After the deal was mad with Captain Vaylan, Kael and his crew were given a place to dock their ship. Unlike what Kael thought before, these people were more resourceful that he thought as they had managed to create a ship docking bay at the base of a large mountain. Of course, due to Kael's arrival, all ships were undocked so that his Vanguard can dock without issues.
After docking the ship, the dock was temporarily unusable. Because of how large Kael's Vanguard was, the Duskwatch ships had to be displaced all over the plateau until they find an orderly way to dock them or until Kael's Vanguard left. The mountain dock became Kael's crew's personal home.
Exiting his ship, Kael met up with the captain. They were still in their robes. It was customary since they were still strangers to this place but the captain was in his combat suit which had an even white and purple colour scheme to signify his rank. The more white was in a uniform, the higher their rank in the shrouded hearts faction. The Murions were the highest ranked but only the current head which was Miss Murion could wear all white with no purple.
The Captain's robe did an incredibly good job of hiding his muscles because the combat suit didn't do him justice. His heavy, well defined muscles seemed to be compressed within the suit even though it actually wasn't. Kael knew this because Nanofiber is an adaptive material that shapes itself to the wearers satisfaction which meant the captain was just that muscular.
"Let me show you around my outpost Master Kael." The captain said as the wind blew his black hair about a little. He couldn't bring himself to be informal to Kael which was why the master was included although Kael wasn't complaining so it worked out either way.
The captain started moving as Kael and his two guards followed him. They walked out of the man-made cave and into the outer ring of the town. They were met with a network of fortified dark purple buildings that surrounded the rest of the town forming a defense perimeter.
These buildings included barracks for the soldiers, armories for quick access to arms and weapons, workshops and supply storages. The density of the material used for the buildings made then impervious to conventional attacks.
"Captain Vaylan, before we continue this tour, can I ask what material you used for these buildings. They are sturdy, dense and you just said are hard to destroy, I might keep in touch with you guys when I leave." Kael asked
"Well master Kael. The material is Gravitanium. As you know Gravitanium is very rare but this planet has immense deposits of it. Even the tower is made up of the material. We use the material here because of its density, sturdyness and immunity to degradation." The captain answered the question.
Kael was wonderfully surprised. He no longer disliked the planet. It may be hot but if it possess enough Gravitanium to construct a town and still have enough to be traded regularly in just one location, imagine the amount of unknown resources within the planet.
From the outer ring, they entered the inner Bastion, which was the other half of the town located around the tower and behind the outer ring.
The inner Bastion was the administrative and operational core of the town. It contained research labs that were currently being used to study the native wildlife of the planet, multiple engineering bays being used for multiple constructional research and a strategy house where important meetings are held to decide the town's actions and prioritizations.
The group finally made it to the gigantic tower at the center of the town. The Titan Spire.
At the heart of the Bastion stands a massive spire, reaching high into the sky. Unlike traditional towers, its design is reinforced by gravitic stabilizers, allowing it to resist planetary tremors and extreme weather. The top levels function as a command hub, housing advanced scanning arrays, communication networks, and defensive artillery. The lower levels are restricted to high-ranking personnel, including the Captain, his Second-in-Command, and his Assistant.
Thinking the tour is over, Kael tapped the Murion insignia on his sash as his robe tightened around him to form his combat suit before his overcoat formed around him slowly and maticulouasly. After forming completely, the overcoat buttoned itself up.
Captain Vaylan stared at Kael in awe as a hint of envy planted itself in his heart.
"We're actually not done. We have to go over the defense systems so you don't accidentally trigger any." The captain said while still looking at Kael.
Noticing this, Kael walked up to the captain and placed his had on his shoulder. All the buttons on his overcoat disappear as nanofiber got transferred over to the captain. Being a member of the Murion family, everything about Kael was high quality to the point where the nano material that made up his buttons were enough to create a pure purple cape so long it hit the floor and went some more for the captain.
He willed the nanofiber to form a cape but the captain could change the shape anytime he wanted.
Not wanting to get lost in his aesthetic desires, the captain walked over to the tower and placed his had on a scanner as a door opened.
"Captain Vaylan, didn't you describe the tower to me already?" Kael asked.
"I did, but I never described the inner core of the outpost to you." Captain Vaylan replied.
Below the Bastion was an underground sector that burrowed deep into the bedrock. It was the true heart of the outpost housing large geothermal energy converters and a water filtration system. This area ensured the long term survivability and sustainability of the outpost providing energy and vital resources to keep everyone alive.
Kael commended the hard work of his sister and Captain Vaylan. They had made an amazing and beautiful outpost. A highly militarized outpost that felt more like a lovely little town than a heavily controlled fortress was rare to come by and he was happy the outpost didn't turn out like that.