{Pull down your pants}

"Ma. How could you call me those? Am I that sort of kid?" Halley said pained.

"Then what sort of kid are you? Uh! You tampered with the temple of the lord! The body is supposed to be the temple of the lord but you messed with that! Isn't that act of immorality? Were you always like that?" She shouted at her face. Hallelujah blinks with her eyes already welling up with tears. Though her mother has always chided her in the past whenever she made mistakes or get in troubles like this, but she has never once been this angry to the point that she'd hurt her with such words.

"Honey calm down for a second...let's talk about this amicably" Mr Hamilton tried to calm her down.

"Don't tell me to calm down! It's because we always pampered her that's why she turned out this badly. Honey tell me would you like her to continue journeying on this wide sinful path that leads to nothing but destruction!! And when the end comes! Do you want to be accountable for it! Uh!!" She flared up on her husband.

"I'm not saying we shouldn't scold her but we just have to let her know what she's doing is wrong and put her in the right path" Mr Hamilton convinced.

"Train up your child in the right way he should grow so that when he grew up he'll not depart from it so says the Bible...let's follow that uh?" He added.

"Does she looks like she's ready to listen! I believe there's a demon inside that girl's body playing tricks on us! That's why she's becoming more unbearable by the day!" Mrs Hamilton retaliated.


"I agree with you aunt!" A male voice said from the stairs. They all turned their heads there and Matthew, walked closer to them with his hands behind him.

"I agree with you aunt. I've been noticing this also and I've been meaning to bring it up. I personally think Hallelujah's case is not ordinary. She has a demon possessing her that's why she's being bad and all" Matthew chipped in. 

"Hey Matdog! You better shut it, no one called you here" Hallelujah grits giving him a death glare.

 "Uncle, Aunt, can you see exactly what I'm saying. Look at how she twisted my perfectly good name into something else. A child whom the holy Spirit is still dwelling in her will never say such a thing." Matthew said again and Hallelujah rolled her eyes.

"The Bible says Foolishness is build up in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction will drive it out! Just like Jesus drove out the demon in boy's body then, why don't you drive out the demon of foolishness abiding in her?" He opined. Hallelujah scoffs.

"Hey...I think that's too much. She's just being immature no need to go that extreme far" Mr Hamilton disagreed with the idea.

"Uncle, did you forget what the Bible says? ' Do not withhold correction from a child, for if you beat him with a rod he won't die. You shall beat him with a rod and deliver his soul from hell' . Are you gonna disregard the scripture now?" He raised a question brow at him. Mr Hamilton rubs his temple not knowing what to say.

"Aunt, this is for her own good..imagine at the judgement day you don't wanna miss the heaven just because of a little fault of not training your child properly" He brought him hand from his back and present the spatula he was actually holding to her.

"For the greater cause...take this, cast out the evil demon and lead her back to the way of the lord" Matthew advised with a mask of seriousness.

"Ma. Are you really gonna listen to him? You're gonna hit me?" Hallelujah asked with a puppy face.

"Do you hate me that much? Am I not your daughter anymore! I'm now a demon to you!!" She cried out with tears gushing down her face now.

"Go to your room and reflect on yourself for three hours" Mrs Hamilton ordered Hallelujah.

"I'm angry at you! I'm gonna start hating you. Don't talk to me again!!" Hallelujah spat and marched upstairs to her room.

"Aunt you shouldn't_"

"Move that away from me or I'll use it on you first" Mrs Hamilton glared at Matthew and he backed away immediately.

"You pet her too must that's why she's always like that. I did my part! Even God knows that!" Matthew said also going upstairs. 

"Those kids..." Mrs Hamilton rubs her forehead in exasperation and slump on the sofa.

"You thought well honey...we can teach her together" Mr Hamilton got behind her massaging her shoulders.

"That girl is giving me headache seriously" She sighs out. 


Immediately Hallelujah stormed to her room, a fluffy little puppy ran towards her wagging it tail in excitement. She wiped away her tears and bent spreading her arms wide at the little puppy.

"Lou!" She carry it in her arms then climb up on the bed.

"You missed me? Uh?" She asked stroking the fluff nonstop.

"You cute little thing...you're the only one on my side. Don't leave me Lou...you're mine" She hug the puppy with smiles. The door opens and she raised her head back up. A frown settled on her face instantly.

"Did you come here to die?" Hallelujah glowered.

"No way. I came here to taunt my little devil angel" Matthew smirks leaning at the door post.

Matthew is Mrs Hamilton's younger sister's son. He started living with them a year ago after his single mother's death. According to what he heard, his father ran away the moment he heard of his mother's pregnancy and since then he had never showed up. 

Hallelujah and Matthew tends to fight a lot due to how annoying Matthew can be sometimes. He just derives joy in taunting her seemingly.

"Get lost I'm not in the mood to play around with you" She rolled her eyes.

 "I'm just curious about a thing. That guy..."

"What guy?"

"The one with little d!ck. Is that really true?"

"Then you think I made it all up? I saw it with my two naked eyes"

"Wow...what a pervert you are really? How little was it?"

"Do you wanna know?" She asked with a knowing smile and he nodded.

"Come here" She beckoned and he walked further to the room. Hallelujah drops Lou and kneel on the bed.

"Pull down your pants and I'll show you how little it is" She grins.