Chapter 8 the Prodigal Prince Returns

Ash and his group exit the forest heading toward Ponyville. As Ash and his group enter Ponyville they notice that everypony are getting ready for some kind of celebration to which Ash would asking would ask what holiday is coming up to which the pony Ash asked would say it is the festival of the two sisters the successor to the summer sun celebration, Ash would ask if he and his group could help because for his group they are new, Ash has not been in Equestria for a long time and because they just arrived and need a place to stay the night to which the pony who happens to be the mayor of Ponyville who would agree to let Ash and his group stay the night after help with the preparation for festival. Ash and his group would first check on the food for the festival so the group would head to sweet apple archers there would meet Equestria’s version of Applejack and her whole family and after a little convincing from the fillies Ash and his group would stay a little until the group was to full, Ash and the group would then check on the weather which see that is all in order after avoiding getting knock to the group by this world's Rainbow Dash, they would then check on the decor which seems to be in order, after that they check on the music and see it is in order and finally check on the entertainment which is all in ready for the festival of the two sisters then after a long day’s work Ash and his group would set up their tents just outside the town but as they are setting up their camp Pinkie Pie would through Ash and his group a welcome to pony party a lot of the towns people would introduce themselves then Ash was about to introduce himself Granny Smith Shouted his full name to which then realizes that he knows the mane and then would huge her say that the last time he saw her she was just a filly which shock everyone. Granny would then explain that Ash came to Ponyville a hundred years then Princess Twilight and Rainbow Dash recognized the name Asphalt Tar, after some searching in the new golden oak library both Princess Twilight and Rainbow Dash found his name in the Equestria world records and found Ash’s name in the book which shock everyone at the party. After learning that Ash was once an air race and a legendary one at that, then Ash would turn back into his turn form which shocked every pony in Ponyville. A few days after coming to Equestria Ash’s group began to create facilities for the Maelstrom Strikers and the Drachenritters plus Ash and his group learned some of the people from the Demon Imperial Circle followed them because like the Maelstroms and the ritters they saw Ash as their family and felt they owed him for all he had done for them, so Ash would would suggest they the Demon circle began their work in Cluddge town. As for the Maelstrom Strikers and the Drachenritters would get to work beginning to recruit many individuals of this world into their ranks. A week had passed since Ash and his group had arrived in Equestria, Ash and Sunset would spend the last four days in Twilight's castle as Sunset walks down the hallway because she woke up early then as she was open the door she notice that Ash had three totems which had never seen before none had she ever had the language that Ash was just now speaking, Sunset would record the whole, then Ash state that one should general knock first then enter the room, Sunset would apologize for not knocking but then ask about the language Ash was speaking to which he will when everyone is outside by the front door of the castle. Everyone had gathered outside the castle front door including the pillars, they all ask why they were called here to which state he will explain after listening to a recording Sunset made. Sunset would play the record which made everyone curious what language it is because most of them did not know the language it was let alone under the words to which Ash would explain it is Dragiri the native tongue of the dragons which shocked everyone. Starswirl and Stygian had heard the language before but could not place the name. Ash would also explain the story of three totems he has in his possession. The totem he was praying to in Dragiri was a to the progenitor of the dragons Draconis, Ash would the legend behind the origins of the dragons, Ash would say the dragon were once feral beast which describes all dragon which included sea serpents,wyrms,drakes,wyverns and what the rest of the dragons. Ash would then describe each of the dragons fetcher, the sea serpents were basically giant snakes that lived in the seas, the wyrms were like skinks/geckos/salamanders, drakes were like giant predatory lizards, the wyverns were reptilian birds but had venom and then there were the earliest dragon ancestors had their wings on their arms while not flying their wings folded into their arms and walked on all four legs unit one day a single dragon was transformed into what current dragon like and that dragon would share the gift it had receive with the sea serpents,the wyrms,the drakes,the wyverns and the rest of the dragons, this fist changed dragon would be called Draconis the progenitor of the dragon and the reptilian emperor. After hearing the story everyone applauds Ash for sharing the story and for telling the dragons a part of their culture. Ash would tell a second story about the second totem that looked like a female dragon protecting an egg. The second story was about Daeneria Dramillion, the mother of dragons, which