Chapter 1 Meeting The Equestria Girls

Our story begins in the human world where princess Twilight Sparkle just came to this world for the first time trying to find her crown which was stolen by Sunset Shimmer.After some looking around Princess Twilight then hear something going on around the corner and decides to speak up, as Sunset Shimmer was about to leave she stopped when a student that Sunset like because he always finds a way to get under her skin like call sunny,shimmy or makes a comments that annoyed her. After Sunset left princess Twilight introduced herself to this world’s Fluttershy then the student that annoyed Sunset Shimmer introduced himself as Asphalt Tar but his friends call him Ash. After talking to principal Celstia princess Twilight decided to run for fall formal princess not knowing what it is, she then meets Fluttershy in the cafeteria who advised her not to because no crosses Sunset Shimmer and explains how to become fall formal princess and how difficult it will be, then Ash comes up and states if you were a boy you could run the prince of the fall formal because all the times Sunset Shimmer ran for fall formal princess Ash has run for fall formal prince just to annoy her thus being Sunset Shimmer’s only rival. As princess Twilight signs up for fall formal princess she ran into the human versions of Pinkie Pie and AppleJack which warn her about Sunset Shimmer, as Sunset Shimmer was about to sign up for the princess of the fall formal she finds out princess Twilight sign up for princess of the fall formal at the same sees that Ash running for prince of the fall formal to her annoyance. The day after seeing the video Sunset Shimmer posted, princess Twilight would help patch up the friendships of the human versions then would work on how to get the Canterlot WonderColts to vote. After finding out Sunset had snips and snails, wrecked the dance and told princess Twilight new human friends the truth about her. After cleaning the dance hall the students began casting their votes and all but four students voted for princess Twilight. After winning her crown back Sunset the stole the crown and threaten to destroy the portal to Equestria which lead to fight for the crown which then Sunset then got then as she put it on she turned into a she-demon then would turn snips and snails demon plus hypnotizing the students into mind-controlled soldiers including Ash but only for a moment. Then a dragon appeared and attacked demon Sunset to she managed to push the dragon off she then order snips and snails to take it down then after the two hit the dragon with two rods the dragon roared at them, then what looked like the dragon was about to kill them the dragon took on a humanoid appearance to everyone's surprise including the hypnotized students, then the dragon spoke saying to if snips and snails strike him again he would bury thoughts rods in their hearts. Princess Twilight realizes the dragon is Ash, shocking everyone. He tried to fight Sunset but was blasted towards the wall thus it fell to princess Twilight and her new human friends to stop Sunset, as Sunset Shimmer blasted princess Twilight and her human to her surprise a magical barrier was protecting them, after their transformation for a moment Ash saw something for a moment before passing out. After being defeated Sunset Shimmer wants to make amends for what she has done, then Ash wakes up and as everyone looks they were surprised to see Ash's new appearance which was only temporary. Princess Twilight returns to Equestria leaving Sunset Shimmer in the care of her human friends and also leaving a mystery for Ash.