Some time has passed and things at Canterlot high have become peaceful since before princess Twilight came to retrieve the crown that Sunset stole, little did everyone know another problem would arise but it would be for only Sunset Shimmer because someone has erased all positive memories of Sunset which leads her to return to Equestria to ask her old mentor for help which is more then willing after seeing how much Sunset has changed, Sunset learns that an artifact called the memory stone which steals memories even the smallest fragments. Sunset returned to CHS to figure out who has the memory stone. Why would they steal the memories of Sunset being nice? After seeing Sunset's current state Trixie agrees to help her. After asking around they came up with nothing then Tixie suggests they should talk to Ash seeing he is only one of only two people left they have not ask but at first Sunset refused because she knows Ash and he would never do something like this however it was worth looking into, the rest of the human seven and other students over heard Trixie and Sunset so they all decided to follow them to where Ash is, Trixie and Sunset went to the room where Ash spends his time but when they got there and began to talk to Ash he was speaking and acting out of character such as having no barely any memories of Sunset and/or memories being friends with anyone in the school which shock Trixie,Sunset and everyone listening then Sunset’s burst out of the room in tears after Ash saying she has nothing to do with him in a cold and bitter tone then the student confronted Ash about what he said to which he said the same things he said to Sunset to them.Heartbroken Sunset is now more determine to find who stole her friends memories which leads her to Wallflower Blush who stole all positive memories of Sunset because not for being mean to her but for completely ignoring her, the human seven and the students that followed them overheard their current discussion then Ash walk by to which Wallflower greeted but just with Sunset and the other students he stated he never meet WallFlower before then both Wallflower and Sunset realized that Ash never had any negative memories of Sunset and because Wallflower want to steal all positive memories of Sunset it indirectly removed all Ash’s positive memories of CHS. Realizing what she did, Wallflower with Sunset’s help destroyed the memory stone restoring everyone’s memories including Ash however because he remembered what he said to everyone Ash did not go back to normal, it would take him sometime to get back to normal or will it? More time had passed in which at first Ash spent keeping to himself and during that time he discovered where root of the magical outbreak in the human world and thus seal the breach, as for Ash relationships with everyone at CHS they have got back to normal but the students notice that he has been acting weird so they all came up with plan to see what is going on each one of them student doing some kind of activity with Ash which he had fun with them then after some piecing things together Twilight realizes that Ash is avoiding Sunset Shimmer, after realizing this Sunsets confronts Ash demanding why he has been avoiding her to which Ash said he has not full gotten over what he said to Sunset to which she said that was not his fault, Ash then explains why has not gotten over what he said to her, it was because had fallen in love with her which shock after he explained what he meant, Ash also stated why he had been avoiding her because he did want to hurt Sunset again to which she asked is that why he was avoid her because you were in love with her but Ash correct her saying that he is still in love with and that was the real reason why he did not have the heart to face her because he did not know how to tell. After their discussion Ash invites Sunset to dinner if she wants to how he had fallen in love with her and would invite her for dinner at a restaurant on the first day of the weekend but she could turn it down if Sunset did not have the same feelings thus Ash gave her time to think it over,that night Sunset would ponder what she learn about Ash’s feeling for her, as Sunset spent more time thinking about it the more she realizes that she has also been falling in love with Ash over time after the day they meet. The next morning Sunset gives Ash a call, she had decided to accept his invention and she thought this would be the first step in getting to know him better. Sunset spent the morning and half of the afternoon trying to find an appropriate attire for her dinner date with Ash, the sun was just about as Ash arrived to pick up Sunset Shimmer with a vehicle Sunset never expected to have, they would arrive at a restaurant called the olive garden. As the both enter the restaurant the hostess recognised Ash immediately and greeted him and Ash would do the same because he had not been to the Oliver Garden in a while and both would ask how they