The merger went well as per Lisa. There is still a lot to do but I think Mr. Blackwell has delegated the work and only looking at the important stuff now. He can heave a sigh of relief. So can us.
Even though I am still learning the ropes,last week was busy for me too. While Lisa was helping with the tons of document review ,I made myself busy to ensure Mr. Blackwell and rest of the associates were well fed.
I arranged for their lunches, beverages, snacks , appointments, luncheons ,meetings. Although Mr. Blackwell would be my main focus ,I had to coordinate with the other office admins and check the calender for availability.
And thankfully nothing went wrong. I wanted to prove I am useful around to everyone.
Post the merger, we were invited to the party. The party we had to arrange. This was like a success party. All of Blackwell and the clients gathered here.
Lisa had contacted an event manager prior to my joining . It made the arrangements easy. I was helping out in the venue along with a few other staff from the firm while Lisa was with the clients and Mr. Blackwell.
The venue looked beautiful. Tables were arranged in a way that everyone can see the stage. We had created a list of seating based on all the information we know . People who are supposed to sit together to people who shouldn't. It took us 4 days to sort this out.
Lisa would help us out if we were stuck, by we, I mean me and the other secretarial admin. They were office admin doing secretarial jobs and Lisa was our chief secretary.
Our secretary group contained 5 people including me. Jason, Ava, Juliet and Parker.
We could hit it of well as we were almost the same age. Over the days, I became really close to them. They were professional in their work and like Lisa ,helpful.
It was fun working with them. We worked overtime this week and would later hangout. It's been so long I have hanged out with people like this. I have some friends from previous work but this somehow feels different. I feel like a normal office worker.
And this was the first time , I was attending such a grand event. I asked for help from my collegues about how this all unfolds.
"It's nothing. Just smile at everyone."Ava adviced.
" Yes, smile and remember their names at least.In case you don't ,pretend you do. " Juliet suggested.
"But try to learn their private stuff and rumours along as you are preparing the list. You will need it . Trust me." Jason chipped in.
"And Have fun. Eat a lot. Stare at this beautiful people who will try to be their level best today." Parker joked and we all started laughing.
After arranging the last minute items and touch up, we went back to change. All of us were at Parker's house to change.
I had one decent suit which I had brought for myself. I figured I would need one once I start working here.I had put my savings to get a nice one.
I changed to dark blue suit and a white shirt. Very formal. I learnt how to make a pocket squire as well. I put on the perfume Parker offered and slicked my hair to make it look good.
Not Bad. I guess. I look presentable.
The others had finished dressing up as well. The girls took time as they should to get ready.
Parker has this cream suit while Jason wore a black one. They looked good. Their suits seemed expensive. They look the part.
The confidence I had in myself was slowly melting when I saw them. Am I appropriately dressed? This is the most expensive suit I have. I mean this is the only suit I have.
I started fidgeting a bit and asked the guys whether I look good.
"You look hot!" Ava made a wink face .
"Oh my my." Juliet came from the bedroom and started smiling.
The boys started teasing by making sexy noises and I felt relieved.
Maybe I look okay.
Once we were ready, We headed to the event.