Ash enters a meeting room were he meets vice admiral Skimmer the commander of the Naval Air Force and admiral Bane the commander of the Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center after the introduction Ash would state Hex admiral Bane’s call sign and would also state he honestly did not think he would be call back to which Hex would say their called orders for a reason she would also state the Whirlwind admiral Skimmer’s call sign was top of his class in 88 to which Ash would correctly state that Ash finished in second of his class. Hex would then show an unauthorized nuclear enrichment plant built in violation of many international treaties, the military has been tasked to assemble a strike to destroy the plant before it becomes operational, Hex then asks Ash’s thoughts about how to destroy the plant. After examining the site of the plant and would ask how long until the plant becomes operational to which Whirlwind can it be done to which Ash said it can be depending who is fly and would guess he was called in not to fly the mission but to teach it to twelve Crown Cannon graduates who have been recalled for this mission then Whirlwind notices that Ash has a problem with one of the pilots one name Bullwhip Bushclaw call sign Corvin. Whirlwind remembered that Ash used to fly with his father whose call sign was Sparrow then Whirlwind would say what a tragedy the Hex would say Sparrow’s death was an accident and not the fault of Ash. Ash would then say respectively that while he was a Crown Cannon instructor thirty-five years age he only lasted two months because he felt it was not where he belonged to which Whirlwind would say bluntly that Ash was not consider and the only reason why Ash is here is at the request of grand admiral Kaiser and would also say that he greatly respects Frostbite Kaiser’s call sign and the only reason why he is giving Ash a chance is because Kaiser believes that Ash still has something left to offer the military, later we see Ash a pilot bar and would meet an old friend a girl Lucy who was the bar owner as well as getting a little information about who he is teaching but when he sees Corvin enter the room he payed the tab and would leave but however for some reason his card was declined and could only pay half thus according to the rules your go overboard then as Ash is about to leave Covin sings a song that brings back some bad memories which Lucy notices. The next day the twelve pilots would be meeting their instructor who would be introduced by Hex by his call sign Maelstrom but as Ash enters three of the pilots recognize him as the man they threw out of the bar last night. As Ash begin the class he first asked if they all know the fight jet manual from cover to cover to which they all said yes then Ash trashes the manual and state your enemy also knows how the fight jets work but they do not know your strengths, your weakness or your limits and that is what Ash is here, as the first three pilots get ready for take off Ash calls out the name of the third pilot which happens to be Corvin but it is only after calling his rank and last name does Corvin respond because Corvin not happy to see Ash and as they talk two pilots notice the way Corvin and Ash are talking to each other like the have history. We now cut to the dogfight exercise with the three pilots there are going first including Corvin and the other two pilots with the call signs Scoreboard and Cheerleader, before the exercise begin Scoreboard suggested who ever gets shot down has to do fifty squats, fifty sit ups and a hundred push ups to which Ash agrees to the bet. Then two more pilots get shot down then the next two pilots Clothesline and Garuda plus her weapon system officer whose call sign is Spring which Clothesline makes fun of then Garuda was about to explain why he is called Clothesline but then Ash rush between them catching them off guard then Spring finds how Clothesline got his name by always leaving everyone hang, after shooting Garuda down Ash was going to teach Clothesline a lesson which Ash admits the Clothesline has some skill but manage to teach Clothesline a lesson. The next day Corvin and Clothesline are fly during which Clothesline asks about what is going on between Corvin and Maelstrom to which he said never of his business, while Corvin was trying to find Maelstrom Ash replied saw I have been under the whole time then Maelstrom moved his jet above Corvins jet while upside down what surprised Clothesline then Corvin tried to out maneuver Maelstrom but only got them both spiraling towards the ground but barely manage to pull up at five hundred meter above the ground. Later Garuda asked what Corvin’s problem was with Maelstrom to which Corvin said he pulled his pilot papers, sending his career back two years. Later we Whirlwind sold Ash for what happened during the exercise to which Ash would state these pilot need to learn how to fly course the never flown before and has given a full written detail train plan for the pilots of how to strike the target and return to their families alive but Whirlwind would say all mission have risks and all military personal accepts it but Ash respectful says he does not. The next day Maelstrom explains in full what the pilots train exercises will be the next two and half week, however the pilots find it difficult thus at the two week mark Frostbite calls Maelstrom in to talk when he arrives Ash is greet by Terra Frostbites wife, after enter Frostbites house he realizes that Frost’s throat tumor is back thus offers Terra a chance to save Frost with a new medical cure Dragonic solution has discovered to which she takes the offer, Ash would enter Frost’s office. Ash would then ask why Frost called to his home to Frost would use computer words to type out what he is saying, Ash talked about how Corvin is still angry with him for stand in the way of his military career, Ash would then talks about he does not want to send the pilots that were called back for this mission to which Frost wrote it is time to let go, Ash first would state if he send Corvin he will die but if Ash does not send Corvin would resent him for the rest of Corvin’s life both ways Ash will lose Corvin forever, then would state Corvin and the military does want what Ash has to give also state the only reason why he is here is because of Frost and finally Ash would say he has