Chapter 8 : Sleep

[Reinhard's Study Room]

Kyoko take her sit opposite direction than Reinhard. She feel little disappointed that their conversation in different place that she want.

"Here. Your insignia, my lady." Reinhard said, placing a small insignia contained with gemstone of Dragon Jewels, which gleaming red when Kyoko touch it.

Unimpressed, Kyoko looked it until she's satisfied and put it in her pocket, "Thank you. Any comment from the Wise Men of Council? I bet some of them disapprove something about me."

"Well... You could said like that. But, since you're the candidate of Forty-second king, they can't eliminate you out of there just because you're commoner or something, unless you decide to resign."

"You also don't want me to resign, leave this opportunity just like that, right?"

Reinhard give a small smile, "That's right. I also don't want you surrender without fighting. There are a strong opponents, milady, and I'm ready to be your sword when that time come."

"Haha, As I expect from my knight. Now then, would you like to share about this royal selection?"

Reinhard nodded his head before explain, "Milady, although they accepted your candidacy, they still need to announce your existence in front of others candidates. The Wise Men of Councils will gather all the candidates in short time. I'm sorry to said this but you need learn everything about our country."

"How long that short time?"

"1 weeks. Do you think you can catch everything?"

"Well, I still need to learn how write and read since I can't understand the language that you use here. In other hand, history isn't my strong suit. Is that going trouble you?"

"That's okay. If history is your concerns, we can take slowly. For language, I can teach you. Luckily, I have Divine Protection of Training. How about etiquette?"

"Mmm.... I know a bit about that. But for dance, no, I can't dance, seriously."

"Well, we can take it slowly. We're going start with the most important, language. You don't need to worry if you feel it's hard. I believe you can do it, milady."

The encouragement from Reinhard really make Kyoko feel calmed. He take his time, asking his ladyship lacks and don't even mad when Kyoko tell her weakness.

"Thank you, Reinhard. You really help me in every single thing... How can such a perfect man like you still exist?"

If she could, she want to marry him right now, right here. She can't leave this chances to have hot man like Reinhard, but she need to get closer before propose him for third time.

"But, there's one problem. I don't know how to be leader. Right now, my followers is you, Reinhard. If other candidates, I believe they have their own followers, like Emilia with Head Mage. Our faction don't have those power. "

"Are you proposing that we should recruit more people to support us? Well, that's a right decision. To be recognised by the civilians that you're worthy to be their queen, you need achievement to prove your power. Even though I'm your knight, doesn't mean Astrea's House will support you....."

Kyoko notice the sorrow in Reinhard's eyes, "Reinhard, I know that I shouldn't interfere your family issues but, let me confirm this.... Your father, he's supporting other candidates, right?"

The sword Saint nodded his head, "I... My apologies, I prefer to not speak it."

"I see.... I will respect your decision. Is there anything you want to tell me?" Kyoko asks, for last time. She want to close this conversation immediately because the time already passed the midnight.

"No. I just want to remind you that tomorrow, we will start our lesson. You don't need to worry about my schedule. I will take day off tomorrow."

"What? You don't need to go that far. It's going neglected your duty as knight."

"It's also my duty to guide you, milady. It's okay, I rarely take day-off. So, the Royal knight willing give me double day-off."

"Woah.... I don't know what to comment.... Anyway, anything else?"

"No. That's all from me."

"Okay." Suddenly, Kyoko stand up from seat and grabbing Reinhard's wrist. She's dragging him out from the study, making the Sword Saint confused. As they arrived in front Reinhard's room, both of them entering and shut the door immediately.

Reinhard have bad feeling.

Despite knows Kyoko for 2 days, he already learned that his ladyship is someone can being naughty and dangerous sometimes.... And flirty.


"Don't worry. I'm not going to do anything. This is your room, so you're safe."

"I'm not safe if I'm in your room?" Reinhard asked, the most dangerous question in this world. Unfortunately, his question was answered with mischievous smile from Kyoko.

