From the outside world akira and ryuji were covered by yellow and red auras.
The two opened their eyes and they felt powerful more than before.
Ryuji: wow dude this is rad!
Akira: yeah I didn't expect this to be so potent.
Seijiro: well you two really do have potential. Well now that I unlocked your spiritual energies I'll leave the training to max.
Max: huh? Why.
Seijiro: you didn't know but there was another incident were a conductor crashed the subway train and many were injured.
Miguel: yeah we might have gotten knowledge of this meta verse but still we have to reduce the details from getting out from the media.
Tsubaki: i know this might be sudden but we really must get going I trust you to take care of these boys?
Max looked at akira and ryuji and he just shrugged.
Max: meh what the hell I'll teach them the basics.
Seijiro: thanks kiddo when things calm down drop by our building we have some training equipment for you if want to use it.
Ryuji: for real thanks gramps.
Seijiro: don't mention it kid like I said you might be still in school but you two are junior exorcist and it would real bad move to not provide help for you.
Akira: thanks a lot Mr Seijiro really it means a lot.
Seijiro: you two are to generous. Anyway I'll be going take care of them max.
Max: I will.
While the adults were leaving the house Seijiro looked at Miguel who was quiet.
Seijiro: something bothering you Miguel?
Miguel: yes something is bothering me the fact that there is a pocket dimension that isn't a territory but instead is a pocket dimension of the mind is something that we haven't encountered before.
Seijiro: yeah i know but still we might have to investigate this metaverse ourselves.
Miguel: yeah.
Back with max and the two shujin students max decided to teach them the basics since it was getting late.
He taught them how to flare up there own spiritual energy and how to trigger there own abilities.
Akira's has a black matter like ability similar to his black arms but it was in a liquified form.
Meanwhile Ryuji's ability is control electricity but unlike Micheal's were he uses electricity to make thunder ryuji's electricity is wild.
When akira got to lebanc he had a smile on his face and sojiro noticed.
Sojiro: why are you smiling?
Akira: huh oh it's nothing sir I just had a good day of school with my friends.
Sojiro was a bit suspicious but he decided to leave the kid alone since he probably understands his predicament.
Sojiro: like I said as long as you're not causing trouble then that's fine. I'm going to close don't wreck my place.
Akira: yes sir.
After sojiro left akira went to the attic and got a feel for his new power.
He extended his hand and red spiritual energy came out of his hands
Max explained that red color of spiritual energy means that it does more damage and increases the effect of someone's abilities.
Cursed energy covered his hand it was a liquified energy and every time the droplets fell on the ground the vanished.
Akira felt the menacing aura of his cursed power and he decided to test it out.
He practiced through the night and he learned some new stuff.
Like for example he can throw the curse energy as a range attack he learned this by shaking his hand and a few drops caused small holes in the floor boards.
Luckily the holes were really small so sojiro would think it's probably just old wood.
As for other things he can create construct of cursed energy.
He just imagined his dagger and the liquid cursed shifted into that same dagger.
He thought of swords hammers and even mini versions of the shadows he remembered.
That's all he learned for now he decided to got to sleep.
However this time in his sleep he was summoned to the velvet room.
Caroline: up on your feet inmate our master wishes to speak to you.
Justine: it's best if you hear his words wisely.
These two were his wardens.
And their master was a man in a suit with a long nose and elf ears and a creepy smile.
Igor: I must admit you're rehabilitation is taking a quite interesting step you meet individual who are more connected with the hidden truths of this world. Let us hope that you don't waste this chance.
Akira: are you talking about the exorcist?
Igor: yes and that boy he has the same boundless potential as you however his own trails and it's up to him to settle it himself.
He leaned on his desk a bit.
Igor: however if we gave the exorcist access to the palaces would be trouble some so I'll allow them access with you and your allies.
Akira: so you gave the app to Ryuji?
Igor: indeed he like you was kicked down by the world like you and despite you two only knowing each other for 3 days you feel like you could relate to him.
An alar rang out and Caroline turned to him.
Caroline: this conversation is over get lost inmate.
With those harsh words akira went to his bed and he was now looking forward to tomorrow.
The next day came and akira and max came to the class room.
Aside from ryuji texting them and akira dodging a chalk stick from the teacher overall the classes didn't matter.
The three boys came to their meet up spot and ryuji was excited about learning more about spiritual energy.
Ryuji: alright! so what are you going to teach us?
