becoming one

In the next day of shujin they had classes but that didn't last long thanks to the volleyball rally today.

Currently in the gym akira,ryuji and max were looking at the teachers more specifically kamoshida who was destroying the student team.

Max saw clearly that the kamoshida was spiking a blue haired kid that he learned from akira that he was named Mishima.

Ryuji: she still sticks out. and hasn't changed a bit.

Max and akira turn to Ryuji who was muttering to himself.

He then there gazes and just stretched.

Ryuji: this is pretty boring right?

Max: yeah no kidding all we are watching is the adults treating the students like garbage that guy Mishima has it the worst.

Akira: yeah I feel bad for him.

Max: oh right I forgot to mention my supervisor is coming to see if you guys are trust worthy of the exorcist thing.

Ryuji: for real? So we might actually become exorcists?

Max: if he gives the okay. Miguel is very critical about sudden recruits.

Akira: so we have to make a good impression?

Max: more like convince him that you can be trusted.

Ryuji: well I'm being honest I rather be in that interview than in this.

Akira/max: agreed.

Akira then noticed the blonde girl with pigtails she looked completely uninterested.

He remembered eavesdropping on her conversation with kamoshida and she tried to avoid him.

A part of him wanted to help the blonde but he knew that she would push him away and kamoshida would get him in trouble.

Max noticed akira looking at the blonde girl that was in there class he thought that he had a crush on her so he didn't think much of it.

There peace was interrupted by the loud cheering of the crowd and they saw kamoshida do a spike with a smug smile.

But the ball went straight for Mishima's face and when he hit the ground max saw that the poor guy had a busted nose and he was probably missing a tooth.

Kamoshida pretended to care about Mishima and told someone to send him to the nurses office.

But the moment Mishima was carried away he once again had a smile on his face like he didn't just assaulted a student.

The three boys and the blonde girl scowled at seeing this.

Ryuji: smug prick.

He grabbed a ball and threw it so that the volleyball team could play with the new ball.

Hours passed and through the whole thing max wanted to beat up the sorry excuse for a coach.

It was one thing seeing his palace but seeing this smug bastard getting his kicks from tormenting kids was ridiculous.

They were family able to get away from kamoshida and max understood why Ryuji had a strong hatred for him.

The three went to a spot in the courtyard with bending machines and ryuji was in a bad mood and it was understandable.

Ryuji: that asshole is acting like a king here too. damn it I seriously wished we had something on him.

Akira: we kinda do but I don't if me,max and Morgana are going to be enough to take kamoshida down.

Max: yeah I heard from you two that he was an asshole but this guy is just an absolute prick.

Akira: so that aside is there anything else you can tell us about this exorcist thing?

Max: well for one we mainly do investigations or takecare of lost souls causing trouble and to prevent well hidden lost souls from getting stronger and if they have a territory then that means that there almost at there peak.

Akira: what do you mean by territory?

Max: you know how kamoshida's castle was like a pocket dimension? Well territory are the same but what causes them to appear is when a lost soul or pure soul gets attached to a place and they develop a personal pocket dimension that only people with spiritual energy can enter. Those with no spiritual knowledge will walk pass through pocket dimension or get dragged in.

Ryuji: holy shit so it's like kamoshida's castle but you don't need the meta nav?

Max: basically yeah and what makes it worse is that it attracts lost souls and they will become like subjects of the ruler of the territory some of them are treated like soldiers or some are like ants serving the king or queen.

Akira: it's the exorcist thing THAT dangerous?

Max: it is but they start you off small and the more you get stronger the more dangerous missions you can go on. Some exorcists have healing abilities so they stay in medical department. Freya is our assigned doctor and she a prodigy and she experiments with drugs.

Ryuji: she kinda sounds like she is a quack doctor.

Max: I won't deny it she is really focused on her work but still she is a good person.

Akira: good to know I guess. But anyway what are we going to do about kamoshida?