tried to let go of the past but if is not easy for someone like Ash not like someone with a life span like frost then to Ash’s surprise Frost gets up and speaks say that military and Corvin both need Ash and is the reason we fought for you and why you're still here then the two huge then Ash thanks Frost for everything but realizes that Frost said we then two other people enter Frost’s offer and Ash reconized them both were people the women in the air force uniform was Hailstorm cheif of the air force and the general Max Claymore together with Frostbite they make up the trident veterans the three most highest rank officers in the military and be well respected and were once Ash subordinate when Ash was a part of the military after world war 2, Hail and Max state that Sparrows death was not his fault and son’s death was not his fault and they would suggest Ash to show the pilots how it is done. So the next morning after does just that prove that the course he made can be achieved. Later Whirlwind scolds Maelstrom for taking a fighter jet without authorization and pushing it so hard that it could never be used again to which Ash replied saying the military will be compensated with prototype fighter which Maelstrom later introduced as the S99 Tiburón also known as the sky shark which are next generation fighter jets able to reach mach 12 which surprised everyone even the admirals. Maelstrom gave them a week to learn how to use them so they would be ready for the mission but Maelstrom would be using the current gen fight which was another surprise to everyone. The day of the mission Maelstrom would pick his strike team, he picked Scoreboard and Cheerleader plus Garuda and Spring and Ash picked Corvin to be his wingmate. After launching, all pilots managed to hit the target and get out, except Maelstrom because he is using a current gen fight thus leading Ash to do a little dogfight until the jet gets shot down. The jet may have got shot down but Maelstrom was still in the sky, which confused everyone, Maelstrom told his team to fly back to the Hondo while he held off the enemy fighters. After receiving their orders the strike team and people on the Hondo were confused about what he was going to do with a jet but to their surprise they found the Maelstrom was still in the air. A few minutes later Maelstrom returned to the Hondo by land which surprised everyone, especially since Ash had wings on his back and horns on his head. It would be Corvin who would ask Ash what he is to which Ash replied saying it is a long story to which Hex would explain a small part of it. Hex would tell them that Ash is the CEO of Dragonic Solutions, the leader of the Demon Imperial Circle and that Ash is nearly six thousand years old which nearly made everyone faint.Hex would notify Maelstrom that he has only one mission left to complete and is being sent to the base of Drachenritters. The next day Ash ships out to the Drachenritters base with Sunset Shimmer but before he leaves the pilots that were called the mission made a promise they would meet again before Ash returned to the world of his birth. He arrives at the Drachenritters base and is impressed by how much the Drachenritter have expanded so much in the last twenty years. Ash and Sunset enter Drachenritter base a lot of the base person looked at them wonder why civilians are in the base one of base peroneal got up close then remarked about how Ash and Sunset looked weak and could not handle themselves in a fight which insulted the both of them and would prompt Sunset to teacher the individual a lesson after throwing the individual onto the ground but as Sunset was about to strike her hand was grabbed by Whiplash Strider command of Drachenritters. After apologizing for his subordinate’s action Whiplash saluted Ash recognizing him as by his appearance and called ash Wardrake which made all Drachenritter personal come to attention. Sunset then asks why they called Ash wardrake to which Whiplash said it is what all military personal call him these days, in the past the air force called Ash striker while in the navy called him maelstrom and the army called him different names but the names the army would called were all names of war gods thus in the army Ash was called the god of war because during Ash’s service with the army he was a tactical genius and would also state that whenever Ash lead a mission there were zero casualties. Ash and Sunset sit down while Whiplash explained why Ash was called turns out it was for another mission against a terrorist organization named MAMBA, Ash then understood why he was called to the Drachenritters base to help capture all of MAMBA’s members but then Ash said that they will need the the Maelstrom Strikers help as well to which Whiplash agreed, Sunset then asked who are the Maelstrom Strikers to which both Ash and Whiplash explained that the Maelstrom Strikers a another mercenary organization but is a is made of former navy and airforce members and that the senior office of both the Maelstrom Strikers and the Drachenritters use to service with Ash over the last thirty years and together they are call the war gods. As Ash assembles the team to end MAMBA once and for all. The mission begins and MAMBA is caught off guard, when MAMBA begins the counter attack they realize it is to late they have lost because of two reason, the first reason is they are betray by a few of their own people and the second reason is the fact Wardrake Tar is the raid leader knowing that the leaders of MAMBA had no choice but to surrender and face their tribunal. Months after the raid on MAMBA’s base Ash had one last thing to do which was to showcase the school he owned which was called Dragonic Technical collegiate at the friendship games. The contestants from Canterlot high and Crystal prep had arrived at Dragonic Technical collegiate and all were impressed with not just the school appearance but with the technology the students were using as well DTC students themself. Just the open ceremony on the friendship games began. The students of DTC would show their resolve by the following, the male students would cut their hands and drip their blood on a contract then sign it and the girls with long hair would cut their hair. The friendship games were now on its way, the students of the three students became very competitive but the good kind. When noon came the