would excite everyone because Ash was about to tell another story. Legend tells our a long time ago a great war between two factions lead by two dragons one black and the other white and their battle made the earth beneath them to rupture, then suddenly a green dragon name Daeneria interfered in their battle and would demand the two faction to look around and what their war has done to the land, then as the two leaders look around the were horrified at what they had done thus the two faction lade down their weapons. The two leaders would both go into self imposed exile and were never seen again and Daeneria would stay and pick up the pieces because she felt responsible for not stopping the war soon. Garble would then ask why did Daeneria feel responsible to which Ash would state that the leaders of the two factions were Daeneria’s older brothers which shocked everyone listening to the story Ash would then explain that Daeneria and her two older brothers were the children of Draconis which shocked everyone listening to the story. Ash would then explain how the war started, Draconis was planning have all three shape leadership of the dragons after he dies but Gortaz Draconis oldest son was enraged because he believes that he was being denied his birth rate and would take up arms to claim what he believed was rightfully his and Xenoz would oppose his brother and would call his brother unworthy to rule which was what start the war, Daeneria wanted to end the war because she could not stand see more people dying in a pointless war. Ash would then explain after the war and after Gortaz and Xenoz went into exile Daeneria would dedicate her life to rebuilding what was destroyed which how she became known as the renewer, everyone would then ask what happened to her to which Ash would state she died of old ago but was at peace knowing that she had succeed rebuilding the world and would be laid to rest in sarcophagus by her children and her grandchildren or so the legend says, Ash would end the story by say Daeneria’s has been protected by the tomb guardians and to kneel before her sarcophagus is to kneel at the begin of Draconis blood. Everyone would applaud Ash again for telling another good story and sharing another part of the dragons' forgotten culture. Ash would then tell one final story which is about the third totem which is to honor the fallen warriors of the dragon clans which shocked everyone listening. Ash would then explain how the clans were formed and what made each of them unique. The first clan Ash would talk about was the master armours and weapons makers of clan Palladia and would state their works were second to none, Ash would also state the weapons and armor made by this clan were light but durable and sharp. The second clan Ash would talk about would be the clan Dracimar known for being skilled tactician and being assassins. The next two clans Ash would talk about were the clans of Norvagen and Draigar. The best way Ash could describe the two clans was the Norvagen were group of rowdy and stubborn dragons and the Draigar were well disciplined warriors, but these two clans were rivals like Palladia and Dracimar, but unlike Palladia and Dracimar were not bitter rivals. The fifth clan that Ash would talk about was clan Odakous who were the scholars of the dragons which shocked everyone listening to the story but they heard dragons and scholars in the same sentence to Ash would explain that because the dragons had a long lifespan thus felt it was their responsibility to be the historians of this world. Everyone then ask who was the sixth clan to Ash would state it was clan Dracirian which was the oldest and most powerful of the six clans everyone then asked what made them so powerful to Ash would say the had unique ability and when asked if it is anything like Ash ability to turn into a pony to which Ash would the ability he has is a parlor trick compared the clan Dracirian power. Then Ash would explain what happened to the dragon clans to which Ash would state they all died in a war between all the races of this world and an invading race from another realm. The first of the six dragon clans to die out was Palladia and Odakous because more of their were fighting and dying in the war and the last of member of both clans would marry into clan Dracirian to make sure their bloodline would survive, because of their tactics clan Dracimar would outlive their rivals but over time they would be the third clan to die out and like the two other dead clans the last member of clan Dracimar marry into clan Dracirian. As for the clans, Norvagen and Draigar would put aside the rivalry and work together and die together to protect their people. In the end it took the sacrifice of clan Dracirian to end the war and drive the invaders back to their realm. Everyone then asks if it is a legend or history to which Ash confirmed that the war began just a few days before discord mayhem and would end before Luna’s fall from grace. Everyone would applaud for telling such good stories, even impressing many dragons to which they thank for sharing forgotten parts of the dragons culture. The next day Ash would wake up and hear that after learning about the forgotten culture of the dragons the ponies and the dragons would search the dragonlands for more about their forgotten culture which lead to the discovery of some ruins in the remount part of the dragons which excited a lot people, it was announced that Daring Do and Dr. Caballeron