The girl stated, firmly, "Let's that slide. Take off your coat. Now."

The Sword Saint take several step back as he hugging himself, covering and protecting his body from the devil he served. He never act like this, since he never experienced this situation.

"Milady, I know you have such a passion but this isn't right thing. We're not married and a ladies shouldn't enter the man room defenseless. Please, have some dignity."

"Well, right now my dignity just take a break time. Take off your coat, now." Kyoko repeatedly it again, firmly stated.

Wanted or not, Reinhard forced himself to take off his knight coat. Since Kyoko asking to take off his coat, he will do what she wants. In his heart, he already praying so his naughty lady don't ask himself to take off another pieces of fabrics.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Kyoko patting the soft sheets on her beside as she make herself home on Reinhard's bed. She's put her head on her left fist as support, calling her knight in soft tone, "Come here."

"If you want sleep here, I can sleep in other room---"

"No. I want sleep with you."

"That's a dangerous thing to do, milady. I'm your knight but I still a man."

"Reinhard, your reasoning skills really good but unfortunately, your face said other thing. You look tired. You should take this chance, sleep in my arms for whole night."

"That's double meaning, milady."

Kyoko sighed. She already lost her patience, "Alright, Mr Knight. Since you're such a headstone, as your mistress! I order you to sleep with me today!!"

Reinhard startled, shocked that Kyoko unexpectedly using her authority to forced him. He know something like this will come but he don't expecting that this will come sooner than he thought.

As knight who already swore, he must keep his oath to follow every single command from his mistress. If he's not, that's will be shame to his knighthood.

The Sword Saint walk closer to the bed and sit on the edge. He still insisted to follow her command. Kyoko, in other side, already lost all her patience, pulling Reinhard's arm and let him to rest in her arms.

She hugging his head, let the Sword Saint rest his head on her chest, as she brushing his hair. A calming, freshing floral scents from her body enter through his nose, making Reinhard feel really peaceful.

"I'm not going to do anything to you. So, rest. I know you're tired after handle everything for me.... This is the only thing that I can offer to you...." Kyoko said, softly like a mother caring her son.

"That's my line, milady.... Seriously, how can you be such a bold?"

"That my unique point, dear. Well, I don't mind if you attack me when I sleep."

"Please don't said like that, I begging you."

Kyoko chuckled as she nuzzled her head against flaming red hair. She closing her distance between them, tighten the hug as she can feel his warmth through the fabrics.

Reinhard, who still have hard time to accept his lady affection, decided to respond by hug her back. For the first time in long period after his mother afflicted with illness, he feel the same warm again that he begging for it.

With his father neglected, his mother illness and the burden of his titles, Reinhard has been alone for long time. He don't have father to share a same hobby nor mother to share his problem. It's really lonely. But now, his lady give a warm that he wanted.

"Good night, Reinhard."

"Mmm.... Good night, milady."




[The next morning]

Reinhard wake up and himself sit on his bed. His disheveled hair and untidy shirt, making his appearance looks like a mess after storm. But, his face telling other thing. He's look like fresh, as if all his burden was lifted last night, giving him a good rest.

'That.... Really a good sleep.... But, How!!!?'

After the whole conversation which including reasoning moment with his mistress and fighting against her demonic seduction(almost), Reinhard shouldn't be able to sleep. He need to wake up for the whole night, in case someone try to attack his mistress.

But, instead of wake up, he accidentally fell asleep in Kyoko's arms, like a fucking baby. Not only that, he also have really good sleep, unlike previous previous and previous night. He was careless last night.


His eyes locked on the woman beside him on the same bed. That woman sleeping peacefully without worry about the wolf being with her for whole night.

"Reinhard...." Her eyes opening slightly despite being sleepy. Her finger brushing his sleeves, to make sure someone beside on her.

"You may sleep as long as you want, milady."

"Mmmm..... Wake up me later...."

"Sure." At the end, Kyoko returned to her dreams while Reinhard helping his mistress's sleep position. That's a sign pf thank for make him have very good sleep.