were both doing this day’s then the hostess whose name was Delilah asked if he wanted a table for one but then realized he was here with a girl she never seen before and rephased her question asking if Ash wanted a table for two to which Ash said yes please, then Delilah said the restaurant would be closing in an hour but told Ash and Sunset they could take their time eating as Delilah lead them to their table then Ash as turned after hearing a giggle from Delilah because since Ash and Sunset arrived Delilah has been acting different at least to Ash. As Ash and Sunset got comfortable when they reached their table a waiter named Nolan arrived at their table and greeted them both and just like Delilah spoke casually to Ash, Ash then explained to Sunset that he actually knows the senior staff of the Olive Garden restaurant. After looking through the menu Ash asks Nolan if there were any specials tonight and/or if Nolan has any recommendations for meals for the evening, after hearing Nolan’s recommendations Ash and Sunset made their choices of what they both wanted to eat. After eating their meal Sunset had to use the restroom and while she was gone Nolan ask to they enjoy their meal but as turned his after saying yes Ash noticed that Nolan was smirking and made a similar giggle like Delilah to which Ash asked is there something funny to which Nolan said it is good see Ash having a romantic relationship with someone to which Ash said this dinner date is just a chance for the Ash and Sunset to get to know each other to which Nolan said sure it is while have a grin on his face, Sunset returned to the table and ask what Ash and Nolan were talk about to which Ash said it was nothing to concern her is while have an embarrass blushed face, Ash then asked if Sunset would like some dessert to which she said yes because after tasting their dinner meals and drinks Sunset is curious about how good the desserts taste. After they both finished dessert and Ash paid the check then Ash said it was nice to see the staff of the Olive Garden again to which they said it was good to see Ash too and they would also say enjoy the rest of the evening while giggling while smirking. Ash would drive Sunset back to her place, as Sunset was about to enter her house Ash ask if we can make future plans if Sunset wanted to hang out again to which Sunset said if she finds the time and if Ash finds anything that would be enjoyable for the both of them to which Ash said that is a reasonable request. A week had passed since Ash’s and Sunset's dinner date. Ash sent a message for an activity they could do together, Ash then explained what he had in mind for the two of them to do but would keep it a surprise until they arrived at the location. They arrived at the location which surprised Sunset, she had never heard of the game store they were at which was called cube codes, as Ash and Sunset entered the shop netrunner an employee of cube codes causally greeted Ash. Sunset had seen the games that were currently being sold, Netrunner would ask Ash who Sunset Shimmer is but then recognizes her from Sunset’s game streaming channel. The reason why Ash brought Sunset to cube codes for some game shopping which is way Ash brought Sunset to cube codes to give her gaming channel a upgrade which excited Sunset, Ash and Netrunner made good suggestions for what products Sunset should buy after asking what kind of games does she play and what is her preferred play style. A few days later Sunset would make a new video for her gaming channel and this video would be an announcement video about her starting to use new gaming equipment and her first guest would the one who introduced her to the new gaming equipment has bough, as the first guest to test Sunsets new gaming equipment he suggests one of the new games that Sunset also bought with her new equipment. As time passed the students of Canterlot high including the rest human seven have notice that Ash and Sunset have been acting different but can not figure out what is different about them, the rest of human seven meet up with Sunset about what she has been up when she has not spending time with them and they also comment that Sunset and Ash's relationship seems to be better then since Sunsets reform, after talking for almost half an hour Sunset reveals that she has a boyfriend which amazed everyone. Everyone was asking question about Sunset boyfriend to which Ash interjects so to give Sunset a chance to breathe, the students then ask Ash what he is doing here to which here is a hit Sunset was about to tell the name of her boyfriend, after think the rest of the human seven realize who Sunset boyfriend is as does the other students they all said what all at once and their mouths dropped open in shock even after Sunset said that Ash is her boyfriend, they all asked how their relationship started to which Ash explained how he started to develop feeling for Sunset after her reform but it was only after being