and archaeologist team will be head to the ruin for research but the Ash lost his temper and grab Daring and Caballeron by the neck and angrily state no one is go anywhere near those ruins, Ash’s outburst shocked Sunset and Ash’s employees because they never see him lost his temper which lead them to ask Ash what about ruins angers in so much to Ash calm down and answered and say the ruins the were just discovered was the ruin fortress city of the tyrant king which made everyone curious asking who is the tyrant king because in both pony and dragon history show no records of such a person existing to which Ash states no would anyone because no one would care to remember him and also state their some parts of history people are willing to keep bury and forgotten. Ash would then explain who the tyrant king was, the tyrant king was the dictator of dragons who ruled with an iron fit and was renowned for his cruelty and brutality. Ash would state the tyrant king would send raiding parties to every nations of this world burn a number of villages and people who were not killed were taken as prisoners to be slaves including enslaving his own people dragon who the tyrant king deemed to be weak which resulted in them being sent to work in the mines or to fight to the death for the tyrant king and his followers entertainment. After hearing the first part of the tyrant king's history everyone was horrified at what they heard. Then Sunset would ask Ash how did he know some much about the tyrant king to which Ash confessed that he was there and the ruins that were just discovered was once his home which shocked everyone. Sunset and Ash’s group would ask why he never told any about it to which Ash would state he despised the tyrant king’s rule but was punished for openly defying the tyrant king by refusing to fight area and was punished to which Ash would reveal that his left side of face surrounding his left eye was burned shocking everyone for Sunset and Ash’s group because they never realized he had a scar and everyone else because they all known that dragon skin can not be burned to which explain that person he was supposed to fight the the tyrant king’s enforcer and would state that it his enforcer who left the scar on Ash face which also explained that the tyrant king’s enforcers flames were hotter than other dragons and when he burned Ash’s face the enforcer he was close enough to make a concentrated flame. After Ash’s explanation everyone agreed that what Ash would make sense, Ash would describe the tyrant kings enforcer appearance he was a black dragon with blood red eyes which made one of the dragon ask was Ash describing the shadow dragon which made everyone else ask about the dragons about to they explained shadow dragon to they said it was a story scare timid dragons to toughen up or the shadow dragon would kill them to which the dragons would ask the shadow dragon was real to Ash stated he was and was much worse then the story of the shadow dragon. Ash would then explain that the tyrant kings enforcer was feared because he had unnatural strength and speed plus kill large number of people regardless of their race or status and would also say if it is what the king command must be follow, Ash would as state that the tyrant king’s enforcer was blindly loyal to his king to the end. Ash would also explain that his grandfather and older brother were two of his followers but his father despised the tyrant king's government but could do nothing even though Ash's father had high ranking status. The reason why Ash would take part in the rebellion to end the tyrant king's reign is because the tyrant king ordered his enforcer to execute Ash’s father. After hearing Ash’s story they all understood why he never talked about his past. Ash would agree to let the archaeology team explore the ruins on the condition that Ash come with the ruins which shocked everyone because after hearing his story thought the ruin would be the last place he would want to go. It took three days to reach the ruins and as Ash looked upon the ruin that was once his home, Ash would guide the team to the treasury and the archive and as they looked at both amazed everyone at how large the treasury and the archive are and their content. The treasury was filled with so much gold, jewels and historic artifacts, Ash then comes across a set of armor which belonged to his father in it had been passed down in Ash’s family for generations so Ash puts on the armor and finds it fits perfectly. After find and putting on the armor Ash began to think after being abandoned for centuries metal should be showing signs of rust and yet the armor and other metal artifacts which made everyone think that someone was maintaining them and that someone was here along with the team to which Ash had an idea who it is, Ash would call then a old dragon appeared to which Ash introduced as Gorhaligon the master archivist and chronicler of the dragons plus once was Ash tutor. After the introductions Ash wished to speak to his old tutor in private, as Ash and Gorhaligon catch up Gorhaligon would should archaeology team a door that lead to a restricted section of the archive how the door to the restricted section is locked behind a puzzle with Ash’s help they managed to solve it and was revealed that the completed puzzle was showing the crests of the six dragon clans. The team found behind the door in the restricted section was in reality a vault that is holding a large number of artifacts