Chapter 9 : Witch Of Concupiscence?

Three days gone like that. Reinhard and Kyoko's relationship become more closer despite have small arguments where Kyoko forced him to sleep beside her every night.

Of course, if Reinhard refused, she will intruding his room in middle of night. At this point, Reinhard think his mistress someone that very openly, even though he need to accept that he is Kyoko's body pillow.

Thanks to his observations, he know that Kyoko isn't morning person. Her brain can't function properly when she wake up, remain sleepy and drowsy until it's 8 AM.

Without realised, Kyoko already on her seat in dinner room. She don't remember what happened in the morning but since the breakfast already in front her, she forgetting everything and enjoy her meals.

After the breakfast, Reinhard teaching Kyoko about Lugunica's language. They all talking in Japanese but don't use kanji. Kyoko still have hard time to remember all the Lugunica's alphabet. Thanks to Reinhard's good teaching, she manage to remember and understand half of the alphabet.

"Young master."

Suddenly, an older maid with greyish hair appeared in front of the door of library. That's Carol Fauzen, one of the most oldest servant that served Astrea's House. She's a kind woman despite being a strict, which Kyoko preferred to avoid to her because of lacks of communication.

"... He's here."

Reinhard's eyes hardened. His expression changed instantly from happiness teacher to annoyed----maybe furious. His hand was placed on Kyoko's left shoulder softly as if he wanted Kyoko to relaxed.

"My apologies, milady. Please read the books that you're prefer in this library. I have something urgent to do and I really appreciate if you stay in this library for a while."

His voice is gentle yet firmly. He don't want Kyoko know what happen at outside. Because of that, the girl only nodded her head.

"Sure. Do what you want. I will waiting for you."

Reinhard smiled, "Thanks, Milady. I will take my leave now."

Bowing politely, the Sword Saint left Kyoko behind in Library alone, with Carol on his beside. The door shut down and Kyoko immediately get up from her seat. She roaming around the bookshelves, find a interesting books to read to filled her free time.

Her finger touching the most basic fairytales book in this library. Why she chose that kind of genre instead go to history book? That's because Kyoko don't want blow her brain with the history lesson. Enough with Reinhard's babble, she rather take this chance to make sure her brain get enough rest.

As she opening the book, she found the most bland drawings yet interesting choices to make the reader to read it. The story is about 400 years ago, where Witch of Envy goes rampage, flattened, salted, and scorched half of the world.

"Witch of Envy? So this world have a witch?"

Eventually, a group of heroes, not wishing to see the world end, took up the cause to end Satella's reign of destruction once and for all. The heroes, who may or may not have been exclusively Lugunican but ended up associated with the Kingdom anyways, were the Sage, the first Sword Saint, and the Divine Dragon. Those heroes defeated the Witch and leave their legacy behind.

Typical happy ending.

But, when she read the name of the First Sword Saint, Reid Astrea, she realised that her knight also have same last name. If Reinhard is related with well-known hero, that's mean she need to do better to be worthy to stay beside the Sword Saint.

Kyoko closing it back, placing it on the same place before moving her fingers to the next book. This one about the story of 'Forgotten Witch'. With similar drawings concepts, she opening it and read one by one.

Forgotten Witch.

In this world, Witches is terrible and unspeakable creatures that once terrorized the world. One of them is Witch Of Concupiscence, Tiamat the Draconian.

Long ago, Witch Of Concupiscence once roamed in this world like others witches. She founded the lost Kingdom Of Rainides, the famous kingdoms in legends that was rumoured to be the birth place to those expert in martial arts and magic.

She ruled them equally, regardless they're half-breed nor humans. She stand on top of the hierarchy, firmly holding her position in merciless way. If anyone opposed her, she will immediately eliminate them.

Unlike other witches, Witch Of Concupiscence strictly keep her ideal as well as keep her faith on her gods as strongly believer. She love her kingdom like a mother to daughter, but at same time, she want to ruled her kingdom like a puppeteer with puppet.

She dislike those who opposed her.

She dislike those who ignore her words.

She dislike those who arrogant than herself.

Kingdom Of Rainides is her world, her paradise that she build with her EVERYTHING.

The next page is a girl who begging for moon. She sitting on her knees, begging desperately, for survivor.

"O' my lord. The almighty God. Why would thou never answer our call? We give everything for you. We worship you. We want, we call, we beg for you help. "

Yet, the moon don't answer it.

Instead, the moon leave.

That day, where the disaster coming, destroy everything, their god leaving them.

The following page showed a picture of innocent civilians run for their life. The meteorites strike into the land, crumbling whole ground and take unfortune ones.

"Zedes!! Why would you don't answer our call!!?"

The girl raising her hands towards the moon, calling her god again and again. The tear drop falling from her eyes. Even so, the moon refuse to answer it.

"Zedes!! I beg you!! Help us!!!"

The moon still silent. Instead to answer for the third time, the moon decide to leave, leaving this stage.

After her god refused to listen her requests, the witch lost all her faith. All her efforts, all her sacrifices for her god is nothing but a dust.

And yet, these paradise ends up returns to the first ones.

The disaster comes to the land of Rainides, bring calamities and take the soul of the innocent ones. Frustrated, the With Of Concupiscence decided to abandoned her faith on her god. As disaster consume every chaos here, the queen use her own power to save Rainides.

With that, the people of Rainides think that their god already abandoned them.

Where are THEM when the disaster come?

THEY is strong god yet, THEY refused to help them.

That why she took a step. That witch will create her own paradise. Where everyone can live without worry about Volcanica, Valgare nor the gods. THEY will never step into her world.

Unfortunately, there's no happy ending for her.

She was betrayed by the ones who swear to follow her, in exchange that she will protect them. She was forced to lost everything after give all her efforts to them. She was.... She decided to give up on her hope to build the real paradise.

O' Witch Of Concupiscence. Why would thou bring a curse to this world?

Madness, the witch decided to blamed the world. She give a curse to unfortunate ones, where their love isn't blessings but a curse.

Everytime they try to give their loves, those love will manifest into monstrous beast, which brings to disasters. The one who received their love, will meet the death. The one who refused their love, will turned into monsters. In the end, they can't love anyone yet craving to give the love.

Those who unfortunate knowns as the Curse Bearer and their Witch name is.....

Tiamat, The Witch Of Concupiscence.

Plack! Kyoko instantly closing the book and put it back on the bookshelf.


That's her first comment.

Now then, Tiamat, Witch Of Concupiscence, Sword Saint, Volcanica and Witch Of Envy.... The fuck!?

Why would there are many evils and disaster happens in this world!!? OKAY, THIS WORLD IS FUCKING DOOMED.

My first thought is Tiamat. Okay, that's word really really really have weird vibe on me, which it's make me feel that name is someone I familiar. Like how I introduced myself to that Bowel Hunter whore.

Second, My instinct telling me that I'm the Tiamat Curse Bearer, which that curse actually my katana. How do I know that? Like a damn I know. When I know, I know. When I don't know, I don't know.

This situation become more weirder and weirder.

Lastly, the curse. Tiamat's Curse Bearer is those unfortunate to be cursed to have catastrophic love. They want to love someone but they can't because they only bring pains to their love.