Max: here in the school?
Ryuji: yeah I'm really excited to test out my abilities!
Akira: Ryuji the school isn't a good place to train in and besides we will get a lot of attention.
Ryuji: oh right the whole keeping it on the down low but still I have all this build up energy!
Max: later in my backyard we will practice and luckily it has a barrier that people can't see us.
Ryuji: nice dude this exorcist thing is really cool!
Max: dude do me a favor and don't yell too much it will get us in-
Morgana: I finally found you three.
The 3 boys heard a voice and they looked around and found nothing.
Ryuji: am i hearing this?
A black cat jump on table catching the attention of the boys.
Morgana: don't think you can just leave me behind.
Akira: wait that voice Morgana!?
Ryuji: dude the cat's talking.
Morgana: I'm not a cat! This just what happened when I came to this world.
Ryuji: are you guys hearing this?
Max: yes we are.
Ryuji: but how did you came to our world-. oh my god don't tell me you have a phone.
Morgana: I don't have one and besides I don't need it.
Ryuji noticed teachers around and he panicked and told Morgana to quiet down not wanting the cat to be taken away or something.
But to there surprise it looks like they are the only ones who can understand Morgana to them he just sounds like he's meowing.
Max: well at least we don't have to keep a talking cat a secret.
Morgana: I am not a cat! And besides I came to get you guys because you own me a favor.
Ryuji: dude we already told you that we didn't agree to that.
Morgana: oh yeah? And what about you looking for witnesses?
Akira: we didn't bother because like max said if they were being abused they would have confessed already.
Ryuji: yeah and besides max here gave us something good.
Ryuji extended his hand and strong sparks came out surprising Morgana.
Morgana: huh!? How!? I know for a fact that you can't use your persona outside of a palace!
Ryuji: that's thanks to max getting in on the whole exorcist thing and thanks with these new powers we can probably do some damage to kamoshida.
Max: remember that you have to get used to your abilities first you can't just charge in to danger without knowing how to control your abilities.
Ryuji: ugh fine.
Akira: actually now that you are here Morgana we can ask you something. But this isn't the right place let's go to the rooftop.
After Ryuji put morgana in his bag they got on to the rooftop to talk privately.
Morgana: don't be so rough with me.
Ryuji: quit your widening.
Akira: now that we're in a more private place I can ask this question.
Max: it's about the other metaverse user.
Morgana was confused at the topic.
Morgana: another metaverse user?
Ryuji: yeah max told that this might be related to the mental shutdowns. You mentioned that if max killed kamoshida's shadow he would kill him in the real world.
Max: and since the castle is a mental construct of kamoshida that would mean destroying his mind. Thus causing him to shut down completely.
Morgana: wow looks like one of you actually has a brain. But I don't think I've heard of another metaverse user.
Ryuji: really nothing!?
Morgana: I've been locked up in kamoshida's castle for a few days and this is the first time I'm hearing about this.
Akira: so we have nothing on who is the killer.
Max: looks like it but at least I can ask a question of my own. Morgana is there a way to erase the palace without killing kamoshida?
Morgana: as a matter fact yes there is.
Ryuji: for real!?
Morgana: you would have to steal his destorted desires.
Max: what like a robinhood system?
Morgana: yes we will need to steal their treasure and when we do kamoshida will have a change of heart.
Akira: what do you mean?
Morgana: when the change of heart triggers the palace ruler to develop a guilty conscience and the weight of that guilt will force them to confess their crimes.
Ryuji: are you for real!? He will confess everything?
Morgana: yup. Every little thing.
Akira: but what are the steps it can't just be like just wondering around his castle and finding it.
Morgana: actually there is a crucial part of stealing the treasure.
Max: that is?
Morgana: when we find the treasure it will only appear if the owner is aware that their treasure is going to be stolen. And how we do that is via a calling card.
Max: are you serious? A calling card?
Morgana: what else would work.
Max just ground at this because if they were to give kamoshida a calling card then that would mean getting the public attention.
He will have to ask for Miguel if there's any special papers that vanishes automatically.
Ryuji: alright so we will have raid the castle and steal kamoshida's treasure! It will be a piece of cake.
Morgana: so you're going do it?
Akira: either that or struggle looking for witnesses.
Max: we will go to the castle tomorrow you two need to practice your abilities.
Akira: I know and school is almost over so we might as well go already.
Morgana: can I come too?
