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Chapter 10: Starved for the smell

Chapter 10

As the taste entered her mouth, Alicia's spirits were raised again.

"That's not good, mom. How about you go in and sleep after breakfast, and I'll just take care of the chores today?"

Alicia shot a glance at him and said, "That's a good idea. Then I will leave you to it."

Alan had expected her to reject him, considering how adamant she had been on him not doing the chores lately, but instead she just easily agreed, 'She must be really tired.'

After Alicia finished her breakfast, she felt her exhaustion kick in. She left Alan to do the dishes in the kitchen and went to sleep in her room. This time, she was too tired to worry about anything else, and she quickly passed out on the bed.

Alicia woke up later in the evening. As she left the room, she found Alan making dinner in the kitchen, after completing all the other chores in the house. The feeling of taking a nap and waking up to all the work done was quite a pleasant feeling.

She had only been doing them for a month now, but she realized that doing chores was taxing. It was much easier when Alan just did everything, and she could just sit back and relax.

As the duo sat at the table and ate dinner, Alicia suddenly said, "Alan, how about you start doing the chores again?"

Alan had just put some food in his mouth, only for it to nearly fall out again from shock. He quickly swallowed the food, even forgetting to chew.

"Sure mom, as long as you are fine with it."

"It's decided, then," Alicia nodded her head. She had said it on impulse, spurred on by remembering the feelings of leisure she experienced when Alan did all the chores. In her mind, she excused it by, 'He even says himself he likes doing it. So why shouldn't I just allow him to?

After that day, Alan once again took up all the chores in the house, working basically as a housemaid. He even offered to start handing his salary over to Alicia again, yet she rejected him after some intense inner conflict. She couldn't excuse herself using her son for money.

The days passed. One day, while Alan was doing the laundry, Alicia decided she would reward Alan with a restaurant dinner for his hard work on the chores, 'Yes, it's not like the last time. This time I will properly show my gratitude for his hard work, so he doesn't get any weird ideas again.'

She walked over to the door of the laundry room. Alan was doing the laundry on the other side. She didn't know why, but she suddenly had the impulse to peek inside instead of just walking in.

Slowly and quietly, she grabbed the handle to the door and pushed the door slightly open so she could sneakily peer inside.

What she saw made her mind blank.

In the laundry room, Alan stood before the laundry basket. This was pretty normal, nothing to be surprised about. It was what he was doing before the laundry basket that shocked her.

Her son had a pair of black panties pressed against his face, inhaling deeply each second, seeming to desperately want to take in all the smells in the dirty underwear.

Her son was at this moment sniffing her panties like it was the nicest smelling flower in the world as if he couldn't get enough of the smell.

Alicia's eyes glazed over, and heat rose in her stomach. As she looked a little longer, she noticed that the pair he was holding at the moment wasn't just any pair of panties. It was the panties she wore Wednesday when she had been working out. She had worn those panties during the whole day from waking up, to work, to working out. Even she had been slightly disgusted at the smell when she threw them in the laundry basket that evening.

Now, they had been lying in the basket until this Saturday, accumulating smells. Even she couldn't imagine how bad it must be smelling. Yet her son was now sniffing the panties as if his life depended on it.

Most mothers would probably be distraught at this moment, utterly disgusted with their son's behavior. Alicia would probably also have reacted like this if it weren't because of what she had witnessed the past few days.

She knew that her son was utterly in love with her, to the point where he even wanted to be her slave. As she watched her son, with his face buried in her underwear, she had the feeling it wasn't just because her son was a panty-sniffing pervert, but also because it was her panties. She felt like she was watching an addict who couldn't control their addiction, casting themselves into drugs to their own harm.

And she wasn't wrong either. Alan hadn't had any smell fetish before he started doing his mom's laundry. And even after that, he was not interested in other women's underwear. This might just be because he was obsessed with his mother, but it was true she was the only woman in his mind.

And the reason why he might appear like an addict at this moment was pretty simple. After his mother had cut off his access to her underwear by disallowing him to do chores, he had been utterly starved for the smell.

If he had continued to not have access to her underwear after what happened in the elevator, he felt like he might have gone mad.