After the reunion with Targon he would introduce everyone in the meeting hall to his employees and vice versa. Before Targon explained where he has been all these years to his mother, subordinates and former services Spyro and the other ten subordinates would first explain that they had learned it was Targon who killed his grandfather and his older brother which surprised everyone in the meeting hall to which Cynder would state that was the reaction she and the others in group sent to Canterlot as well as the everyone at the gala. Vicgar a former ally of Targon would then say the same thing said at the gala that their are now not surprised plus learning it was Targon who ended the tyrant king and his enforcer, Syraxis one of Targon's former subordinates would be the first one to say that it was fitting that it was Targon who ended tyrant king and his enforcer lives. Orrakia a old friend of Targon's family would be the first to ask where has he been all these years to which Targon would explain after Sunset and Targon's employees learn what Targon was like during his grandfather's regin to which Aurakis said that is an acceptable request, Victor Targon's former caretaker who was also Thoron's caretaker would be the one to tell Targon's story during the tyrant king's regin by first showing Targon's party a mosaic picture of Targon's family while he was a child, Spring after looking at the mosaic picture ask about the figures in the picture such as the olive black dragon was Thoron Targon's father, the sapphire blue dragon was his mother, the coal black color skin dragon was Targon's older brother Scourge and then Clothesline ask who is that scrawny runt of dragon which Sunset then realized that it was Targon when he was a child shocking Targon's group because they never would have guessed that Targon start out as a runt.