
*The power concept*

They use a power system called colors. Colors are like an energy that lets one do outwardly things through a process called painting.

PAINTING is the process itself that allows one to manifest outwardly abilities with colors.

There are majorly two ways to acquire power. Either inheritance or self-discovery. Everyone has an inherited ability, but not everyone has self-discovered abilities.


DISCIPLES: These are given when one newly achieve the Xue Sense.

HUNTER AND HUNTRESS: These are titles given when one truly masters the Xue Sense.

DUKES AND DUCHESS: These are titles given to those who have awakened.

LORD AND LADY: These are titles given to one who has transcended.

EMPEROR AND EMPRESS: These are titles given to anyone who has reach a certain height. The requirements are yet unknown.

TATTOOS: Tattoos start appearing when one starts to acscend and with each level they reach, the more number increase, the design becomes intricate. One can receive up to three tattoos which are intertwined with different powers.

WALKERS: These are special names give to those who have reach the greatest heights of power, the Emperor level. It's for those who can't use colors but have abilities. ( Transparent ones)

MONARCH: These are the titles given to heads of a color clan, kingdom, or nation.

ABOMINATIONS AND MONSTERS: Abominations are mutated animal while categories are unknown creatures, more like monsters.

Abomination which have nine classes and Category which have six classes.

NICKNAME AND TURN NAMES: Nickname are given as the highest form of acknowledgement while true names are given by the Xue sense.

THE XUE SENSE: A type of sense that surpass the normal senses.

INGRESS: A type of gateway that connects the world of Al to a mysterious one.

RELICS AND ARTIFACTS: These are objects that possess colours. While both are far overall better than mundane weapons, artifacts possess abilities of their own but relics don't.

AURA: The strength of one's presence and the density and amount of one's colour.