stripped of any positive of Sunset is when Ash realized that he had fallen in love with her and that he could not face her after saying the hurtful things to her which shocked everyone, then Sunset explained over the years the know each other she developed a fondness for Ash then after her reform the two of them became good friends, the Sunset explained that Ash confessed his feelings for her the day she confronted about why Ash was avoiding her, then Ash asked out for dinner after confessing his feelings for her but understood if Sunset did not have feels for Ash, both Ash and Sunset then talked about the time they spent together first their dinner date then Ash taking Sunset game shopping and martial art/combate experaise facilities and also stated the staff of all the places the two went seen to know Ash and also giggled while smirking about something to which Ash final explain how he has not had a romantic life in a long and the giggling smerkers would ship Sunset and Ash as a couple shocking even Sunset. Then everyone think Sunset and Ash did some bed activities ti which the two stated they had not once done it but Sunset has seen Ash’s place and was impress with what she saw. Everyone became curious about Ash place which was a penthouse apartment with some good quality items such as a few paintings, some warrior armors/weapons,books,statues and technology she had never seen plus the rooms were built in a way to meet the inhabitants needs, Ash then explain it is part of the perks for working for Trace Gasher which nearly made Sunset faint then she asked what is Ash job to which he said he is a private contractor. Everyone was impressed with Ash and how Ash managed to get a job with Trace Gasher to which Ash said that he was one Mr.Gashers first employee. Then suddenly Ash would receive a call which would lead him to leave Canterlot high immediately which made everyone curious because they all saw a look on Ash’s face and in his eyes, the look Ash had on his face was the look of someone who was facing a family emergency. We cut to a meet built like governmental meeting but it is with people with different jobs/careers, as the people debated what to do about an incident that had arisen then someone unexpected had entered the it turns out to be Trace Gasher and the people in the meeting were his employee’s including Delilah,Nolan and Netrunner but however we do not hear Gashers voice or see his face but somehow everyone in attendance knows what he is think then Mr.Gasher bring forward his plan to deal with the problem, however his staff think it is to risky and if Mr.Gasher goes through we his plan there is no going back and they may learn about Mr.Gashers true nature but Mr.Gasher thinks it is the only way to solve the problem then he speaks state it is time to out of the shadows no more hide. The next morning a lot of people including the students of Crystal prep and Canterlot high as well as the human seven but the students see no sign of Ash. A employee of Trace Gasher named Jagged Edge would why everyone has gather here and had questions about an explosion that happened at the docks, one who would be answering their questions is someone many people wanted to meet for a long time the founder and CEO of Dragonic solutions and sibling company Trace Gasher which got everyone in the crowd excited Edge would also state for the last twenty year you would also know him by another name, meanwhile as Mr.Gasher get ready to walk on stage he takes a deep breath hoping he is ready set his plan in motion. As Mr.Gasher's name is called he walks onto the stage, then the other name Trace Gasher goes would shock everyone because the other name he goes by is none other than Asphalt Tar.After thanking Edge for introducing him Ash would address the many question everyone has starting verifying his identity Twilight realized the last time anyone saw Trace Gasher he a full beard and hair the went to his neck to which Ash said he had not worn the look in a long time thus confirming Ash’s identity but Mr.Rich would the question that was on everyone’s mind what caused the explosion at the docks which Mr.Rich thinks Mr.Gashers products finally have become defective to which Ash said if only if it were that simple in fact Ash states that it was a bomb that caused the explosion shocking everyone and to add more shock Ash would state there six dirty bombs set to go off at Serpent Shipments, Gargoyles Security,Fire Drake Repair, Wyrm Railroad, Wyvern Airline and Dragonic Technical caledgent, after hearing this the crowd realizes that if the bombs went off Trace Gasher would have face a corporate collapse and every person in proximity to the fall out sites would become collateral damage, now the crowd is asking how the bombs were diffused to which Ash said it is because all cargo that passes through any of branch of dragonic solutions goes a complete inspection three time and if even one inspection fails to get approval that