Chapter 13: Into the Fire

The east docks sprawled under a sky choked with storm clouds, the air thick with salt and rust as the Titans barreled toward the Grid Seekers' next move. Kai clung to the back of Nightwing's motorcycle, the engine's growl vibrating through his aching ribs, wind whipping his torn hoodie. His side throbbed—blood crusted where shrapnel had bitten, but adrenaline kept him upright, the morpher's cracked crystal pulsing like a dying star against his wrist. Raven sat behind Donna in the rattling van Gar had hotwired, her eyes locked on Kai through the windshield, a silent tether in the chaos. Gar himself clung to the van's roof, shifted into a green eagle, wings tucked against the gusts as he scouted ahead.

"Red Hood's pinned down," Nightwing shouted over the comms, voice tight as he swerved around a rusted shipping crate. "Docks are crawling—Seekers, heavies, and something big. Slade's with him, but they're outgunned. Two minutes out—brace yourselves!"

Kai's gut twisted, the morpher buzzing with a frantic edge. "Grid signature amplifying," it warned, voice stuttering in his skull. "Host sync unstable—caution." Unstable didn't cover it—every pulse dragged at him, Kaelric's wound flaring like a live wire, his vision swimming with green-tinted echoes. He gritted his teeth, claws flexing instinctively even without the armor. "Just hold together," he muttered—to the morpher, to himself.

The docks loomed into view, a warzone lit by flickering floodlights and muzzle flashes. Cranes towered over skeletal stacks of containers, their shadows dancing as gunfire ripped through the night. Seekers swarmed the waterfront, black gear stark against the rusted hulls of moored freighters, hauling glowing crates toward a massive rig—a Grid tap twice the size of the power plant's, its core pulsing green and volatile, cables snaking into the water like veins. Red Hood crouched behind a crate, pistols barking as he dropped Seekers with lethal precision, his red helmet glinting in the chaos. Beside him, Deathstroke moved like a specter—sword flashing, a submachine gun in his off-hand spitting death, his trench coat billowing as he carved through foes.

"Titans, hit them!" Nightwing roared, skidding the bike to a stop and vaulting off, escrima sticks crackling blue. He landed in a roll, smashing a Seeker's visor with a strike that sent teeth flying, then spun to take another with a kick to the chest. The van screeched up, Donna leaping out mid-slide, her staff a whirlwind as she charged the line—three Seekers crumpled under her blows, armor cracking like eggshells, her Amazon strength a force of nature. Gar dove from the roof, shifting into a green bear mid-air, roaring as he slammed into a cluster of guards, claws rending steel and flesh alike.

Kai leapt off the bike, morpher flaring as wolf form snapped on—claws sharp, fur bristling, pain dulled by the Grid's surge. He tackled a Seeker swinging a rifle, tearing the weapon free and slashing the man's chest open, blood spraying hot across his snout. The armor flickered, cracks glowing, but he pushed through, dodging a hail of bullets—two grazed his shoulder, thudding against the plating, and he snarled, spinning to rake another foe down. "Stay up!" he growled to the morpher, its hum faltering.

Raven emerged from the van, hands weaving shadows—dark tendrils lashed out, snaring a Seeker mid-step and hurling him into the water with a splash. Her voice cut through the din, calm but urgent: "Kai, the rig—it's active! They're pulling harder!" She blasted another guard, her shield flaring as bullets bounced off, eyes locked on the tap's pulsing core.

Kai felt it—a yank in his gut, deeper than before, like the Grid was clawing at his bones. The rig's green light pulsed in sync with the morpher, each beat dragging him closer, his vision splitting—Kaelric's battlefield flickering over the docks, swords clashing where guns fired. He stumbled, claws digging into the concrete, and Eclipso's voice boomed from the rig's peak: "The vessel bends! Bring him!"

Seekers shifted, a squad breaking off to swarm Kai—six, armed with stun batons and nets, moving like a pack. Nightwing shouted, "Kai, down!" and flipped into their midst, sticks sparking as he dropped two, but a baton caught his arm, sizzling, and he grunted, staggering. Kai lunged, claws slashing—a net grazed him, snagging his leg, but he tore free, tackling the wielder with a snarl that echoed Kaelric's fury. Blood slicked his claws, the Seeker's scream cut short, and the armor flickered again, half-off, leaving him exposed.

