The next hour flew by busily. Not for me,but for Lisa. I saw that woman handle a call, file a document and typing something on the computer at the same time. Once she was done with the call, I asked her if there is anything I can help with. She said to give her time until documnets are sorted out.
I was just about to go back to my desk ,instead of looming over and disturbing her, when she called out to me.
"Umm,Dylan. Since you are free, go get a coffee for the Head. He likes it black, No sugar or cream. Make it strong with an added shot of espresso."
"Sure",I quickly got up with a smile on my face. Finally some work. I will do the hell out of it!
I rushed to the breakroom. Found the coffee machine and started making the coffee. Boy,this is when your barista experience comes handy. I chuckled to myself as I only had to push few buttons.
I did the exact same thing as the instruction. No sugar or cream and an extra shot of espresso. The aroma hit my nose. This is a good machine. I can tell from the smell that the coffee beans are premium.
I took the coffee along with a bread from the pantry and made my way to the cabin. I passed Lisa on the way,who had the receiver on one hand and a pen on the other. She was jolting some details onto the document in front of her.
I knocked and entered with the coffee tray in my hand. Maybe this will help him get used to me.
Alexander Blackwell was checking something on his phone when I stood in front of him.
"Sir,Your coffee."
He looked up ,kind of startled to see me. I put my best professional smile and put the coffee on his desk. I took the mini bread packet and laid it nicely beside the coffee.
He looked at my hand arranging the bread and then back to my face. He raised a eyebrow as to ask what this is?
"Bread." I replied in case he has never seen one,smilingly.
"Did I ask for one?"
When someone says that a person has a domineering aura about him that makes you go scared, I never believed it. But now I know.
I felt scared for some reason. This man has the capacity to throw me out of this firm even for a petty reason. I would be the man who got thrown out on his first day because I believe in feeding people.If I stay, I will ask around how his previous assistant got fired.
I could not utter a single word. I mustered up some courage to open my mouth.
"Don't do the things you haven't been asked to" He said looking at me and then went back to his phone.
"Yes ,Sir. If nothing else, I will leave", I said .
He noded without looking up fom his phone and I turned around. I made my way out of the room as soon as possible.
Lisa was still on her phone when I got back. I placed the tray on my desk .
I needed a minute.
I quickly put a note in my diary.
"Don't do what you haven't been asked to."
I will learn the ropes quickly. Listen to their needs and become helpful so I don't have to be embarassed.
And I really need to understand his personality. I will have to observe him over next few days and learn about him. He did not fire me today , so he may not be petty. But something feels off. When he looks at me, which is 2 seconds until now, I could feel that he is not comfortable.
It's like... Looking at someone who ran away with your money.