from the six clans of the dragons. While the team is in awe see the relics in the vault Gorhaligon would show Ash a secret room that contains a massive number of sarcophagi which Ash realizes that it is a tomb and as he looks around he then realizes that it is the tomb of the six dragon clans and where Ash would two major discoveries, first discovery were six family trees showing the genealogical record of the six clans and to Ash surprise find his father, old brother, grandfather and his own name in one of the family trees. The second massive discovery was a single sarcophagus and the end of the tomb and up a staircase and would keep it a secret from the team. When Ash the team returned Ash came up with the idea to build a museum in pony to showcase the artifacts of the dragon clans and the forgotten history and culture of the dragons. After a week of construction the new Ponyville museum and its first exhibit would be the forgotten history and culture of the dragons, all the dragons that were present at the grand opening would thank Ash for restoring some they never knew they had lost. The next day Ash, Sunset and his employees would receive tickets to the grand galloping gala. Over the next two months Ash would bring Dragonic solutions into this would and showcase them. Ash would revolutionize the fashion industry, create engineering marvels and advance sciences. Once word got that Dragonic solutions was base in cluddge town they were surprised but even more surprised when they saw the new cluddge town, when Princess Twilight and her arrived they were shocked to see how much cluddge town has change to Ash would state it is called forge town. After showing the mane six around and were greeted by the townspeople who apologized to the mane six for what happened the last time they were there and the townspeople would state they had arrived at the perfect time because they had just completed the first product for the entertainment series from Dragonic solutions. An hour later Ash would be the to make the announcement of the new dream world visor, a new kind of gaming tech, Ash would then showcase a demonstration of how the visor works and when the announcement was finished it got everyone watching excited. The hour before the gala began Ash would go to Canterlot to retrieve something for the gala that was from his past.The night of the gala had arrived Ash, Sunset and Ash employees he had brought with him and everyone in at the gala were in awe of their clothes especially the clothes Ash was wearing because it looked different than those of his employees it had classic and majestic vibe. As Ash’s employees would talk with some of the other guest Ash would talk some of the other nations leaders which would lead him to meet princess Luna for the first time and would reunite with Celestia who would reveal Ash’s real name to be Targon which surprised everyone to which as would explain the tar was short for his real name Targon. Then would explain that a hundred years ago Targon and her meet at the grand galloping gala like the one right now and eventually become Celestia advisor for 2 years then Gorhaligon name was announced made all leaders, the pillars and Targon to approach and bow and say welcome elder and you honor us with your presents, to which everyone then ask about why they bow to Gorhaligon to which Taron and Celestia explain that they all respect him because out of all the dragon not one has lived for so long Gorhaligon my be old but is very wise which is why he holds not just the title of chronicler of the dragons but the realms elder the oldest living creature in this world because no one really knows what his true age. As the gala continued Ash would be notified by one of Ash's security guards outside the castle and they are dragons that have never been seen to which would inform everyone in the room that they are about to have uninvited guests who probably have bad intentions. Suddenly a group of dragons broke through the windows while wielding weapons and wearing armor, everyone in attendance would ask Ember who they to which she said she has not seen them before then the leader of the group would call Ember the pretender lord which made everyone curious about what they mean about Ember being a pretender which would make Targon approach while readying himself for a fight which made Celestia to say to him that he should not escalate the situation, after hearing someone speak the leader of the group turned his head towards the voice then see Targon and would say the prodigal prince has returned which everyone in the room curious about what he meant to which Targon would say he will explain later, Targon would state to the leader of the dragons who’s name was Vorgis and the others called Norbane, Karag, Volrag, Mordremothis, Animar, Tiamat, Aldoranis,Kalameetar and Gostirian which made a lot of the guest in the room to ask that Targon knows them to he said he wished he didn’t, Targon would state the ten intruders are children of some of the tyrant king’s followers who escaped after the tyrant kings death. Vorgis would then call Targon a coward who ran from his past ashamed of his family legacy and would state that Targon was the grandson of Strifius also known as the tyrant king. Everyone that heard did not believe the intruders because

