Matthew smirks. He leans down his face close to hers.
"You should try ain't that easy" He poke her forehead and moves away.
"You asked for it I was only trynna let you know in detail"
"I must say Aunt raised the wrong kid. There's really a demon dwelling in you. The demon of lewdness" He pointed at her before excusing himself from the room. Hallelujah rolled her eyes from the umpteenth time and lay on the bed.
"Come here understand me right?" She asked hugging the little thing.
Mrs Hamilton knocked on Hallelujah's door severally but she won't open up.
"Hailey! Hailey!!" She called but won't get any response.
"Mom is coming in!" She announced and opens the door going in.
"Seriously! Now you wanna rebel!" Mrs Hamilton asked standing akimbo.
"Get down now and let's eat. We'll talk about you after breakfast" She said again but received no response yet.
"Do you even have the right to be angry right now? Do you know what humiliation I had to go through because of you? Just why are you being like this to me seriously?" She asked frustrated but still got no answer.
"HALLELUJAH HAMILTON!!!" She howled getting angry now. Marching over the bed, she pulled the duvet over only to see it pillows on the bed instead of her daughter.
"Again...again...SHE DID IT AGAIN!!" She seethes balling her fists angrily.
"HAL!!" Webby shouted from afar running towards Hailey who was seated at the bus station.
"Be careful or you'll fall" Hailey said to her as she gets to her.
"Hey! What happened? I was so scared when I got your call this morning? Did you ran away from home?" Webby asked with heavy breathes.
"I got into a fight with my Mom" Hailey replied in a bored tone.
"Figures...there's no way you two would be okay with that drama you performed yesterday at school. It's a pity I wasn't there to witness it myself. But girl you're really one of a kind Easton must be out to get you now. Watch your're never safe dear" Webby said settling down beside her.
"Are you here to make me feel worse or what? I'm already feeling like sh*t as it is" She rolled her eyes.
"You? No way...come on tell was the sight? Pretty exciting uh?" Webby wiggle her brows.
" was quite a sight to behold. You should have seen it. It looks hilarious" She stiffs a laugh.
"Easton must hate you a lot now. You were crushing on him"
" crush on him ended the moment I saw that little prick of his. How do you expect me to cope with such a thing. I have high standards you know"
"Whoa...nice coming from a holy person like you. Figures you said your type of man was Arnold Schwarzenegger the one who would mess you up on bed right? Easton is nothing compared to that" Webby shrugged.
"Right? Easton is a chick compared to him, isn't he? Ugh! I wonder when I'm gonna meet my own version of Arnold Schwarzenegger..." She said dreamily.
"You can't wait to be screwed, can you?"
"I've put up long enough. Look at you, you did it with your Antony Joshua six months ago on your birthday. It's unfair" She pouted. Webby giggled.
"But why ain't you telling me who it is? I'm your best friend" Hailey narrowed.
"You'll know soon. But not now...come on the bus is here let's go catch some fun who knows you might meet your Arnold Schwarzenegger today! Get up girl!" Webby pulled her up while she carries her little puppy also.
"Let's go meet Arnold Schwarzenegger!!" She said enthusiastically.
"Let's goo!!" They both giggle entering the bus the moment it stops right in front of them.
Amidst the crowd of different races and colors finding a way to their various destinations stood a tall athletic feature standing with his huge back bag attached to his back. He was in a uniform which depicts he is a military man. He has a blank expression on and cold aura covered him up. Dipping his right hand into his pocket, he brought out his phone, go through the contact list and dialled a number saved with 'Mr Hamilton'. After a short ring, A manly reard came at the other end.
Hello...Milo is that_
"I'm back. Go on with the arrangement" His hoarse voice said rather curtly and without waiting for a reply, he ends the call. With narrowed eyes, he wore his military cap properly and make his way out of the busy airport.
"Isn't it sweet?" Webby asked as both lick their respective ice creams.
"It is...tell me between this ice cream and the creamy ice cream, which is sweeter?" Hailey asked naughtily.
"Hey don't compare that to this. For that, the feeling is utterly heavenly" Webby winks and both giggles again.
"Glad to see you having some fun" They heard a familiar voice and look back only to see Easton and two mean looking guys staring back at them with unfriendly expression on.
"Oh! F**k!" Webby exclaimed, her ice cream cone falling from her hand.
"We're in trouble...Hal" She said looking beside her but to her utmost surprise no one was on her side anymore.
"Hal?" She called surprise and looks back only to see the small figure of her friend already far away. Her hair flying in the air and her short legs carrying her as fast as it could. Webby's face twisted so as her mouth drops in surprise.
"GET HER!!!" Easton shouted and the two guys with him chase after Hallelujah immediately.
Webby face the fuming Easton and smiles.
"Hi Easton. Sorry" She said and before Easton could make out what she meant, a sharp pain hit his knee and he groans. Taking that opportunity, Webby took to her heels also.
While running, Hailey looks back to the guys chasing her. They were already catching up and within a short period of time she'll be caught. She faces her front back but unfortunately she stumbled and fell.
"Ah!" She winced holding her knee which got scratched a little. While fanning and checking it out, Lou which she was holding before she fell left her and ran towards the road.
"GET HER!" She heard the guys' voice and looks back again.
"Holy Sh*t!" She sprang up immediately but couldn't find her puppy again.
"Oh! Lou!!" She called looking around for it but it was no where to be found.
"LOU!!" She called getting anxiously now, her eyes scrutinizing everywhere.
"Lou where are you??" She called on the verge of tears. While still searching, her eyes darted to the road and behold! There was her puppy running in the midst of moving cars.
"LOUU!!!" She yelled and without thinking she ran towards the road to the puppy.