chapter one: The beginning of everything

In a dark room, in the corner between the closet and the wall, something or someone trying to hide, trying to comfort themselves, but why?

After being seen as a mad girl, even though they're wrong, they keep saying the same thing.

"I'm not crazy, I'm not mentally ill. I know what I'm hearing is real, but why aren't they believing me? I'm not going crazy because of voices, I'mgoing mad because of them thinking they know everything..." Katherine said as she tried to keep herself composed she knew that it wasn't worth it. It didn't worth wanting to kill them since it's impossible

Outside the room, behind the door, two adults worried about their eldest daughter, who's been having nightmares and claims that she's hearing things.

"What should we do? She's never been like that..."her mom, Sofia, asked as her husband answered."I'm not sure that we can do anything. We couldn't protect her, then we must protect the rest of our children. I'll try to find a way to help her. To get her sane again." Sofia replied,"Even the psychologist doesn't know why her mental health is deteriorating like this. We must find a solution! I don't want to find my daughter in a mental hospital! If we take her to the psychologist again, he's gonna call the hospital to take her..."

"Mental hospital?..." Katherine said as she heard them talking about her.

She looked at them with red eyes that had just finished crying after almost losing her mind, Sofia looked at her daughter in shock and realized that she shouldn't have said that in front of her daughter's room as Cristian looked at Katherine with soft eyes to keep things as calm as possible

"No, sweetie, you're not going to a mental hospital. We just need to understand what hallucinations you're having." Cristian said softly to calm his daughter because in her state now, It's like walking on thin ice at any moment it can break, and an outburst of feelings won't help in this current situation.

"I'm not mentally ill... and these aren't hallucinations... I know what I'm hearing... I know what I've seen! Those voices! Aren't hallucinations... they want something from me!" Katherine said as her body trembled involuntarily

Her fear clear in her eyes, she doesn't wanna be left alone in darkness lost not knowing what to do... but she knew one thing, she wasn't gonna be taken to a mental hospital... She. Wasn't. Gonna. Let. That. Happen... no matter what's the cost.

Cristian looked at his daughter with a sorrowful expression he didn't know how he's gonna help her, Sofia intervened as she heard what her daughter said ,"don't worry sweetheart, I promise you we will find a solution, I believe you when you say they aren't hallucinations and we will take care of them all together"

"Really?" Katherine said with hope in her eyes.

"Yes, my little girl... i promise everything's gonna be alright..." Sofia answered with faith

After all

That's what parents always say

To hide their fear and hopelessness to not worry their children

Katherine trusted her parents. She had faith in them

After a few minutes, Cristian stepped away and took his phone, and dialed the number of the psychologist whom he used to take Katherine to. After some seconds, there was a response "Yes? How can I help you, sir?" The psychologist answered as Cristian talked and tried to keep his composure

"Daniel... it's me, Cristian... i-i need you to come to my house as soon as possible... Katherine isn't getting any better."

Daniel replied bluntly."Unfortunately, i can't do anything for her like that... if you want her mental health to improve, you must take her to the mental hospital.... I'll send you a trustworthy person to take her. Believe me, it's gonna be easier to treat her there than in your house, there's no choice anymore Cristian it's whether you accept or you lose your daughter."

Cristian fell silent, not knowing what to do now. He hangs up, not saying another word, not wanting to admit that he has to abandon his daughter so she can be back to her normal self. Cristian went to the living room and found his middle son Xavier reading a book while Sofia his wife was watching the TV but it was clear for him that she was still feeling bad for Katherine and thinking about her as he sat next to her on the couch.

Meanwhile, on the first floor.

Katherine was drawing to keep herself from thinking or listening to the voices, but it was useless. After so many sleepless night Katherine couldn't help but close her eyes for a bit, but as soon as she did it she heard a sound in her head, a loud screaming, it's happening again, Katherine opened her eyes quickly in fear, it's been harder to sleep these days, every time she closes her eyes, a loud noise comes inside her head to keep her awake.

Katherine couldn't take it anymore. "Let me sleep.... I don't have time for your idiotic games...." But then she heard a masculine, cold voice chuckling,"my poor little human.... still scared? I thought you've got used to it. It seems I was wrong, but I'm not the only one wrong here."

"W-Who's there?!"

"Let's have a serious conversation my little human, you believe that I'm real but others doesn't believe you, what a disappointment and how sad it is, to be treated as a mad woman, you aren't a little girl anymore, society's gonna see you just as a woman who lost her mind because of some sounds and voices. for them, my little human, you should be in a mental hospital getting treatment, even your parents think the same. You're just a crazy useless person to them."

