chapter two

The new world

Blackness wrapped Katherine in it's warmth as she felt like floating in an ocean of loneliness and soon her body felt sore and cold as if she was dying, then a pressure on her neck started and breathing became harder each second.

As Kathrine opened her eyes, she heard the voice again chuckling, "Finally awake, little human, it took you a bit of a while to get back to consciousness, but, I'm still glad you're alive"

But then a hand was placed over her eyes, blocking her vision, and her body was in so much pain that she couldn't resist but was able to speak slightly. "Who's there? Where am I?.."

The voice replied gently, "In a safe place, as long as you stay here with me, no one's gonna hurt you, my little human."

But as the hand moved away from her eyes, Katherine turned to where the voice came from and saw a tall handsome man with bright red eyes and short black hair smiling showing his white fangs and wearing what looks like a uniform with many badges that shows that he has a high rank in society.

But Katherine concentrated on the voice of the man. "That voice.. Who are you?.."

The man chuckled and said, "Glad you still remember my voice, I'm Carlos."

Katherine managed to answer despite the difficulty. "Carlos... no, it's impossible. You're a human if we don't count your red eyes and white fangs..."

Carlos smiled "well don't worry about that. The important thing is that you're awake and safe from anyone who can hurt you."

Katherine remained silent, debating whether to trust him or not, but in any case, she wasn't gonna trust someone like him with this appearance that looked weird enough to be suspended.

Carlos noticed the way she looked at him and smiled as he chuckled, "I understand that I'm not a trustworthy person, but I can assure you, at least I'm not like your dear parents..."

Katherine fell silent at his words she couldn't deny the truth that she felt betrayed that her parents really believed that she was a mad woman to the point of taking her to the mental hospital.

But then Carlos interrupted her train of thought saying "don't think about it much, rest, you had a really rough dose of that drug little human."

But Katherine insisted, "No, i wanna know who you are... why do you have the same voice I used to hear..."

Carlos smile didn't fade, but his voice tone changed slightly into a more cold one as he replied, "Everything in its time, human, no need to rush, plus how impolite of you, I introduced my self but I still don't know you're name that's why I'm calling you human"

Katherine stayed quiet and then answered, "Why should I tell you?"

Carlos smiled, turned cold. "Maybe because i saved you from being taken to the mental hospital..."

Katherine fell silent again, then turned her head away and whispered, "Katherine..."

Carlos placed his hand on her eyes and said, "Well, Katherine, rest, you still need to get over with that drug, I'll tell them to prepare food for when you wake up."

Before she could resist, her body went limp and stopped moving, losing consciousness.

Carlos eyes turned cold as he moved his hand away and looked outside the window his eyes looked at something specific, and then he turned and left the room.

But as hours went on, Katherine woke up breathing heavily. Another nightmare still didn't stop having them. It was tiring. Wanna have one peaceful night but couldn't, but why was this one different? The different thing is that Carlos was in it, but Katherine couldn't really understand the meaning of it. She had a very bad feeling about it, then the doors opened and a woman entered she had white hair and violet eyes she was carrying a tray of food and smiled at Katherine.

"Glad you woke up, oh my, why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" The woman asked, worried.

Katherine was surprised and answered, "It's nothing. Who are you?"

The woman smiled sweetly. "I'm Lily, I work here as a maid for the general, and he wanted me to be your personal maid."

Katherine looked skeptical. "Lily?... Who's this general you're talking about?"

Lily answered with the same smile, "Sir Carlos, he's a general and ordered me to take care of you, i brought you food."

Katherine thought -I knew he had a high rank from his clothes and badges, but I can't help but feel uneasy... this is all so weird and too forward... something is off... and I have to know what it is.-

Katherine smiled slightly. "Thank you... I appreciate that you brought me food."

Lily smile widened as she placed the tray of food in front of Katherine so she could eat.

Katherine looked at the food, eyeing it a bit nervous. It looked like normal food and had the smell of normal food she took a bite of it and found nothing weird, so she continued heating but then looked at Lily and said with softly "it's delicious, thank you again... but I wanted to ask you, I know this is the general's house depending on what you said, but I wanna know, why am I here? And what's exactly this place? I was in my house... but suddenly, i found myself here."

Lily's smile didn't fade as she said in the sweetest voice, "Sir Carlos brought you here while you were unconscious, I don't think you're from near since you have strange clothes... but it's not a big deal. It's always wonderful to have new friends from other kingdoms."

Katherine was surprised "kingdom? Since when? I don't remember being in a kingdom before I lost consciousness because of the ketamine plus there are only 44 kingdoms in this era, 3 in Africa, 13 in Asia, and 12 in Europe, 6 in Oceania and 10 in America."

Lily looked confused. "Africa? Asia, Europe, Oceania, America? Oh... now I understand... you're human, well, I'm not talking about those kingdoms. These kingdoms are in the human world. Here, we're talking about kingdoms that contain demons, werewolves, vampires, etc..."

Katherine's eyes widened as she couldn't really understand what all of that means "you're kidding me, right? Those creatures don't exercise. These are just made from human imagination. Stop this idiotic prank."

Lily looked at Katherine, then smiled in understanding, "I know it must be unrealistic, but that's the truth. You're not in your world, but I'm sure you'll maybe like this place too."

Kathrine felt a strange feeling, but she didn't know what it was, but it was strong as she smiled a happy smile. "I'm sure I'll like this place. It'll be better than the other world."

-What am I talking about? Why am I talking like this? What's happening to me?... Well, let's not panic. Maybe it's a side effect of the ketamine, yeah... ketamine can cause sudden emotional shifts... everything's gonna be alright, I'll just have to continue with the flow so I can escape.-

Lily smiled. "That's good to be positive. Now, eat your food so you can regain your strength, and then we can do anything you want."

Katherine nodded her head and continued eating quietly.

After finishing her meal, Kathrine looked outside the window to try and locate her position, but all she saw were houses and a far away a castle, Lily noticed her looking at the castle and spoke up "That's the palace where the emperor Lucifer lives, he's known to be strong and not have mercy for anyone that's why everyone follows the rules without hesitation so as not to be punished by him"

Katherine seemed surprised but just nodded, not knowing what reaction she should make as she thought about this Lucifer, but soon a meowing was heard cutting her train of thoughts as she lowered her she saw a black cat sitting near the bed, Katherine tapped on the soft mattress and the cat jumped and lay on it as Kathrine stroked its fur in a calm environment.

Lily saw the cat and got a bit annoyed as she looked at the black cat with red eyes a typical shadow animal but she kept watching her with a smile then Lily got up and took the the tray that had now an empty bowl and left the room to take them to the kitchen but when she closed the door behind her, she found Carlos leaning on the wall crossing his arms and looking at her coldly "now, tell me what did you find?"

Lily looked at him seriously and said, "Nothing, she's just a human, plus you don't trust me to the point of creating a shadow cat so you can keep a close eye on her?"

Carlos giggled. "Lily, you have nothing to do with what I decide, I appointed you just to take care and survey her, nothing more and nothing less. She's my human, and you'll listen to everything I tell you to do."

Lily answered coldly. "I will do as you want, but don't forget to give what I want too, you did say it one time, nothing is free in this life, and if you want me to help in a good way, you'll have to pay back by keeping your words like we agreed"

Carlos chuckled darkly. "Don't worry about that. After all, you know I'm the type to keep my words"