Ryuji: you want to come with us?
Morgana: I'm not going around the place like a homeless person!
Akira: fine get on my bag.
After getting Morgana inside Akira's bag they went to max's house and after switching to some sportswear they went to the backyard to train.
Max thanks to him being more experienced in combat easily beat the two in physical combat.
He then told them to try out there abilities and akira displayed his practice tricks but he put more power into it.
As for Ryuji his abilities is electricity related but unlike Micheal Ryuji's ability allows him to let out burst of rapid electricity and he can used this to enhance himself.
Ryuji is like a mix of Micheal and Sonia a tank who can let out strong burst of electricity luckily the barrier is making them invisible to the outside and all sound stays in the barrier.
Morgana saw the two shujin students abilities and he was surprised on how strong they were compared to personas.
Max offerd to unlock Morgana's spiritual energy.
But due to his own pride morgana rejected the offer.
Time passed and the two boys have grown accustomed to their abilities and max felt that he taught them well.
But now it was getting late and Morgana forced akira to take him in and after a small awkward moment sojiro allowed akira to take care of Morgana.
The next day came and it was a normal day until "that" moment.
Male Student: hey what's that!?
Teacher: enough this is class room.
Female student: wait. She's going to jump!
The moment those words were let out the students went into an uproar but 3 of them were more worried then curious about the situation.
Mishima: susui!?
Ann: shiho!!
Akira saw Ann run out of the room and he ran after her along with max following him.
When they made it towards the window they saw a girl standing in the roof of shujin akira didn't know this girl personally but she was at least a nice person. he wanted to move to save her but his body just froze at the sight.
Shiho then threw herself off of the roof and that was when max had enough of watching.
He took some steps back and ran towards the window crashing straight through it surprising the students.
He rolled on the ground and ran towards shiho's falling form.
He jumped into the air and caught her in his arms saving the girl from killing herself.
While the student were gawking at the sight the teachers were moving to keep the situation under control.
Even though shiho Suzui was saved she still taken by the medics in case she suffered any injuries.
Meanwhile max was criticized for destroying school property but the teacher were terrified when max let out his aura of killing intent.
he just saved someone from becoming a spirit and these idiots are criticizing him yeah he wasn't going to take their bullshit.
After getting away from the teachers the group went to confront Mishima who was acting like he knew something.
Mishima: ow that hurts.
Ryuji: out with it what do you know?
Mishima: I don't know anything I-
He was cut off when Ryuji slammed his hand against the closet door denting it.
Ryuji: she jumped and tried to kill herself!!
Max: you know her name that means that you and her are close. So unless you want her to suffer more tell us!
Mishima: she. She was called out by mister kamoshida!!
Akira: what did he do to her?
Mishima: I was called by him too. And he just hits them.
Max got the hint and he felt the urge to hit something.
Ryuji: that so of a bitch!!!
Before ryuji could go after kamoshida max grabbed his collar to stop him.
Ryuji: let go!!
Max: no Ryuji be smart about this if you go to kamoshida you will get us in trouble and who knows what he will do to us in retaliation!
Akira: ryuji I know you are mad but max is right we need to think carefully about this situation we can't just go to kamoshida's office and beat him up.
Ryuji took a moment to process the twos words and he calmed down.
Max let go of Ryuji and they went back to there little meeting spot.
And this time things were tensed.
Ryuji: let's got already we can't waste anytime. let's got to that castle and beat the shit out of that asshole!
Morgana: we're stealing his desires not beat him up.
Ryuji: whatever lets just go already.
Ann: are you planning something against kamoshida?
The 3 boys and cat turned to see Ann who looked shaken up but max could tell from her body language that she was angry.
Ann: you sure weren't quiet about it.
Ryuji: what's it to you are going to report us?
She was quiet for a brief moment but she quickly changed her expression.
Ann: if you are going to deal with kamoshida let me in on this too.
The two shujin students were shocked but max wasn't because he saw how Ann was the first one to run to the window.
Ann: I can't sit back and do nothing after what nearly happened to shiho.
Ryuji: this has nothing to do with you.
Akira: Ryuji!
Ann: yes it does shiho is-
Ryuji: i said don't get in our way!!
Ann seemed a bit shaken by the shout she put her head down and ran away from them.
Morgana: that was just harsh.
Akira: Ryuji why did you yell at her like that?
Ryuji: we can't take her to something like that castle you remember we nearly died our first time.