they do not know them and the people Ash has know for years plus the people he has interacted with other the past months then they all asked Targon if their lying to which he would say he has not been called Strifius grandson for a long time shocking everyone then Targon would explain after he has dealt with the intruders. While everyone was distracted by the reveal of Targons past Volrag grabbed Sunset by Vorgis orders taking her while the other intruders would state if anyone tries to attempt to rescue her they will kill which would prompt Targon to go after them. After arriving at the palace garden Vorgis was about to make plan about what to do next but to surprise Targon pursued them then Targon demand that they release Sunset alive and unharmed and would ask again after drawing a sword and dagger which Vorgis demanded to know where got them to which Targon would state that they still recognize it after some many centuries to which they would state the sword belonged to Targon’s grandfather and the dagger belonged to his older brother, they would also demand why Targon has both blades to which Targon would say who do think killed them. After thinking for a few seconds Vorgis realized that Targon was the one who killed the tyrant king and his enforcer. Vorgis then orders Sunset’s release but restarts until they have killed Targon because they came to start a war and to find the person who killed Strifius and his enforcer and though they could kill two birds with one stone by avenging the king and killing the traitor. Targon drops the sword and dagger he had pulled out stating he will not need them, as the intruder charged at Targon he countered them using powers of the elements and managed to restrain them. After restraining the intruders Targon went to Sunset to see if she is alright, then both would return to the grand hall to answer everyone's question but just before he another group of dragons enter but were going to help restrain the intruding dragons. Ember and the other dragons in the room did not recognize them but Targon did. The dragon that was leading the party to capture Vorgis and his troops saw Targon and was surprised because he had not seen him for along time same with the others in the party then the leader walk up to Targon and the two would throw a few small insults at each other, after saying the small insults they were glad to see each other the guests would then ask Targon a rhetorical question after he get the newcomers to which Targon stated that he can honestly say he does in fact they were old friends of Targon his former subordinates. Targon would then introduce them starting with the dragon with the scared eye and lead of the capture party who was called Timaeus, Critias is the dragon with missing skin around the left jaw, Hermos is the dragon with the metal arm, the purple dragon is called Spyro, the dragon next to Spyro is his sister Cynder, the green dragon was called Firnenar, the gray dragon was called Metalica, the white dragon was Metalica sister Grandenira, the crimson dragon was called Slyris, the blue dragon was called Licuria and the ash white dragon was called Arthrakis. The ten dragons Targon had just introduced came to Canterlot to capture the dragons Targon had restrained but they did not expect to find Targon there. After the introductions everyone wanted to ask Targon if he is the tyrant king’s grandson but before he could answer Sunset would demand him to answer her question first about after drawing his weapons against the intruders plus recognizing the two blades and Targon state and I quote who do you think killed them to which Targon would openly state that he did kill his grandfather and older brother which shocked everyone including the capture party then Hermos would state can’t say I am surprised and the other dragons from the capture party agreed shocking everyone again to which Slyris would state after everything they had done they had gotten what they had deserved. All the guest and Targan group all asked the rhetorical question that it is true Targon your the grandson of the tyrant king to Targon just says you know the answer already and Timaeus would state during his whole life Targon never once saw the tyrant king as his grandfather because the tyrant never acknowledged Targon as his blood which everyone curious about Timaeus statement to which Spyro would say it is complicated but it should be told by Targon then Corvin would state that Targon scared face was done by the tyrant king’s enforcer to which Cynder would state that Targon’s brother Scourge was the tyrant kings enforcer, then everyone were then shock to learn that it was Targon’s own brother who scared his face. Whiplash would then question about what he said about his past to which Targon would say that he choose his words carefully what talking about his past, Sunset would also state that Targon said that the tyrant king had his father executed and at the hand of the tyrant king’s enforcer to which Firnenar would state that Targon would never lie especially about his father’s death, then everyone realized how cruel and brutal the tyrant king sentenced his own son to death. Metalica then would state after the death Targon’s father riots began to break out which made Luna ask the question why did riots break out to which Grandenira would state that after Thorons execution the people had every right to riot. After hearing the name Thoron grandpa Gruff, Prince Rutherford, Ember plus the dragons that followed her and Celestia recognized the name and asked if they meant Thoron the just, Targon was a little surprised to learn that Thoron was still remember and