Katherine is trembling, refusing to listen. "Sh-Shut up... you're lying... my mom... my mom promised me-"

He cut her off in the middle of her words. "Promised you what? To not end up in a place you don't like, which is your destiny? Don't make me laugh, you seriously believed them, then what about you leave this room and see whith your own eye your supposed to be loving parents, I'm sure they'll be happy to see you." The masculine voice said in a mocking sarcastic tone as it started to have an impact on Katherine's mind and way of thinking.

Many sleepless nights, feeling things and presence, hearing voices, and many other things. Katherine couldn't now distinguish between the real voices and the hallucinations that have been caused by sleepiness and her medicine that she drinks to sleep, the ketamine that her father prescribed to her since he's a doctor.

Katherine wasn't even aware of her surroundings when she got up to leave the room, as she stepped out she was surprised that the house's lights were on, she was used to the darkness of her room as she started going down the stairs that leads directly to the living room but she froze when she heard this one sentence from her father 'she must go to a mental hospital...' Katherine's eyes widened in shock. She felt betrayed and stabbed from the people who should have been her support and safe place.

"Now what a surprise... betraying their own daughter's trust, what a disappointment, I'm really... truly, sorry that you had to hear that, but what can we do? You'll have to go to the mental hospital... they'll treat you like a crazy woman, my little human. Unless..." the voice said mockingly.

"Unless what? you stupid voices... i know you're near, but i can't see you..." Katherine replied coldly, trying to stay calm.

"My poor child, look at what they've done to you. They didn't wanna trust your words. They keep saying it's hallucinations... but you and I know that all of this is true and real. You're not crazy my little human, and you're not mentally ill. You're just a special human... different from the others, you aren't like them. You aren't ignorant like they're. You're my special human. It'd be a waste to let them take you to the mental hospital. Let me help you..." the voice said calmly.

"How am I supposed to believe your words?you're just a voice that I hear from time to time, which is annoying. " she replied coldly, thinking what to do.

"Well you'd rather accept being taken to a mental hospital than dealing with me and survive this night without being forced into anything?, but little human, remember that you don't have much time, you have only a few minutes till they arrive and convince you to leave with them."

"O-okay... I'll do as you say this time... but don't you think I'll trust you, I'll never, ever, trust a vulgar voice that's trying to deceive me." Katherine answered, trembling slightly

"Don't worry, human, I'll take care of everything... you'll survive this night, I promise..." the voice said mockingly.

But after seconds katherine's mind began to wander and she lost her ability to think rationally her gaze became cold as she walked calmly and silently to the kitchen took a kitchen knife and went beck to the living room she silently went behind her mother and lifted her hand that was holding the knife as her parents weren't aware but her little brother,Xavier noticed and his eyes widened in shock "Katherine what are you doing with that knife?!" He got up to reach for his sister but as Sofia and Cristian moved to see what's happening but was too late as Katherine already stabbed her mother in the arm but Xavier quickly arrived next to her as he reached to grab her wrist as he pressed on the vein and twisted the wrist outward then he twisted her arm that was holding the knife to be in her back to force her to drop the knife then he forced her to the ground by hitting her heel with his foot and throwing her off balance then putting his leg over her arm that he twisted and his hand was still on it and his other hand on her head to maintain his control and keep her on the ground to get free despite her attempts and all of this was in a few seconds because Xavier was used to these movements since he practices martial arts but the last thing he expected was that he would do one of the movements that he learned against his own older sister.

Cristian quickly helped his wife as he tied a clean cloth around the wound so that it wouldn't get worse then he looked at his daughter who was so savage that she tried to kill her own mother, Cristian looked at his watch and saw that the men that Daniel sent were about to arrive but it would be impossible for them to take her or negotiate with her if she continued to act savagely and aggressively, Cristian got up and went to the master bedroom and brought a dose of ketamine then approached his daughter katherine who was resisting her younger brother's grip strongly then Cristian got down on his knees and injected her with a dose slightly higher than the average of Ketamine and said "My apology may not be useful, in the end you will hate me katherine, but this is for your own good so that your mind returns to you and you don't turn into an animal in the jungle..."

Katherine kept resisting but in vain as she heard a mocking laughter, and after exactly 52 seconds, she stopped moving completely as she lost consciousness and didn't wake up.