Max: I'm with Ryuji even though she is that girl's friend she doesn't have any mean of defending herself against supernatural forces.
Ryuji: glad someone gets my point. But anyway let's haul ass to that alleyway and go to that bastard's castle!
After a nod of agreement they four got into the same alleyway that they used before.
Morgana: for now on we will become phantom thieves.
Ryuji: phantom thieves?
Morgana: those who steal treasure in stylish fashion that's what we are.
Max: absolutely not we are not going to do this to get attention.
Morgana: what do you mean we're stealing his treasure that makes us thieves in the eyes of our adversaries.
Max: who cares what they think we're exorcist first the thieving thing is a side job and besides the public of Japan is already in an uproar with the mental shutdowns and there's a killer on the loose. If we let our name go out the killer is going to know that he isn't the only metaverse user.
Akira: I agree with max the killer has more experience with the metaverse then us so if we actually get figured out by the public they will come after us.
Morgana: fine.
Ryuji: alright enough talk let's get going-
Max: actually hold on we have company.
There boys turned around and saw Ann peaking from the corner she was surprised that she was noticed.
Max: you really aren't going to let this go aren't you.
Ann: no I won't that bastard made shiho jump off of the roof how can I just sweep this under the rug?
Ryuji: Ann I already told you this has nothing to do with-
Ann: shut up it! does shiho almost died and kamoshida was the cause I did all that things I did with kamoshida so that shiho could have a position in the volleyball games! And now that bastard pushed her to commit suicide! So tell me Ryuji does this actually has nothing to do with me!?
The three boys and cat went completely quiet at that out burst and now Ryuji felt bad because thanks to him and Ann not talking in shujin he forgot that the two girls were really close.
Ryuji: I I'm sorry you're right I forgot just how close you and shiho were. But still this is going to be dangerous for you.
Ann: does it look like I care? All I want is to make him pay for what he did to her.
Akira: what should we do max?
Max crossed his arms and rested his head on the wall to think.
After a moment of thinking he decided to give Ann a chance.
Max: we will let you in on this but first you have to keep everything we tell you a secret. And I mean it this is information is crucial.
Ann was unsure of what was this big secret but if she can have a chance to make kamoshida pay. she won't say anything to anyone.
Ann: I promise to keep whatever you have secret.
Max: good. now.
Max put his arm up and black matter was oozing out his arm and this sight shocked the boys and Ann herself.
He turned his head to the other shujin students and they got the hint.
Akira did the same gesture as max and red and black cursed energy oozed out of his arm and the droplets disappeared when they touched the ground.
Meanwhile Ryuji just made small sparks in his hands keeping them from bursting.
Ann was in shock by the sight of the boy's abilities all she could do was gawk.
Max: this is just a fraction of the secret. Ryuji boot up the app.
Ryuji: are you sure?
Max: she kinda has a right.
Ryuji: fine.
Ryuji took out his phone and he put the navigation app and when he hit confirm the world distorted changing the school into that same castle.
Ann's mind couldn't process what was going on. First the boys displayed superpowers and then the school changed into a castle.
She fainted due to too much shock akira noticed and caught her before she could hit the ground.
They walked over to the entrance of the castle and layed her down below the sign of shujin.
Akira: looks like she couldn't process what was going on.
Ryuji: uhh akira.
Akira: what?
Ryuji: you don't have that fancy get up.
Akira looked at himself and yes he didn't have the black suit could it be because of him and his persona becoming one?
Morgana: that's new even though he doesn't have his attire he's completely immune to the distortions.
Ryuji: that must be because of our spiritual energy protecting us from that?
Max: seems likely since you're persona's are part of your soul you are using a fraction of spiritual energy but unlike spiritual personas themselves have limits you get tired more quickly and personas have a limited amount of energy.
Akira: so when we and our personas became one we gained more power and we gained their abilities and thanks to spiritual energy coming from our soul that means that don't have a limit.
Max: yup that's about it.
Morgana started to regret not taking max's offer.
Morgana: hey max remember that I said I didn't need it?
Max: second thoughts?
Morgana: yeah.
Max: fine turn around.
Max put his hand on morgana's back and he unlocked his spiritual energy.
After morgana and his persona became one he felt a massive amount of energy overflow in his body and he felt empowered.
Morgana: woah you weren't kidding this thing really gave me a boost in power!
Max: you're welcome.