Ryuji started to tap his feet in the ground repeatedly.

Ryuji: that's what I like to know max said that if they were being abused they would have confessed already and not to mention that guy Mishima has it the worst.

Max: well we have two options we A go to his office and we jump the bastard or we got to the metaverse and jump him there.

Akira: well the first one is basically a suicide mission and the second one is possible.

Ryuji: alright it's decided when we get our spiritual powers-

Max: if Miguel thinks that you two can be trusted.

Ryuji: we will go that bastard kamoshida's castle and-

Ann: what's got you so exited?

The three turned and saw the blonde girl that akira saw.

Ann: what are you three planning to do with Mr. Kamoshida?

Ryuji: why would you-. Oh I get it you're probably trying to gather dirt on us since you are all buddy buddy with kamoshida.

Ann: it's not like that at all I-

Ryuji: yeah keep telling yourself that but if you only knew what he was doing behind your back you would dump him instantly.

Ann: what are you talking about?

Ryuji: you wouldn't get it.

Ann: look I'm not here to start anything I just came here to warn you three things are already hard as it is. So just stop.

She then walked away from the three but akira and max read the room these two have history.

Ryuji: *sigh* now I feel like an asshole.

Akira: Ryuji do you know her?

Ryuji: huh? Oh me and Ann went to the same middle school but when we got to shujin we didn't talk much and went our own ways.

Max: so you guys are like friends that don't talk to each other.

Ryuji: basically yeah.

A bell sounded out the whole school and that meant that the students were supposed be back in classes.

Ryuji: looks like our time is up.

Max: I'll be waiting for you guys outside the school.

The two nodded and went to class and akira and max were stuck together since they shared the same class room.

Akira: so max if we do get accepted as exorcist what's to expect?

Max: well I'm the u.s if you manage to get scouted or want to join you have to go to an interview and if you manage get in you will have to move to a dormitory with 8 other juniors.

Akira: wow really? Wait do you still have to go to school?

Max: nah. Ever since the internet was made lost of people are questioning if school is really necessary. When I was still in high school I never actually learned anything useful not only that but I can tell that I wasn't the only one who wasn't interested.

Akira: so what? Do you just quit school and just become an exorcist?

Max: basically yeah Miguel told me that I'm the 2010s all the lessons in school were as he puts it a cake walks.

Akira: so if we do get accepted does that mean me and ryuji would have to quit shujin?

Max: no different branches have different rules. Like in the Japanese branch of exorcism the juniors are allowed to continue school if they want.

Akira: really? Well that's good for me because I'm already in deep trouble as it is and suddenly quitting school to join an organization will raise a lot of questions.

Max: what do you mean trouble you don't seem like the type to cause trouble.

Akira: right you don't know. I have a criminal record and I've been transferred from my home town to shibuya for probation and since I was kicked out of my old school I was forced to transfer to shujin.

Max: really what were you accused of?

Akira: i tried defending a woman from a drunk man but when pushed him he tripped and fell on his face. Then the cops came and I was taken away.

Max: did your parents at least defended you?

Akira: they didn't do much all they did was look at me like I killed someone.

Max scoffed at hearing that.

Max: guess you aren't the only one with shitty parents.

Akira: why do you say that?

Max: I don't want to talk about it anyway were almost there.

Akira was looking at max but in his view max was kinda like him but unlike him max didn't have have a criminal record.

But that aside the more max and him talked the more akira got to understand him and trust him.

For a second he thought he heard the sounds of chains but he shook his head and went to the classroom with him.

After time passed max,akira and ryuji were walking towards max's house were Miguel was waiting.

Ryuji and akira were a little nervous but they swallowed their fear and went in.

However to their surprise along with max's there was 3 individuals in his living room.

Miguel was one of them but the two were probably from the Japanese branch.

One of them is a man covered in scars and smoked a cigar in simple terms he look a typical mob boss.