remembered well by all the races then Sunset would ask about Thoron and why is he remember well, to which Celestia would state that Thoron was not you typical dragon meaning he was known for his kindness, farness, honesty, loyalty, generosity and most of all have a sense of honor which surprised many young people from the race in attendance, then Jagged Edge asked what Thoron the just have to do with Targon was Targons father a retain who wished to die with his lord or a supporter to which Critias would state Targon is Thoron son which the people who know of Thoron were shock by this revelation. Once they were told that Targon was Thoron son they then found it believable because Targon in any took after Thoron, then Celestia would state that she know Thoron also saying while they had mirror disagreements he was her friend which shock everyone in the room because no really know the relationship Thoron and Celestia had, Celestia with help from Sunset’s would show everyone in attendance the last memory she had of Thoron. The last memory Celestia had of Thoron was the last time she saw him. Celestia memory showed the last conversation she and Thoron ever had before he died, the memory show that Thoron was talking about his two sons, he would tell Celestia that he was disappointed with how his oldest son Scourge was almost like the tyrant king but his youngest son Targon took after Thoron and was proud of who he became and would also state that even if he dies Thoron be at peace knowing he has passed a legacy to his true son the sources of his pride. Then unexpectedly Targon hugged Celestia to thank her for showing the memory because for him his father's love was enough for Targon knowing that Thoron saw Targon as his true son and the scores of his fathers pride in a way gave something back to Targon. Then suddenly Targon was grabbed behind by Vorgis while have a dagger to his throat threatening to kill Targon if they try to save him or come any closer with no choice everyone complied then would say that they are powerless to save you to which Targon would state that he does need their help to kill Vogis and his group then Targon turned into smoke then returned to his normal state but then would bite Vorgis neck, after Vogis fell to the ground Targon would state he vowed he never do this again but for Vorgis and his party he will make an exception then would kill Vorgis by tearing him apart and do the same to the rest of Vorgis group except Animar and Aldoranis. After cutting off one of Aldoranis arms both him and Animar were quivering in fear, Targon would spear them both but would have them send a message to Malefor and the other Strifiians that no matter where they go or where they hide Targon would keep hunting them down until the all Strifians are dead, after hear what the message was both Animar and Aldoranis would understand the message but would ask why he does not kill them right now to which Targon would state that he nevers kills anyone who does not fight back unless requested and besides someones needs to live so they could deliver the message and would let them both leave in one of Targons transport but only if they take the bodies of the Vogis and his dead party to which Animar and Aldoranis agreed and would leave. After dealing with the intruders Sunset would be the one to ask the question on everyone's mind to which Targon would answer with yes stating that he is a vampire which greatly shocked everyone, then Sunset would ask if Targon is the blood drake to which he is not in fact the tile of blood drake belonged to his grandfather which shocked everyone even Targon old comrades. Targon would then explain how his grandfather became a vampire but would first refresh their about how Targon told the story about the memorial totem he had to which large number of the guests remember but Targon did not say who was the enemy the dragon clans were fight which the guest realize that Targon indeed he did not tell them about the invaders to which Targon answered stating the invaders were from the demon realm. Hear the invaders were demons, Targon then would explain the demon are multi ethnic mean there were demon ponies, demon griffs, demons yaks, demon cats, demon dogs, demon birds, the changelings did have demon blood in their veins before their reformation and there were even demon dragons. Targon would then state near the end of the war the last heads of clan Dracirian had just died and Strifius was in command of the surviving retainers of clan Dracirian trying to keep the demon at bay then romares began to spread about a vampire that is hiding from the demons, Strifus realized that the vampire my hold the key to end the war thus he would seek out the vampire in hope to end the war and save his people and find the vampire he did. When Strifus asked the vampire for help on one condition if Strifus wanted his help. The two sign the contact Strifus would get the power to save his people and end the war and the vampire would get his revenge, before the vampire gave Strifus his power he warned him if he accepts this power there's no going back and his descendants would share the vampire's curse but Strifus accepted it because it was the only way to save his people. After hearing the story about Targon’s grandfather Targon old subordinates began thinking the reason why Strifus became a cruel and brutal tyrant it was because of the vampires curse then Celestia noticed that the sun was rising and tried to protect Targon