students of the three schools were tied for points which shocked everyone from Canterlot high and Crystal prep because they could barely keep up with the students of DTC, then they learned how things work at DTC. Ash would tell them at DTC students are grade by how much effort they put into their work not just if they pass their assigned work, after the explanation Ash realized that the students have complete all the events on the list then Ash came up with an idea he suggested for the tie breaker match they should hold it in the gritter pit which is one of the things that is part of DTC reputation, the students of Canterlot high and Crystal prep were will to give the gritter it a try.Ash would give the Human seven and the seven finalist students from Crystal prep some training disks for some vr train simulations for the final event. After removing the vr helmets they realized only half an hour had passed, not three months. As the final event began Ash would announce the three school teams as the Canterlot high wondercolts Plain Striders, the Crystal prep shadowbolts Storm Strikers and the Dragonic Technical Beast Masters, the home team would be introduced as Leo the black lion, Lican the ghost wolf, Ursa the ice bear, Toris the iron Bison, Talon the eagle king, Vipra the toxic serpent and Tiburón the savage shark. After the introductions Ash would shout let the battle began which confused the two visiting schools then Toris rammed into Applejack’s belly which then knocked her to the ground then Torus then would say fight back, all the visiting students realized which Ash would confirm that the gritter pit is a gladiatorial area. As the first reached the halfway mark only Indigo Zap,Rainbow Dash,Applejack and Sunset Shimmer were the last ones stand for their team, then Sunset came up a plan to turn things around, the plain strider and storm strikers would use the strengths of Ursa,Toris and Viper against them which was just in the nick of time because the timer of the first round had just end, the beast masters are now in the lead with the plain striders in second and the storm strikers in third to which Ash would explain the rules of the round, who had the most team members left stand would determine the rankings. The second round would began after Ash explained the rules, Ash would say the first team who has all their team members ko is knocked out of the finals and the last two teams standing move to the final round and would also state the second all teams are aloud to use weapons, Ash would also state that weapons will not make you bleed it would only leave bruises.The second round would begin but this time both the plain striders and storm strikers would work together and for a while they did well but in the storm strikers would be the ones knocked out. Before the final round the plain striders would have a full days rest, later Ash would commemorate Crystal prep for making it to the finals and would state that starting today Crystal prep academy is now a branch of Dragonic Technical Collegiate which surprised and amazed them.As the huma seven rest up they are wondering what tomorrow’s match will be so Sunset suggests they do some more train to be ready for anything that may come tomorrow. The final round was about to begin when the human seven realized their opponents were not in the area then the announcer would state the human seven would face DTC undefeated champion the dragon king which means the human seven are going to fight Ash himself which shocked everyone. As Ash enters the area the visiting students and staff are in awe of Ash dragon armor. The battle begins the human seven were aloud to use their powers but Ash was so challenging that their geo’s shatter from an overload, with their spirit broken all the human seven could do is stand like statues, Ash would turn his attention to Fluttershy land at least two blows then an enraged Rainbow blasted lighting from her hand at Ash which shocked everyone every Ash’s students, then Applejack make a rock strike from below, Rarity then followed with throwing shards of metal, then Sci-Twi would launch a stream of water with Sunset throwing balls of fire and finally Pinkie casting a blinding lighting with the other human seven forming uo around Fluttershy who would rise with a spirit of gorilla giving her strength. Ash would explain that he has been trying to find a way to awaken the human seven’s elemental power’s. Ash then gave a quick lesson on how to unleash the elemental armor and weapons. Rainbow would be the first to unleash her armor and lighting lancer which as says is a weapon of a storm bringer, then Applejack would unleash her rock breaker hammer the weapon of a stone hide, Rarity with a crossbow shield the weapon of a metal bane, Fluttershy wild whip is what a beast spirit tamer would use, Pinks sunlight ring the weapon of a light keeper, Sci-Twi unleashes a ice trident the weapon of water bound and Sunset would unleash a firesword which makes her a fire bender. Ash would explain to the human seven what each of them can now do with newly awakened element powers and would state he will use shade gauntlets, the weapon of a shadow born. Now the real had begun to fight fiercely but they could not keep up with Ash because he has years of practice and experience but they were not not going to quit they were going to fight until the end. Ash would put on a blindfold then would defeat six of the human seven leaving only Sunset left standing so she would stop using fire. She was plan to fight Ash was only her martial art skills which Ash was wait for, Sunset and Ash duel amazed the crowd because of how she could keep up with Ash that because she was using her magic to read Ash mind to learn were he was going to strike but Ash would use a move Sunset could not defend against which was called strike of the blind dragon a move that Ash can only use we he is blindfold. After an amazing fight Ash remains undefeated. After congratulating the human seven for making it to the finals he then explained that it was never about winning but improving everyone’s skills thus is the reason why Ash is making Canterlot high and Crystal prep school branches of Dragonic Technical Collegiate, with that Ash would then state the last of his affairs have been dealt with to which everyone asked what does he mean to which Ash would state that he is return to his home.