The Titans Tower med bay was a shattered sanctuary, its sterile calm replaced by a haze of blood and desperation. Kai slumped against the cot, Slade's bullet graze burning a raw stripe across his arm—fresh blood soaked his sleeve, mingling with the older stains from his torn stitches. The morpher hung limp on his wrist, cracked crystal flickering a weak green pulse, its hum a faint, broken whisper—"Host integrity critical"—barely audible over the pounding in his skull. Raven knelt beside him, hands trembling, glowing faintly as she pressed his wound—her face was pale, streaked with blood from her own cuts, her voice a strained lifeline: "Kai, stay with me—please!"
Nightwing loomed over them, fists clenched—his suit was torn, a fresh bruise blooming on his jaw from the fight with Aeloria, and his eyes blazed with fury. "Slade's gone—Diana and John are on him, but he's a ghost. Damn it, Kai, he's right—you're a beacon!" His voice cracked, frustration bleeding through the leader's steel, and he slammed a fist into the wall—plaster dented, dust sifting down.
"I didn't ask for this!" Kai rasped, shoving upright—pain lanced his side, blood seeping through his bandages, but he glared back, chest heaving. "You think I want Eclipso tracking me? This thing—" he shook the morpher, "—won't let go!" The crystal pulsed, a jolt up his arm—Kaelric's echo flickered, Hold, but it felt hollow, drowned by Eclipso's laugh ringing in his memory.
Raven's hand gripped his, cool and steady—her glow flared, easing the burn, but her eyes were shadowed, haunted. "It's not your fault," she said, voice firm despite the tremble. "Slade's playing his own game—always has. We'll fix this—together."
"Fix what?" Donna snapped, limping in—her ankle brace creaked, staff dragging, her braid unraveling with every pained step. "He's a walking rift magnet—Eclipso's got a shard, Aeloria's gone rogue, and now Slade's shooting us? We're bleeding out here!" Gar trailed her, green skin mottled with bruises—his usual grin was gone, replaced by a tight frown, clutching his side where Eadric's claws had raked him.
Nightwing rounded on her—"Enough! We're not turning on him!"—but the med bay door hissed, Dr. Carter stumbling in, tablet clutched, glasses fogged with panic. "He's right," she stammered, voice shaking. "The morpher's broadcasting—Grid spikes tripled since the rift. Eclipso's locked on—it's why Slade—"
A low rumble cut her off—the floor trembled, lights flickered—Kai's morpher flared, "Grid breach—proximity zero!"—and he staggered up—"Not again!"—but green light blinded, a rift tearing through the ceiling—debris rained, monitors sparked, and Kai dove, shielding Raven as plaster crashed around them.
Shadows swirled—Eclipso stepped through, cloak billowing, shard blazing black-green in his scarred hand—red eyes glowed, locking on Kai with a predator's glee. "Vessel," he rasped, voice a jagged blade, "your time's up." Dark energy blasted—Nightwing flipped back, sticks sparking—Donna swung her staff, deflected—Gar shifted to bear, roaring—but Eclipso's wave hit, knocking them flat—Raven's shield flared, cracking, and she grunted, blood dripping from her nose.
"No!" Kai roared—the morpher pulsed—"Tiger shift—control failing!"—green surged, armor snapping—claws slashed, he charged—Eclipso parried with a shadow blade, laughing—dark energy blasted, Kai skidded, armor flickering—"Weak!" Eclipso sneered, shard pulsing—rift widened, green tendrils snaring Kai—pain seared, he screamed, dragged through—Raven lunged—"Kai!"—but the rift snapped shut, silence swallowing her cry.
Darkness—cold, suffocating—Kai hit a stone floor, wrists bound by green chains, the morpher's glow dimming—Eclipso loomed, shard raised, red eyes boring into him. "Welcome," he said, voice dripping venom, "to your breaking." The chamber was vast—black stone, rift shadows swirling—Seekers flanked him, visors glinting, and a Grid tap hummed, its core pulsing red-green, tethered to Kai's morpher.
