Blueblood Academy

Vanta sprinted, his tiny legs pumping furiously. He was in a hurry to catch up with his father, who stood at the doorsteps; he hugged his father tightly. He hated when his father would go out on missions.

"I don't want you to leave," he said with tears rolling down his eyes.

His father tries to comfort his son, raising his son with his hands in a tight embrace, he whispered with a calm, soft voice.

"Come on, little rascal, do you forget who your father is? We'll be back soon if things go well."

"No, you have to stay." Vanta protested.

Vanta tries to glue his dad, but his father hands him over to one of the maids and leaves with his army.



What is a mistake? When a person does something fully aware of the consequences of their actions, can that still be labeled as a mistake? The dictionary defines a mistake as a misguided action. So, when someone does something fully aware of the consequences, that in itself is an act of outright foolishness.


His alarm brought him back to reality. It was time to leave. He puts the book he was writing on into his bag and then picks up a little letter from the table. He reread the content for the hundredth time and sighed. He still couldn't believe he got accepted into the prestigious Blueblood Academy. Who would have thought?

Vanta's admission to Blueblood Academy marked a new chapter in his life. However, the memories of his past still lingered. Blueblood is the best school in Ravenfall, the capital of Ravenna. A place known for its talented students.

"I'm leaving," he said, only to be replied to by the echoes of his own voice. "If only they were still here," he thought and stepped outside.

His skin was kissed by the sun's ray; the air itself was hot and suffocating. His heart was beating fast, and he was sweating, sweating not because of the sun but because of where he was going.

He embarked on the journey to his school by train; it was one of the fastest and most comfortable means of transportation.

With the world currently divided, resources were limited, and as such, transportation was a luxury and could only be accessed by the higher class. Vanta had saved well just to make this one trip.

The train to his new school was almost departing when he arrived. The ride to his new school was uneventful, and therefore, he had only his thoughts to keep him company.

What is his new school going to be like?? What was in store for him?? This and many more questions flashed through his mind. One thing he knew for sure was, if he couldn't find information about his clan's demise in this school, then he'd just have to grow strong enough to find the truth himself.

A little after an hour, the train to his new school got to the station. Meanwhile, Vanta arrived and walked to his new school. He was welcomed by a huge sign that read "Welcome to Blueblood Academy: Where imagination meets reality.".

Vanta looks around and notices the sheer number of people milling about; about, he felt a surge of nervousness wash over him. People of different calibers, the wealthy, nobility, and peasants; some were happy, some excited, some nervous, and then... There were parents.

Vanta signs and covers his short black hair with his hoodie, leaving only the gleaming golden glow of his eyes. He wouldn't let his timid nature get the best of him.

The school was painted with blue and white paint, its huge buildings towering several feet from the ground. The academy's compound, with its meticulously manicured lawns and ornate fountains, was a testament to the school's wealth and prestige. It spread across vast expanse of land.

.The buildings were beautiful, and the compound was well decorated...

After walking for a little while, Vanta stopped and took a deep breath.

"I'm definitely lost, aren't I?" He said to himself. "What an interesting first day."

Vanta, not knowing what to do, decided to observe the flow of people, hoping to find his way.

"You look rather lost, as usual," a voice whispered from behind.

Vanta turned to see a guy. His turquoise-colored hair stood out against his pale skin; his eyes sparkled with mischief. He was slightly more built physically than Vanta was. It was Raymond Turquoise, Vanta's only friend.

"I know, right? This place is a maze." Vanta replied, shaking his head.

"Yeah, right," Raymond laughed and then added. "Follow me; I know my way around."

After Vanta lost his parents and his remaining clan members shortly after during a raid, he was raised by his aunt; that was when he met Raymond. Vanta had struggled to make friends with his classmates but Raymond's friendly demeanor put him at ease.

Together they both walked to the hall where their introduction ceremony was to be held. At the entrance, Vanta couldn't help but notice a girl looking at the sun with weird fascination.

'What a weirdo,' he thought.

The inside of the hall was massive but plain. The walked up to take a seat. They sat and started talking about random stuff since they still had some time to kill. The hall was soon getting filled with students.

"This is so boring. I should have stayed home," a voice muttered from behind them.

Vanta was about to look back when he heard a voice. It was coming from a girl standing at the podium with two other people standing beside her.

"Welcome to Blueblood Academy; my name is Shasha Brown." She announced, her voice echoing through the large hall. The side talks soon subsided. Then she continued.

What caught Vanta's attention was how neatly and beautifully dressed they were in their uniforms, white and blue; different shades of blue, with different designs, and the academy's badge beautifully imprinted on them.

He also noticed the robes they wore and the three small golden ropes used to design them. The girl with short brown hair continued to address them. She stood tall has her voice rang across the hall as she address the students with authority and confidence.

"Before we start, I'll like to apologize on the behalf of the principal who couldn't make it here today due to urgent matters, but rest assured, we the student's council will address you. Before we start the introduction ceremony proper, we'll perform a quick exams which is essential to advance."

There were faint whispers. No one had informed the students about any exams beforehand.

" This can't be good. I should have slept in" remarked a girl sitting at Vanta's back. " What a pain"

" The main objective is to acquire the Xue sense..."

" That's impossible. The Xue sense takes years to achieve, " Someone from the crowd yelled.

Shasha's aura flared, silencing the murmurs in the hall. It was obvious she's pissed from being interrupted so many times.

" If you'll be so kind to let me finish. Xue senses are the bare requirements to gain admission. The Xue Sense is a unique signature sense that can access and record our abilities as well as anticipate and react to situations more quickly. It's like a second sense that's accessible consciously or unconsciously."

She observe the students then continued.

"The Xue Sense takes years to achieve, true, but we've device a safe way to accelerate the process called Year Zero. Just do everything you're told to the latter and you'll be safe. Welcome to Blueblood's Year Zero exams. Good luck."

The burst of radiant light was sudden and blinding, it took Vanta for his vision to adjust. When he did, he was shocked.

He was surrounded by tall towering tress cover by emerald leaves. He pinched himself.

"This doesn't feel like a dream. Was I teleported or is this an illusion tied to my senses?" He contemplated.

Meanwhile, because of being preoccupied by thoughts, he failed to noticed the figure drawing closer and closer towards him until it was too late.

Burst of sudden pain cursed through his chest as he was kicked with terrible speed. He impact felt the force from a moving train.

The mysterious figure charged at him again. This time he got a good look at what it was. It was a copy of himself. It possessed a sword but Vanta didn't.


He barely dodged a strike from it but immediately it attacked again but this time, the sword of the mysterious figure bit into Vanta's neck, beheading him.