The other was a woman who was sitting beside the man she didn't have any expression on her face but her eyes were focused and unlike the man she was dressed elegantly.

Max: Miguel. Who are these two?

Miguel: the man is the one that runs the operation in the Japan and he's the friend that I told you about.

Ryuji and akira saw Miguel and the other two.

Ryuji: dude that guy right there looks like a mob boss.

Akira: you're telling me.

Seijiro: I heard you two.

The two shujin student straighten up at hearing the man's voice.

Seijiro got up and stuck out his hand for a handshake.

Seijiro: my name is Seijiro hatake Miguel has told me a lot about you and your partners.

Max took Seijiro's hand and shook it to show respect.

Max: nice to meet you sir and it's a pleasure to meet the leader of the exorcist in Japan.

Seijiro: don't give me too much credit I just make sure that Japan's spirit doesn't get out of control.

Seijiro turn his attention to his assistant she got up and took a bow.

Tsubaki: my name is Tsubaki Kazuhiro it's a pleasure to meet you.

Max bowed his head to show respect.

Max: it's nice to meet you too.

Miguel looked at the two shujin students with a critical eye.

Miguel: so these are the two students that went to that metaverse world huh?

Seijiro turned his attention to the two boys and akira and ryuji felt like ants surrounded by mountains.

Seijiro: you boys don't seem like much but I will give you a chance. Come take a seat we will talk about this metaverse matter.

Max: I'm guessing that plans changed?

Miguel: yeah I was originally going to come myself but Seijiro here wanted to meet them himself since Japan is his territory and the mental shutdowns are going public.

Tsubaki: indeed these boys might be our key to discover what's going on.

Ryuji: um I we don't know much about the metaverse. We've only been there two times and the first time was by accident.

Seijiro: that's fine just tell us what you know.

Akira: well apparently its a pocket dimension that takes place in someone's mind it's like an imagery world and there another version of that person who is blinded by there own desires and only care about themselves and no one else.

Ryuji: yeah when we went to kamoshida's castle we saw his knights abusing students and not only that I've been doing some digging and he's been harrasing the female students.

Miguel: looks like I was right that school is fishy as hell allowing a teacher to abuse students and harrasing the female students. Yeah kobayakawa is definitely suspicious.

Tsubaki: it would appear so.

Seijiro: so this metaverse is like entering someone's subconscious desires I and this other version of that person what does that mean?

Akira: Morgana said that it's basically like the side of one's personality that they don't want to see and if the other self is killed the real self will suffer a mental shutdown.

Miguel: so in simple terms if we were to kill the other self someone the real one would die from it. Looks like this is much more important than we thought.

Max: see? If someone is using the metaverse to kill people then who knows what could happen and the public would panic.

Tsubaki: yes and this does explain why I couldn't find anything in there minds there brain function was completely shut down.

Ryuji and akira looked at Tsubaki in interest at the comment.

Akira: excuse me miss tsubaki but can you. read minds?

Tsubaki had a small smile and decided to show off her abilities.

Ryuji and akira suddenly felt something in their heads and Tsubaki's voice rang out in there heads.

Tsubaki: (I don't just read minds I can take control of someone's body with just a thought. And I can also make metal illusion. But that's not all I can do but I think you suffered enough.)

She demonstrates by having Ryuji patting akira's shoulder while akira was cleaning his glasses.

And the two boys had wide eyed looks because there bodies were not under their control.

She then demonstrated her illusion skills by having akira and Ryuji hallucinate each other with multiple eyes and mouths.

The two screamed like little girls and fell into the ground whipping at there faces but they stopped when they heard laughter from max and moline.

They went back to their seats and the two were now traumatized by the experience.

Ryuji: I don't I'm going to sleep well tonight.

Tsubaki: sorry about that if you want I'll just erase part of your memory if it makes you feel better.

Akira: no that's okay really I don't think I'm I can take any more mental adjustments.