Kai struggled—chains bit, blood trickled—"What do you want?"—but Eclipso knelt, shard inches from his face—dark energy burned, searing his skin—Kai gasped, head snapping back. "The Grid's heart," Eclipso hissed. "You're its lock—I'll crack you, and it opens." He pressed the shard—green surged, pain blinding—Kaelric's hall flashed—Eadric's dagger, the king's greed—Aeloria's oath—Kai screamed, vision splitting.
"Fight it!" Kaelric's voice cut through—green void flickered—Kai stood, morpher glowing—Kaelric faced him, sword raised. "He twists it—hold the anchor!" Eclipso's shard pulsed—darkness clawed—Kai's morpher buzzed—"Sync failing—core breached!"—and he jolted, chains tightening—Eclipso's hand gripped his throat—"Where's the heart?"—dark energy surged—Kai's mind burned—Grid's heart pulsed, cracked, bleeding shadows—he bit back a scream—"Don't know!"
"Liar!" Eclipso roared—shard pressed harder—green light erupted—Kai's morpher cracked wider—pain seared, blood dripped—Kaelric's cliff flashed—knights swearing, shard glowing—Eadric's betrayal—Aeloria's stern face—"The anchor mends!"—Eclipso's laugh drowned it—"You'll break!"—dark energy lashed—Kai's vision swam—Grid's web pulsed red, shadows coiling—he gasped—"No!"
Seekers advanced—stun batons sparked—Eclipso stepped back—"Bleed him slow"—and they struck—electricity burned, Kai convulsed—chains held, blood pooled—morpher flickered—"Host failing!"—Kaelric's voice faded—"Hold!"—but darkness clawed—Eclipso's shard pulsed—Grid's heart loomed—Kai's scream echoed—then silence.
Hours—minutes?—pain blurred time—Kai hung, wrists raw, morpher dim—Eclipso returned, shard glowing—"Talk"—dark energy lashed—Kai spat blood—"Screw you"—Eclipso sneered—"Brave fool"—shard pressed—green surged—Grid's void slammed in—Kaelric faced him, eyes hard—"You're enough—fight!"—Eadric loomed—"Weak!"—Aeloria—"Mend it!"—the heart pulsed—Kai roared—"I'm trying!"—and snapped back, gasping—Eclipso's hand tightened—"Where?"
"Don't know!" Kai rasped—Eclipso's shard flared—pain blinded—Grid's heart cracked wider—shadows bled—Eclipso laughed—"It wakes!"—but a spark flickered—morpher buzzed—"Sync reengaged—form shift!"—green surged—tiger form roared—chains snapped—Kai slashed—Seekers fell, blood spraying—Eclipso blasted—Kai dodged, claws raking—"Not breaking!"—he tackled, shard clattering—rift pulsed—Eclipso roared—"Fool!"—dark energy knocked Kai back—Seekers swarmed—he slashed, blood slicking stone—morpher flickered—"Stability failing!"—armor cracked—he stumbled—Eclipso seized the shard—"Enough!"
Kai lunged—"No!"—but Eclipso blasted—rift widened—green tendrils snared—Kai fought—claws tore—but darkness surged—Eclipso vanished—rift snapped shut—Kai hit the floor, alone—morpher dim—"Host stable—barely"—blood pooled, breath ragged—Grid's heart pulsed in his mind—red, angry—he staggered up—"Gotta get out…"
A shadow moved—green, faint—Kaelric stepped from the rift's echo—armor pristine—"You held"—his sword glowed—"Find them—mend it"—he faded—Kai clutched the morpher—"Titans…"—a door loomed—stone, rusted—he limped, blood trailing—pushed—night air hit—Blüdhaven's docks sprawled—stars blazed—he fell—"Raven…"—darkness crept—the morpher pulsed—"Grid active—threat rising"—and he slipped under, Eclipso's laugh a distant echo.