After a while of teaching morgana to flare up his spiritual energy and how to summon his own ability which was wind manipulation Ann started to wake up.
Ann: what happened?
Akira: you passed out.
Ann: oh it's you. Heh I had this wierd dream were you had-
She looked at the castle behind her and she immediately shut her mouth.
Ann: you've got to be kidding me.
Max: what you saw was real and this is what I need to keep secret.
Ann: alright start explaining what's going on!?
Morgana: hey! the shadow will notice us if we make a scene!
Ann: what the hell!? Oh my god it's a monster cat!!
Morgana: I'm not a cat! nor a monster!! I am Morgana!!
Max: first calm down and we will explain what's going on.
After a few moments of calming down Ann max and the other 3 explain what was going on along with the exorcist business.
Ann: so this is a pocket dimension of kamoshida's desires. And what you guys did was due to some sort spiritual thing and there's an organization of these guy through out the globe?
Max: yeah that's about it.
Ann: I want to say that you are making stuff up but you guys showed me your powers. But you said that you can cause a Change of heart and he will confess everything he did?
Morgana: every little thing.
Ann: then let me in on this.
Ryuji: Ann look I get that you are pissed but-
Max: don't bother she seems to have made up her mind about this and there's no point in stopping her.
Max looked at Ann straight in the eyes to confirm on what they agreed on.
Max: you promised to keep this a secret and not reveal anything to the public so do you still promise?
Ann: I won't say anything and besides revealing everything you said to me isn't going to benefit me at all.
Max: good now. Before I unlock your spiritual energy I need to ask can you be trusted with this kind of power I understand that you are mad at kamoshida but if you go on a rampage and destroy everything not only you will be causing problems for the EXO corporation but you will also reveal spirits and exorcist and that will be a massive problem because human has a back for being greedy. So tell me can you really be trusted with power?
Ann took a moment to process those words and max was right if she had those powers she could get pay back on kamoshida but the public will know about the exorcist and the spirits and max was right humanity had a back for being greedy.
After a while of thinking she gave an answer.
Ann: your right if I had those powers I could make kamoshida pay but it if I don't use them carefully I could make so many mistakes. But I care for shiho and if I become a monster I'll be no better than kamoshida and I refuse to be like him.
Max felt that Ann was being honest with her words and he decided that it was good enough.
Max: alright turn around. I'll unlock your spiritual energy.
Ann turned around and put his hand on her back and he got started.
Deep in Ann's subconscious she woke up in a place surrounded by fire but instead of panicking she felt like these flames were her's.
My,my it's been far too long.
Ann heard a voice and she turned to see a woman in a dress with a small cigar in her mouth and having a mask and she was also stepping on one man while another was connected to a string.
Ann felt something about this woman like she was a part of her.
Carmen: looks like that boy is allowing us to meet in person my dear Ann.
Ann: I feel like I know you.
Carmen: of course you know me girl I'm you a part of your soul.
Carmen got closer to Ann face to face but Ann didn't flinch.
Carmen: how long are going chained by that man? You and I both know that forgiveness was never an option.
Ann clenched her fist and she nodded in agreement.
Ann: I know he drove shiho to suicide and if it wasn't for max she would have been worse. There's now way I can forgive him after what he did.
Carmen: good you seemed to have your heart set. Now to complete our fusion into one call out my name and from there my power shall be yours to command.
The fires around got tensed but it was so due to Ann's determination to get justice for shiho.
She looked at Carmen with yellow eyes and called out her name.
Ann: Carmen!
From outside Ann opened her eyes and she felt that her body became stronger than before and she felt her mind was being clear like she took multiple baths in one day.
She looked at her hands and noticed that she was surrounded by orange spiritual energy.
Max: looks like you're type is orange color.
Ann: is that good?
Max: yeah people who have orange spiritual energy means that person usually has an elemental ability but what orange does is allow the user to spread the element around the area and control it by just a thought.
Ann: guess mine is fire then.
Max: oh really one of my seniors that also has fire manipulation. If he comes to Japan maybe he can teach you some tricks.
Ann: really that's good.
Ryuji: so are going to get in or not?
Max: yeah I think we waisted enough time. I'll teach you while we're inside for now just hold off on fighting until you figure out how to control your spiritual energy.
Ann: that's fine I don't even know how to summon it.
Max: okay people let's go time to punish the king.
Akira: yeah it's show time!