Red Hood vaulted over a crate, guns blazing—two Seekers dropped, heads snapping back, and he grabbed Kai's arm, hauling him up. "Glowstick, you're a mess! Fall back!"

"No chance," Kai snapped, wrenching free, hawk form flaring as he soared above the melee. The rig loomed, its core a green inferno, and he aimed for Eclipso—wings beating, claws out. The cloaked figure turned, red eyes blazing, and blasted dark energy—Kai banked, dodging, but the edge clipped his wing, sending him crashing into a crane arm. Metal groaned, pain seared, and he hit the dock hard, armor retracting fully, leaving him raw and bleeding.

Slade appeared, sword slicing a Seeker creeping up on Kai, his voice cool: "Get up, kid. You're the bait—they won't stop." He spun, gun barking, dropping another foe, his one-eyed glare flicking to the rig. "That's their endgame—rip the Grid through you."

Kai staggered up, clutching his wrist—the morpher's cracks glowed, its hum a desperate whine. "Grid sync failing," it rasped. "Memory breach imminent." Green light erupted, blinding, and the docks vanished.

He stood in a void—green and endless, a web of light stretching like veins across nothingness. Kaelric faced him, armor dented, eyes hard but alive—alive. "You're me," Kaelric said, voice echoing, "but not yet whole. The Grid chose us—its guardians, its shards. They stole mine, corrupted it. Yours is the last."

"What's it do?" Kai demanded, stepping closer, the void pulsing around them. "Why me?"

"It binds," Kaelric said, raising his sword, the blade glowing green. "Time, power, life. It protects—or destroys, if they break it. You're the anchor now—hold it, or we both fade." Shadows loomed—Eclipso's face, the king's, merging—and the void cracked, green light fracturing.

Kai snapped back, gasping, the docks slamming into focus. Raven knelt beside him, hands glowing, shielding him as bullets sparked off her barrier. "You saw it," she said, voice strained. "The Grid's core."

"Yeah," Kai croaked, standing, blood dripping. "It's alive—and they're killing it." He pointed at the rig, its core pulsing wilder, a rift forming above it—smaller than the plant's, but growing, whispers leaking out.

Nightwing rallied the Titans, bruised but unbowed. "Donna, Gar—cables! Raven, Kai—rig core! Slade, Hood—cover us!" Donna smashed a generator, sparks raining, while Gar—now a gorilla—ripped conduits free, roaring. Raven blasted a path, shadows clearing Seekers, and Kai followed, wolf form flickering back, claws unsteady but sharp.

Eclipso met them at the rig's base, shadow blade slashing—Raven parried with a shield, grunting as it cracked, and Kai lunged, claws raking Eclipso's arm. Blood—black, thick—spilled, and Eclipso hissed, blasting them back. The rift widened, green figures flickering within—knights, warped, eyes glowing like Eclipso's. "The Grid yields!" he roared, raising a shard—Kaelric's shard, corrupted black-green.

Slade charged in, sword clashing with Eclipso's, a blur of steel and shadow. "Go!" he barked at Kai, parrying a strike that sparked dark energy. "End it!" Red Hood laid cover fire, Seekers dropping, but more poured from the freighters—heavies with rocket launchers, pinning the Titans.

Kai reached the core, Raven beside him, her hands trembling. "It's tethered to you," she said, voice tight. "Break the link—or it breaks you." The morpher screamed, "Sync critical—sever or merge!" Kai grabbed a cable, claws sinking in, and pulled—green light surged, burning his hands, Kaelric's voice roaring: Hold!

The core pulsed, the rift spasmed, and a figure stepped through—green-armored, eyes blazing, a knight's helm cracked. It locked on Kai, voice a distorted echo: "Vessel… mine." Eclipso laughed, Slade faltered, and the Titans froze as the knight advanced, sword drawn.

Kai's morpher cracked wider, pain blinding, and he fell, Raven catching him. "What the hell is that?" Gar yelled, dodging a rocket blast. Nightwing's voice cut through: "Titans, regroup! Now!"

But Kai couldn't move—the knight loomed, and the Grid's call drowned everything else.