because everyone knows when vampires are exposed to the sun they turn to ash but as the sunlight touched Targons body nothing happened, Targon then would say to get the sunlight out of his face once the sunlight shinned on his face. See that Targon is not turning into ash they wonder why Targon has not turn to ash is because only people who have been turned in vampires like Strifus because people who have turn into vampires can no longer walk in the sun, people who were born a vampire have the natural amenity to sunlight. Suddenly Targon would thrust his sword into the floor in front of Ember which shock everyone then Arthrakis would explain that Targon is calling for the ring of fire an ancient tradition which is a the fight to determine the leadership of the dragons which shocked everyone including the dragons because they have never heard of this tradition to which Licuria would state it was abandoned when the demon war began, both Targon and Ember would travel to the field of the Coze Glow,Chrysalis and Tirac and would begin the duel, fifteen minutes into the duel Targon would show just how powerful he really is, Targon show he can control not just fire but water/ice, earth, air/lighting, metal, light and shadow. Ember would surrender because she knows Targon has won the duel and would relinquish the bloodstone scepter now making Targon the new dragon lord but then suddenly Targon would drop the scepter to the ground and then crush the stone with his foot shocking everyone except Targon’s old subordinates because like Targon they would know the true purpose of the bloodstone scepter. Everyone asked why Targon destroyed the scepter to which replies calling it the slaver staff which puzzled everyone to which Firnenar explain they called the slaver staff because it was used during the tyrant king’s reign to keep dragons like Ember, Spike, Smolder and Torch in line so they would rebel and for the tyrant king’s followers to do whatever they wanted no matter how bad or how wrong it was because they believe they could get away with it. After hearing the truth about the bloodstone scepter the dragons aside from Targon and his old subordinates were horrified to learn the true nature of the scepter. Trgon would now allow the dragons surrounding him the choice to willingly follow him, Ember then Garble followed by Smolder and the rest of the dragons would bend the knee swearing loyalty to Targon. Then suddenly while everyone was distracted Tirac and Chrysalis with Cozy Glow behind who had broken out of their stone prison months after the battle with the knights of order tried to drain Targon’s power and emotions but it was too much for them to handly, Targon realized immediately that the two were trying to drain him so he would allow them to drain as much as they could handle but they tried to take all of Targon power and emotion which nearly killed them and critically injured Cozy Glow after a shockwave from the failed draining attempt. Targon would surprise everyone by healing the three by reversing time on their bodies from before they tried to drain Targon. Discord was the first to realize that Targon had control over time itself to which Targon would it was one of the most difficult power to master plus there some aspects of time he can not control which gave everyone the biggest shock of their lives. Tirac,Chrysalis and Cozy Glow asked Targon if he is will to have the three serve him shocking everyone, Targon would ask them why they wish to serve him to which Tirac and Chrysalis would state while they failed to drain Targon power they would get an understand of who Targon is, while he has powers to dominate worlds Targon uses his power to better the world and the people around him plus the two were in awe of Targons power when he was healing them. After accepting their offer of service Targon would state the path the two are now walking will not be an easy one to which Tirac, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow replied saying they understand but are willing because this will help them find what they were missing in their lives, then suddenly Tirac and Chrysalis began to glow, after the glow had dissipated Tirac and Chrysalis appearances had changed. Chrysalis black coat had turned diamond white and her eye color had changed from green to hazel yellow. Tirac’s coat had turned from black,red and silver to white,blue and gold with a solid amount of muscle plus his hair and eye color had also changed from white to black and his from black with a yellow iris to white with a green iris. Chrysalis and Tirac would ask what is next for Targon to which his new goal is begin reunification of the dragons and also stating it will never happen as long the Strifians the followers of the dead tyrant king thus Targon will have to request the aid of the Draconins to which Ember would state they are a group of isolationist dragons who will not help outsiders to which Targon has a way to perswear them and would say out of the three factions of the dragons the Draconins had the largest number of well trained warriors, Critias would then say there actually four factions to which Targon asked about the fourth faction to which Critias said it is the faction the ten of them are part of which are called the Targonians named after the one dragon who liberated his people and their base of operation/capital Thoronis named after Targon’s father which surprised Targon because he did not know there was a fourth faction. After thinking