Twilight had just awoken from a bad nightmare while on the bus heading for Camp EverFree with Principal Celestia, vice Principal Luna, the rest of the human seven, Ash and a dozen students. As they arrived at EverFree everyone began to unpack the items from the bus. Gloriosa and Timber introduced themselves to the campers and talked about the different activities then Ash asked if one of the activities be the choosing ceremony to which they said it was one of the best activities Camp EverFree ever had since Ash first came years ago. As camp began, strange things began to happen. That night campers were telling scary story, the campers got scared after timber told the story of Gaia EverFree but before everyone turn in for the night Ash would be one to tell the last story but was advised by timber not to tell it because every time Ash told that story he gave campers nightmares for a week because that was how scary it was, Ash began to tell the story to Timber’s objection, Ash story began in a far away world in the ancient past which was about a dragon who made the worse deal he ever made because it would turned him a vampire dragon also known as the blood drac a creature with claws as long as swords, with saber teeth, back spikes as big as spearhead and with blood red eye and there was no happy end with this monster then SunSet ask what happened to the blood Drac to which Ash nobody knows because just like that he disappeared he then explains some people believed that he died from a disease that only affects vampires other believed a vampire hunter kill him but the large majority do not believe he ever existed but Ash believes he is still out they looking for his next victim Ash ends the story with a warning to be careful when the y are alone in the dark because the blood drac could be behide them and kill, Ash then laughted after they all screemed to which the students said that was not funny to which Ash said he could not help it. The next morning in the tent Twilight and Sunset things began to float in the air, later the rest of the human seven began to show strange powers which scared Twilight because she thought she was causing it but Ash believed it was being cause by some strange source, Ash then decided to gather ever one for the choosing ceremony to help everyone get their mind off the strange occurrences. Ash explain how the choosing ceremony works, each student got their unique animal totem Fluttershy got the totem of the deer,Applejack got the totem of the bear, Rarity receive a butterfly totem, Rainbow Dash got of the Otter, Pinkie Pie would get the totem of the rabbit, Sunset would received the totem of the lion and Twilight would receive the totem of the Owl, then the students then ask what totems Celestia,Luna,Gloriosa,Tiber and Ash what totems they got to which they answered, Celestia got the totem of the eagle, Luna got the totem of the fox,Timber got the totem of the moose, Gloriosa got the totem of the turkey and Ash received the totem of the wolf and the dragon which shock everyone because Ash the only one who has two totems but they were not surprised about the dragon totem because the students of CHS learned about Ash’s true nature. Gloriosa and timber left and stating they hope there will be another chance to camp EverFree which made all the students and the two principles to which Ash explained what is going on which shock everyone, Ash then went after Timber and Gloriosa about him know about Filthy Riches plan to tare down camp EverFree, Ash then realized the source of the strange occurrences caused by the geod’s on Gloriosa’s neck to which not only tried to convince her to stop use the magic but also help deal with Filthy Rich but Gloriosa the camp is her family's responsibility and theirs alone and she is will to do anything to protect to which Ash said their parents would not want you to do this which resulted in Gloriosa slapping Ash on the face. Later Ash met up with the human seven to talk out what he had learned which shock them and then would share a unwanted surprise with Celestia and Luna with regards to Filthy Rich plan to tare down camp EverFree to build a spa resort which they were unpleasantly surprised because why didn’t Gloriosa ask for help to save the camp which learned the answer from Gloriosa her that it is her family's problem, Ash also told the human seven that Gloriosa was the cause of the strange things going on in the camp but specified the true source was from the geodes around her neck. Later Sunset noticed that Twilight was gone so she told Ash who would help Sunset find Twilight and manage to find her and after touching Twilight realizing she is still haunted by Midnight Sparkle realizing this Ash confessed that he lost someone dear to a long time ago and has not made peace with what happened to him. After hear Twilight felt better because someone could understand her pain then the three came across a cave with two glowing geodes the Gloriosa appeared, Ash once again tried to reason with to try stop using the magic and let everyone help you but Gloriosa refused to listen believing using the magic of the geodes was the only way, after taking the two remaining geodes she transformed into Gloriosa EverFree then would head toward the camp to create a wall of plants to keep everyone out after imprisoning Twilight,Sunset and Ash in the cave. As Gloriosa builds her wall Twilight,Sunset and Ash manage to breakout of the cave when they arrive however Gloriosa was nearly done creating here planet wall so Ash had no choice but to fight Gloriosa however he decided no to use fire because it would risk the lives of everyone in camp thus Ash would use the power of ice to the human seven time to come up with a plan to defeat Gloriosa. Ash managed to hold Gloriosa off long enough for Twilight to use her new powers to remove geodes off Gloriosa’s necklace. After defeat Gloriosa the human seven would receive new geodes forms after receiving the geodes, Gloriosa then apologized for what she did, she only was trying to make this final week of camp to the best, after Gloriosa’s apology Celestia and Luna said the reason why they brought their students here was to create memories at camp EverFree Applejack then would get the idea to ask all the people who made memories at camp EverFree to help out then Ash that is good idea in short term however Ash came to camp EverFree to talk to Gloriosa and Timber about how to protect camp EverFree for the long run, meanwhile the human seven would get things ready for EverFree crystal ball. That night after the Rainbooms performance Gloriosa announced they have raised enough money to save camp EverFree and Ash announced camp EverFree is now the property of the billineer Trace Gasher who plans to make camp EverFree into a nature which was the second reason for coming to camp EverFree, hear the news made everyone in the cave cheer with joy. Later Sunset wondered where did the magic of geodes cave come from, then it is shown the portal to Equestria is leaking magic.