I may have been over reacting. He did not seem uncomfortable with my presence for the rest of day. Maybe it must be the fact that I did not see him the rest of the day.
Once ,the call was over, Lisa had walked by with a bunch of files . She closed the door behind her and from what seems to be like about 30 minutes, she came back to her desk. Behind her, Alexander Blackwell walked out with a black bag.
And just like that, he was gone. But after he left, Lisa had some breather. I quickly went towards her desk. She seems like a nice woman. A professional but kind person.
As she saw me coming, she smiled at me. It somehow felt genuine. At least I can be in good terms with her for my survival.
"Phew. Busy day." She sighed.
"Now that we have free time, let me give you a tour."
I thought she might need a break. But well, I quietly followed.
She slowly walked around the office stopping by each door of the associates and administrtors. I jolted down all the names so that I don't forget. She would let in few tips for each one of them. Like one of them does not like coffee, while the other one will survive on it. One is very sensitive while the other is a workaholic.
We did not want to disturb them so Lisa would give an overview. Anyone passing us would greet her and she would return it politely. She really seems to hold great power in this placem
"Then this is the second break room ,next to ours,which is exclusively for our Head. We also use them because 1. One it's near 2. It's a benefit of the Chief office and 3. The coffee is a personal favourite for Mr. Blackwell imported specially for him"
Oh , a man who drinks expensive stuff. I smell money near him.No wonder,even his coffee is expensive.
After the tour,it was almost lunchtime. Lisa took me to a nearby restaurant for lunch. There were a lot of eateries in this area,she had said, choose where you want to go eat. Or if I get lunch ,I can eat in the breakroom.
"Most of the staff would go out to these restaurants so you would meet a lot of them here.We are early today."
The lunch was basically us getting to know each other. Lisa is married.Her husband works in the governmnet office nearby. They go home together when she is able to leave on time.They don't have kids yet. She is trying so soon that might change.
She asked me about my family.
Hmmm.. I really don't like talking much about it. Maybe it's my way of coping with the situation.
"I have a mother. She doesn't stay with me right now due to health issues."
That's all I am going to let out.
I quickly changed the topic. I had to ask the most important question. Better to get it out of my way.
"Ummm Lisa, if you don't mind can you tell me why Mr.Blackwell's previous assistant leave?"
"Oh she got tired of handling both the personal and professional work in midst of trying for a baby."
She had this mischevious smile. I took me a second to register.
"Haha, He never had one before. I used to handle all his stuff. But since I have decided to focus more on my personal life , I literally blackmailed him into getting an additional assistant."
"Did you not choose internally?"
"Well, he can be picky sometimes. So he won't let just anybody be his assistant.He had to personally pick people out when it comes to his office."
So that means he chose me? What did he see in me? I am thankful he chose me but why me? I am sure there were better qualified candidates. And wait a minute, he chose me and then ignores me?
"I know what you are thinking. I chose you. He had given me the freedom to choose an assistant. I could handle the professional part but I needed someone to help with his personal schedule. You looked diligent. You had customer service experience. We need that retail behaviour when dealing with Mr. Blackwell. "
She laughed. I did too.
Oh! So I was selected because I was underqualified. They basically needed a servant who can help Mr.Blackwell's life while he goes out to rake in money . They could as well change my location to his house or get him a wife. No wait that's wrong. They could have put the Job description as a househelp.
But what am I complaining for? Househelp then househelp.This job is my ticket to have a better life. I might as well be his slave if it means I get paid monthly salary. I still have bills to pay.
And so , with that mindset,I returned from lunch,literally researched the entire office from the internet .I will stick close to her and show my diligence.
And soon ,my first day in office was over. Lisa still as at her desk completing her work. As I had nothing to do she asked me to get off work.
"It's going to be long days from now",she said,"once Mr. Blackwell starts working from office. You will have no time to spare,so better leave on time when you can ".
I got out of the office onto the road. I sighed a Deep sigh and stretched my hands into the air. Today was a good day ,all in all. Hope all the days are as nice.
With that hope, I slowly made way to my home.