it over Targon decided he would go to Thoronis to request aid from the Targonians to Timaeus states all Targon had to do was ask and they would answer his summons in the Targonians have been waiting for the day when Targon returned to lead them again. Meanwhile Animar and Aldoranis had just arrived at the Strifians hideout to lick their wounds and to report back to Malefor. The two would report on what happened on the mission in which the Strifians would learn that Targon has returned and he was the one who killed Strifus and scourge, they would show the fate of their dead commands and after seeing the torn apart corpse Malefor demand to know who did this to which Animar would state it was Targon to which Ancalagar another of the leaders of the Strifians would state Targon isn’t that brutal at killing to which Aldoranis replied say that Targon’s a vampire to which Ludmidia would then realize if Targon is a vampire then king Strifus was a vampire as well. After this realization Ludmidia and other Strifians like her began to question what they are now fighting for. Meanwhile back at Canterlot Targon and his party, Twilight and her friends and Targons old subordinates were preparing to depart for Thoronis when Sunset asked to talk with Targon in private to which Targon would ask her if there was something bothering her to which she said that she was concerned with if Targon old subordinates, people and even his family would accept her as Targon lover to which Targon would say it may take some time for them to accept but would state if Targon can fall in love with a pony then who are they to decide who Targon chooses to fall in love with and would then kiss her not know that Targon’s subordinates were eavesdropping on their conversation, as Targon enter the transport craft heading for Thoronis Spyro would be the one to comment on what is going on with the one called Sunset Shimmer to which Targon would say to you dare start tease me because some from Targon’s group and Targon’s employees have already been teasing about but it was only to show him that they were glad that he found someone after all these years, Hermos would say to Targon while when have not seen you for along time they still know Targon well enough that like the people Targon just mention Targon’s old subordinates were also glad that Targon had found someone special and do not care about that person race but their character for that is what we have learn how to judge someone it was what you tough us Targon is what Cynder would say. Targon would ask his old subordinates to send a letter to the Targonian to inform them that they will be receiving guests and one special guest. A few after loading the transports Targon, his group and his old subordinates depart for Thoronis arriving four hours later. After unload the transport the party was greeted by a pony called coby and Firnenar would be the first to reply asking how thing been since they left to which he said everything and everyone are alright and would ask to stop being called that nickname to which Sunset would ask what coby’s name is Targon would be the one to call cobalt which was coby’s name, see Targon Cobalt was pleasantly surprised to see and would call him master Targon which made everyone except Targon and his old subordinates because they know that Cobalt was one of Targon’s former servant which was surprising for Targon’s group and Sunset, Cobalt would state after receiving word from Timaeus from about a long awaited guest he was not sure weather to believe it until now Cobalt would welcome Targon to Thoronis to which Targon would say he will take a warm welcome from a familiar face any day which Cobalt would huge Targon out joy seeing him after so many years. Targon would then ask Cobalt to gather everyone in the city to were they would have general meeting which Cobalt was more then willing because he still sees Targon as his master to which Targon would say to Cobalt he does not need to call master any more because he has been a free pony for years to which Cobalt agrees because Targon ask, just before Cobalt left to gather everyone in the meeting hall Targon asked him to not let them know that he has returned at least until they see him enter the hall to which Cobalt asked why to which Targon would say it would spoil the surprise to which Cobalt understood and would not let anyone know he is here. After Cobalt gathered everyone in the meeting Alsterinian, a former ally of Targon, asks Cobalt why he asked everyone to gather in the meeting hall to which Cobalt would state we have guests and would introduce them and there was a very special guest one they had awaited his return. Then a sapphire blue dragon named Saphmira heard footsteps coming from the northern staircase to the meeting then after seeing the surprise guest began shedding tears of joy which Iris another former servant of Targon who was sitting right beside Saphmira ask her what is wrong and Saphmira answer by calling out Targon’s name which got everyone of the residence of Thoronis to look at the direction Saphmira is looking which caused them to have a shocked but overjoyed expressions on their faces for those who were once Targons servants and for those who were Targon’s former allies they were glad to see him and that he was still alive, Targon would then confirm his identity by calling lady Saphmira mother, hear that word Sunset and Targon’s employees were surprised to learn that head of Thoronis was Targon’s mother.