Chapter 2 Battle Of the Dazzlings

As the Dazzlings argue about how much they hate being in the human Adagio notice a large flash of light feeling something familiar, realizing Equestria magic has found its way into the human world, Adagio is now explaining to Aria and Sonata a plan to restore them to their former glory. The students of Canterlot high are getting ready for a music school activity, although some time has passed the students with exception to the human five have not yet forgiven Sunset Shimmer. Sunset then was showing the Dazzlings around the school not knowing three new students would be trouble for the school. The Dazzlings entered the cafeteria and began hypnotizing the students making them wanting a battle of the bands. While trying to figure out a way to defeat the Dazzlings, Sunset then comes up with an idea to contact princess Twilight by using a magic book she held onto. When princess Twilight arrives she explains who they are up against and is now trying to come up with a counter spell, later that night princess Twilight struggles to come up with a counter. The next day when the Rainbooms were going to sign up for the battle of the bands they then encounter Ash who seems to be fine realize the Dazzlings hypnotizes has no effect on, princess Twilight then asked what is he doing here to which Ash replies saying he is entering the battle of the band which shock everyone sign up, the Dazzlings then came up to him saying this contest will be fun everyone else were trying discourage them because out of all the students at Canterlot high Ash the most experienced and most talented even though no has ever face him before which shock the Dazzlings and princess Twilight, then Ash made criticizing comment about the third rate musicians would not stand a chance against him which was insult to everyone in the room to they all said they could take him to which Ash suggest a challenge the prize being the most talented musician in Canterlot high to which everyone, after sign up Ash then spoke to princess Twilight saying the only reason why he is doing this is to by the human six time to create the counter spell. The round came and went with the Rainbooms reaching the finals but failing to come up with a counter spell in time, Ash was hoping Princess Twilight would have come up with a counter spell by now but however Ash had back plans in place in case princess Twilight could not come up with a counter spell. Ash's back up plan was he would fight the Dazzlings himself. As the battle between the Rainbooms and the Dazzlings began, at first Ash gave some support but then he saw something coming from the energy the Rainbooms was creating thus stopping his support believing the Rainbooms can handle the rest from here. With Dazzlings defeated the Rainbooms still had one more opponent to face Ash himself but after hear the final song he would song which barely sound effect and no dance just Ash natural singing voice as they listened they were amazed at what they had heard so after Ash stop singing the Rainbooms forfeit the match because they know when they are beaten. Princess Twilight returned to Equestria Ash had solved one mystery but another one had arisen.