After Ash’s announcement of Ash returning to his world everyone who has known Ash for years were shocked, later they would ask Ash why he is leaving to which he said it was time for him to face his past. As Ash was finalizing the transfer of authority to his senior staff but then was informed that half of his senior staff decided to come with Ash as is the same with half of Maelstrom Strikers and Drachenritters as well as Corvin, clothesline,spring,Garuda,Scoreboard and Cheerleader, the reason why they all decided to join Ash return home is because to some of them Ash is the only family they have and the rest feel like they own. For those who are staying is because they have family in the human world and also stating that someone has to stay and continue Ash’s work. Later that Sunset would say she will be coming with Ash, while Sunset has come to see the human world as her home for many years she decided that in her heart that her home is where Ash is, as it got late in the night Ash and Sunset would have an intimate evening before their departure the next morning.As more arrived Ash and Sunset finished packing for the journey Sunset would ask is anybody Ash knows still alive or are they all dead to which Ash stated he does not know, as they head towards the portal to Equestria they would meet up with the people who are joining Ash on his journey home, then Ash would ask them are you all sure you want to do this to which some would say they do not have any family in this world/one they are not close with while others would say that Ash is one of the only family they ever know but all would state it would as be a chance to repay him for all that he has done for them to which Ash would state that they do not owe him anything but if they want to join Ash journey home it is their choice. As everyone join Ash gathers around the portal they a greeted by everyone who are staying the human world, for Sunsets friends their staying because this world is their home and their families are here as well and rest of Maelstrom Strikers,Drachenritters and Ash’s senior staff and the people who have know Ash for years are staying in the human world for the same reason as Sunset’s friends plus someone has to stay and teach the next generation what Ash has tough them. Ash and his group understood their reasons for staying and respected their decision and would say their goodbye and would then enter the portal. After exiting the portal the all awoke seeing that they have all turned into ponies which made a lot of them freak out while the rest were in shock thus speechless. Sunset then wonders were Ash could be then after looking for a few seconds she would find Ash and realize is a big dragon and have everyone's turn their heads to where she is looking and were completely shocked at how big Ash is see Ash is a little more than half the size of the trees in the forest they were in, then Ash tries to move through the forest he gets stuck between two trees which made everyone snicker then would ask need help to Ash said if you laugh you die, Ash’s group then try to help get unstuck and after five minutes they managed to get Ash unstuck and would have Ash fail backwards onto some of the group then Ash realizes in Equestria he had the ability to turn into a pony which he learn a long time age when he was last in Equestria and would call himself an idiot for forgetting it, after turning into a pony which shocked everyone in the group. After Ash got smaller he and his group would enter the nearest town which would bring back some memories for Ash.