30 years go by" the teacher said and closed the book and looked at he's students
"That was cooool!!!!!" Everyone yelled as they hear the story of the demon lord Hakai and the hero Sozo
"That's how destruction magic was born to this world as well as Creation magic as they are now named after the demon lord and the hero you all know as" the teacher said and looked at he's students wanting them to answer this
"Hai magic! And Soz magic!!" The students said together as they know the magic of them
"That is correct!" Now back to the lesson the teacher turned to the bored as we go to Shina's thoughs
*Soz So magic and Hai magic can only be granted to the hero and demon lord* Shina said in her thoughs as she thinks about her brother how he made her a toy out of he's Soz magic
*Winder how it feels to have that type of power to have?* Shina said in her thoughs as she thinks how those it feel to be the only one to have the Soz magic
*Wonder what my brother is doing now* she said as she looked at the glass and remembered Kael looked at the window and a big melat material blows up mid air and it went blank for her and she woke up as a baby
*Maybe we are in another world* she said in her thoughsvas she spend time here she grew more suspicious about this world and their system
*Hm maybe I'm overreacting maybe that's it* She said in her thoughs and turn back to the teacher
To Be Continued...