is when there is trouble and that is what happened yesterday one of Ash’s employees found a extra shipping container and found a small patch of radiation being emitted from inside the container, luckily all six bombs had all radiation removed however only five of the six bombs were diffused by time the sixth bomb Jagged Edge little brother Sharp Edge sacrificed his life to save his friends and family which would touch every heart in the crowd. Then the crowd would who is responsible to Ash it was the Naga Syndicate one of two criminal organizations still left in the world, the crowd then asked what they would be targeting Ash because before how formed Dragonic Solutions Ash helped bring down every criminal organization in the world and is how the Naga syndicate and the demon imperial circle the only two criminal organizations were formed and for the criminals that could not join either one of the criminal organizations Ash gave them a second chance at live and people like Jagged Edge have been working for Ash ever since. Then people began to hear gun but it turns out to be energy shot from Ash employees from Gargoyle security, the crowd then learns Ash was using himself as bait to lure in the Naga Syndicate in order to bring it down once in for all, the Naga Syndicate then threaten Ash by exposing information about Ash family which peaked the crowds interest. Ash then grabbed the man in charge of the assassintion attempt on Ash’s life state you may think you know everything about Ash but everything not what it seems then lead assassin who’s name is Hollow Husk recognized a pin on Ash’s caller realizing it is the logo of the demon imperial circle believe that Ash is a member but in reality he is the demon emperor the head of the demon imperial circle, Husk the would give the incriminating records about Ash family, one of Ash ancestors was an outlaw named Trailblazer and his great grandfather was a nazi which shocked everyone one but then Sunset asked Ash hold old is he after Sunset asked the question everyone realized the men in the photos were actually Ash himself. After the true nature of Ash being revealed or has? Every person that some kind of connection to Ash revealed more information about Ash which shocked Husk realizing there even more information Ash such as one name Ash had was Golden Archer the former police commission of Canterlot city and photos of Ash in a NAZI uniform was part of his cover being an allied forces spy named Clayburge and Trailblazer was the name Ash went by when he was a vigilante bounty hunter. Before Ash explain more about his past he first showed what members of the demon imperial circle do everyday, one would think they are smuggler, thieves, assassin’s, gun runners but in reality under Ash leadership the Demon Circle is a crime enforcer organization it’s everyday job make tame crime then Ash would give a tour of all his company facilities to give the people a taste of what Ash’s company makes and what it’s end. At the end of the tour Ash lead his friends and the reporters to a storage unit which was much much bigger on the inside and they were in awe with what they were see for it was storage unit for historical artifacts then Edge would the information that was given about Ash’s past was only for the last three hundred years and then Ash’s employees would drop one of two information bombs, the first information bomb is about Ash’s age, you would believe Ash is a little over three hundred years but in reality Ash is almost six thousand years. Ash then states his accurate age five thousand eight hundred, after hearing Ash real age nearly made everyone pass out from shock. Then as everyone returned to where the crowd gathered Husk broke free and use a shotgun on Ash face, everyone believed Ash was dead and blame his security for fail to protect him to which they said Ash was warned and if was his own fault for letting guard down and being a pain lover, then everyone heard a strange voice then they all turned see it was Ash alive have his wound from the shotgun healing in an instant which shock everyone again, this everyone must seeing things, to ensure them the what they saw was real Ash pulled out a pistol and put his hand front of the barrel then pulls the trigger making a hole in hand healing in an instant proving to everyone that what they saw was real. Another surprise would appear in the form of a soldier that Ash recognized as an old subordinate named Iron Bone. Everyone then asked what connection Ash has with the military aside from being a military tech supplier plus being a private military contractor and has had thirty years of military service since the end of world war three. Iron then explains why he is here, it was to notify Ash that he was being called back to Crown Cannon by request of the trident veterans, after receiving the order he was dressing in hybrid which was a reward for military service, now along with Sunset they depart for Crown Cannon.