Max: dude you two got scared like little girls it was so funny.

Moline: yeah it's fun seeing the calm and collected ones to flip out it's the best.

Ryuji: screw you!! and who even is the white chick!?

Max: she is my sister and she is a pure soul.

Moline: I saw how both you treat my brother and glad that you guys are cool.

Akira: thanks I guess.

Seijiro: anyway that thing aside now that the matter of the metaverse is over for now we will now start with you two.

The two shujin students stiffen at that.

Seijiro: you boys seem to be good people however I've read both of your files and your track record doesn't seem good.

Akira: it's my criminal Record is it and ryuji's?

Seijiro: basically yeah.

He stuck out his hand and Tsubaki gave him a file that was on the table and started reading both of the boys backgrounds.

Seijiro: akira kurusu from what this file says you assaulted someone and almost beat them to death and you were sued and you were forced to transfer to shujin due to probation.

Akira gripped his knees tight hearing his words it makes it sounds like he's the scum of the earth.

Seijiro: however I'm not one to just trust the information by just pieces of papers I want to hear what happened from your point of view.

Akira was a bit surprised an adult actually wanted to hear his part of the story and not just instantly assume that he's a trouble maker.

Seijiro saw how akira looked surprised by the comments and he guessed it was the same scenario where the Japanese police were corrupted and they spread bad things about the poor kid.

Akira: well um. I was walking back to my home but on my way I saw a woman being grabbed by a man that looked drunk. I pushed him away from the woman but he stumbled and hit his head on sidewalk. My memory is a bit fuzzy but he told the cops to arrest me and he said that I was finished and now here i am.

Seijiro heard every word and he concluded that akira has a good heart on him and he guessed that whoever ruined his life was someone who was high in the politics part of Japan.

Seijiro: now kurusu if you had spiritual energy what would you do with it?

Akira: I already possess a power of my own but I can only use it in the metaverse.

Seijiro: oh? Go on?

Akira: it's called persona morgana said that it's my will of rebellion and I get a get up that he says that protects me from distortions

Seijiro: I see now let's say that you could use this persona power in the real world what would do?

Akira: if I had either I would use it to protect myself and others around me Ryuji and max are the only ones that say me as a person and not a criminal so I won't let them get hurt.

Seijiro only looked into akira's and he felt that every word was an absolute fact.

Seijiro: alright so can we trust that you won't reveal anything to the public?

Akira: no I saw those lost souls in person and those things are dangerous and the mental shutdowns are causing enough problems for the public.

Seijiro just nodded and turned his attention to Ryuji.

Seijiro: now you Mr sakamoto.

He got out Ryuji's file and read it out loud.

Seijiro: Ryuji sakamoto a former track star in shujin and your team were close on going on the national but one day you assaulted a PE teacher and in return that same teacher broke your leg to defend himself and from there the track team was disbanded.

Ryuji felt a phantom pain in his knee but akira was looking at the blonde with wide eyes.

Akira: he broke your leg!?

Ryuji: yeah he did it took me months to recover now I have a limp.

Seijiro: now sakamoto I want to hear what happened from your perspective.

Ryuji: are you for real?

Seijiro: like I said I don't just believe in whatever a piece of paper says I would rather the story from the actual person.

Ryuji felt off most of the adults looked at him like a delinquent and just ignored him but the only person who actually cared was his mom.

Ryuji: well.

He leaned on his seat and clasped his hands and put his elbows on his knees and looked at the ground focusing on that day.

Ryuji: well before kamoshida came in the team was actually doing well and we were close on going on the national. But kamoshida somehow got the our original coach fired and unlike our previous coach he made us run for hours and not give us water.

But he was going directly towards me he knew that I was the type to fight back and I managed through those damn practices.but one day that bastard somehow got information on my family and kept on and on about my old man and I just snapped.

Seijiro: I see so this kamoshida actually goateed you to hit him so that he could destroy the team.

