
People had started to come in but it wasn't crowded. The major parties of the merger and our senior associates were yet to come. We had been informed that they were on their way.

Lisa rode with Mr. Blackwell . Mr. Blackwell picked her up on the way to the venue.

Once the Merger was signed , Lisa was now worrying about the event. We had to assure her that everything is fine right now and we placed everyone and everything exactly like how we briefed her.

"I couldn't be there beforehand to check. I trust you guys but I want to see it for my self." Over the speaker , we heard the worry in her voice.

Juliet had put the phone on the speaker and we were gathered around in a corner of the back room.

"It's no worries , Miss Lisa. Today we are the perfect gentlemen. I will take care of the Ladies." Parker said mischievously.

"That's what I worry, Parker,"Lisa sighed,"You will take care of the ladies a little too well."

"Heyy,, I will also let Jason and Parker have an opportunity."

"Jason,Dylan, listen to me. Keep him away from the ladies ,okay?"

"Yes ma'am , I will."

"Lisa, you should see them. They will be poached today. Jason's all slick once he is with the Lay-dies. And Dylan here, with his rilugged look and handsome face has already attracted attention. I am pretty sure he is going to end up in-"

"Tread carefully, Parker."Lisa interupted.

"What I am saying is Dylan will end up driving ladies safely to their home because of the gentleman he is just like Jason and me. We have never ever thought about women in a wrong way."

"Nice misdirection Parker. No one suspected a thing. Smooth, very smooth. It was like you never said all that before." I said patting his shoulder .

I think I heard a chuckle in the background.

"You better be, Parker. I am keeping the phone. You guys check everything is alright. And also don't forget to enjoy. This is a success celebration afterall. "

Crowd had started to gather in. We hurried to make final checks on the food table documents presentation. Once everyone arrives, we cannot afford mistakes.