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Chapter 9: She knew ......

Chapter 9

Looking at her son who was struggling not to smile, for clear reasons, Alicia felt her mood be raised even further. This was the first person in her life that had been able to raise her mood just by being there. She felt like her usual stone-cold front was shattering while being with him.

A smile bloomed on her lips, the second time today, "Alan, you no longer have to take part in those groups I've set you up with."

"Really, mom? Thank you, I don't really see the point of me going there," Alan responded, amazed at her mother's sudden change of character.

Even Alicia was slightly surprised at her behavior. Deep down she suddenly felt uncomfortable about the thought of her son being around a bunch of younger women his age, 'Well, today I experienced that my son doesn't have social problems, so there shouldn't be a need for him to be in those clubs anymore,' was what she told herself.

When they arrived home, Alicia regained her cold expression. After entering the house, the duo parted ways, retreating to their rooms.

Alan made dinner that day. When Alicia arrived at the table, he noticed that she was slightly flushed, but didn't pay it much heed.

Dinner finished quietly as usual. Alan offered to do the dishes, which Alicia agreed to, before retreating to her room for the night.

That night, only one of the two people in the house had any sleep. Alan slept like a log, having sweet dreams about what had happened today. Alicia, however, was twisting and turning in her bed, as a red flush continued to cover her face.

In her mind, the scene of her son on his knees before her, with his face right between her legs continued to play. She stood dominatingly over him, while his face nearly seemed to be begging her to let him drink her pee. Like a queen rewarding her subject, she raised her dress and placed her pussy over his lowly mouth, letting loose all the disgusting liquid waste into her son's mouth.

No longer able to contain it, she let her hand slide down her stomach, down to her dripping wet pussy. She rubbed herself as all the sensations from earlier today passed through her mind, with the words "Mom...how about I become your slave..." constantly repeating in her head. She masturbated to the thought of her son serving her as her toilet.

Suppressed moans of pleasure sounded in the bedroom. Since she was already highly aroused, it wasn't long before she bit her lips, as a muffled moan was released from her throat, cumming at the thought of dominating her son.

After calming down again, instant regret seized her, 'How could I do such a thing to my son?'

Yet this only lasted for a few minutes, before the scene played in her mind again, like a broken record. That night, she didn't get an ounce of good sleep, as every time she closed her eyes, her son's smiling face dripping with her love juices would appear in her mind.

The reason why Alan was much better off wasn't because he wasn't as aroused by the event as Alicia. Instead, it was because Alan was used to the constant arousal over his mother, so he had learned to suppress it over the years.

Alicia, however, was a woman that had had no sexual relationship for over a decade now. Suddenly experiencing such an immense amount of sexual stimulation made her unable to control herself.

Morning arrived and an Alicia with dark bags under her eyes rose from the bed. In the end, she had not been able to get any sleep. Luckily it was Sunday, so she didn't have to go to work.

She walked out of the bedroom and made her way toward the kitchen to eat breakfast.

At the breakfast table, Alan was already sitting there eating his breakfast. On the seat opposite him, he had already prepared Alicia breakfast. This wasn't anything new, as he would always do this.

Yet the impression was much deeper for Alicia today. As she looked at her son who was smiling at the table, she knew that it would only require one word from her and he would be groveling at her feet, giving his full being for her to control and abuse.

Alicia, however, couldn't bring herself to say that one phrase. The one before her wasn't just some man, it was her son. The person she loved most in the world. The person she had raised for 18 years. The person she only wished the best for.

Even though she couldn't control her lust in bed, she had no problem controlling it before her son. She knew the best thing for him wasn't to become the slave of his 35-year-old mother, but instead to go out and find a girlfriend his age, go to college, get a job, get his own family and live a happy life.

She knew this...

Alan noticed his mother standing at the entrance to the kitchen, staring at him, "Good morning, mom. I have already prepared breakfast for you. It should still be warm."

"Thank you, honey," Alicia answered, breaking out of her thoughts and sitting down to eat breakfast.

Alan studied his mother, as she sluggishly walked over and sat down opposite of him. Then he noticed the dark circles under his mother's eyes, "Mom, are you ok? You look really tired."

"I'm fine, honey, I was just not able to sleep last night," Alicia said while eating the food on the plate. It had to be mentioned that Alan was a very good cook. After cooking all the meals in the house for quite some years, he had even surpassed his mother in cooking skills. It was always a pleasure eating his food.