Ryuji: yeah that's what happened and when I recovered from my injury everyone in shujin looked at me like I killed someone and that's was until this whole thing.

Seijiro: so do you have a persona like akira here?

Ryuji: nope I wished I had one though.

Seijiro: so if were to have power what would do with it?

Ryuji: I'll admit I'm not that smart but I care about people like my mom and akira and ever since we entered the metaverse I felt so weak and I felt like I couldn't do anything but if I had that spiritual stuff I would use it to protect those I care about and beat anyone who hurts me or my friends.

Seijiro saw the fire in ryuji's eyes and he felt that even though this boy looked like a delinquent he had a good heart and he seems to have a healthy form of loyalty.

Seijiro: well looks like you two really are good kids now then I'll assume max told you about our system?

Akira: yeah that we can still attend school if we want.

Ryuji: wait what? That's the first time I hear of this.

Seijiro: well? Do you still want to attend school?

Akira: I'm staying in shujin like I said I'm on probation so if suddenly work for an organization I will have to explain why.

Seijiro just nodded and looked at Ryuji.

Ryuji: as much as I want to get away from that asshole kamoshida i don't want akira to just deal with him alone so I'm staying in shujin.

Seijiro: I see well in any case you two are now junior exorcist so congrats.

Ryuji and akira had smiles on their faces because they were now a part of a group that actually does some good in the world.

Seijiro: now turn around both of you and I'll unlock your spirit energies.

The two turned around and Seijiro put his hands on there backs and he flared up his blue spiritual energy.

He focused on both of the boy's souls and he infused his spiritual energy with there souls so that the soul can power up.

Inside akira's subconscious he opened his eyes and he saw the he was surrounded by black and red energy waves.

He heard a chuckle from behind him and he saw arsene his persona.

Arsene: looks like fate has interesting plans for you akira kurusu.

Akira walked over to his other self.

Akira: so if your my other self if I were to die I would look like you?

Arsene: yes but that isn't important do you feel it?

Akira: feel what?

Arsene: your soul boy don't you feel your soul empowering you?

Akira touched his chest and he felt that his soul was getting stronger along with his body.

Akira: yeah I do feel it.

Arsene: looks like your soul is awakening your potential and it looks like we are becoming one.

Akira: what does that mean?

Arsene: i am your rebel soul my power is also yours to command so that means you and me boy are one in the same. So with this spiritual power you and me are becoming one.

Akira: so you're saying that. I will get your power?

Arsene: indeed.

Meanwhile in ryuji's subconscious

Ryuji opened his eyes and he was surrounded by thunder clouds that struck once in a while but oddly enough he didn't flinch.

Captain kid: looks like you and I finally meet you made me wait quite a while.

Ryuji turned around and saw a skeleton in a pirate outfit with one his hands being a cannon and he was riding on a boat like a skateboard.

Ryuji was surprised by the skeleton but he wasn't scared because he felt like he was looking in a mirror.

Ryuji: woah are you my persona?

Captain kid: yes i am I am your rebel soul and I got admit I'm surprised that this spiritual energy is allowing us to communicate perhaps it's because you and I are the same person.

Ryuji: what do you mean?

Captain kid: isn't it obvious boy? I am you a part of your soul manifested into reality currently this spiritual energy is making us one.

Ryuji: so I will have your power?

Captain kid/arsene: exactly now come closer so that you and I become one.

Both captain kid and arsene extended their hands for akira and ryuji to grab

Akira and Ryuji got close to their personas and both grabbed their persona's hands at the same time.

Arsene/captain kid: I am thou. thou art I from this moment forward you and I will one in the same to complete the synchronization of ourselves say my name and we shall become one!!

Akira and ryuji felt the power in every single word of their personas and the environment was stirring up.

They then both looked at there other selves with there eyes going yellow feeling their power.

Akira/ryuji:arsene!!/captian kid!!