Do you copy, on 13th May 2024, I have discovered a new form of species which are basically human beings with powers, and currently fighting right now, if you heard this, means I didn't make it out of the aftermath, between a blue hair heroine and crazy old man pedophile, I'm sorry, PSYCHE
When I said the place went "boom," it really went boom. The guy hit his staff on the floor and everywhere exploded. I managed to run to a safe area and jump out of the way.
I looked at him, he was taller and more demonic. He also had a black cross on his head and wielded a staff like one you'd see in the movies
I thought the girl had died, but then I heard her shout "AQUA SPEAR!" I saw the girl in the air, do not know how she got there, create a water spear and throw it with tremendous force at him.
He spun his staff, forming a shield that successfully blocked the attack, but he staggered back.
"Damn water users," he muttered. The girl slowly descended back to the ground. As I noted, she was pretty cute. Uh, what am I thinking? I needed to focus.
The girl dashed towards him, shouting, "AQUATIC FORM!" Her body transformed into water, allowing her to kick the guy with surprising agility. When he attempted to strike, she vanished, only to reappear behind him, delivering a powerful kick that sent him flying.
As she soared toward him, he yelled, "DARK NOVA!" unleashing bursts of dark energy. She tried to block but was knocked back.
"AQUA BLAST!" she exclaimed, and from her position, jets of high-pressure water surged toward him. He darted around, dodging her attacks. I was stunned, witnessing two powerful beings battling right in front of me. Although I didn't want to believe it, it was all too real.
The man shouted, "DOOM BRINGER!" and a gigantic monster made of darkness erupted from the ground. It was as large as a building and began assaulting her. She leaped onto its back, shouting, "TSUNAMI WAVE!" A massive wave crashed over the monster—and, painfully, over me as well, I instinctively ran behind a tree, desperately trying to avoid being swept away.
Once the flood settled, the girl stood tall, despite the chaos. The man, however, was on the ground, defeated. As she turned to walk away, declaring, "Weak," he shockingly stood back up. Raising his staff, he mumbled an incantation, and darkness began to pour from him.
"This is going to be bad," the girl said. He stabbed himself with his staff, black blood oozing from the wound as he began to laugh tauntingly, shouting, "I'm going to bring you two to death's door! HAHAHAHA!" He transformed into a monstrous beast, his body expanding, eyes fierce, fangs and nails elongated. He looked like a proper demon.
He knelt, and before I could blink, he was suddenly behind the girl, striking her in the back and launching her through the air. She quickly recovered, but he was already charging with a punch aimed at her. She shouted, "AQUA SHIELD!" and a water barrier formed around her, but his punch shattered the shield and slammed into her stomach, sending her flying.
"NIGHT SLASH!" he yelled and slashed toward her with dark energy. Barely dodging, she was left bleeding, struggling to stay on her feet.
Then she cried out, "AQUA SPHERE!" and launched a massive sphere of water at him, trying to drown him.
As it struck him, he spread his arms and easily shattered it. In an instant, he was in front of her and shouted, "SHADOW STRIKE!" infusing his punch with darkness, which sent her hurtling into the ground.
I rushed to her side. She was severely injured; I didn't want to look at her broken bones.
The demon approached us, declaring, "Now it is time to die! Sacrificing many years of my will be worth it, I will ascend among the ranks and be deemed worthy!" The girl gasped, "Blaze, use your powers!"
"I don't know if I even have any and how am I supposed to use it, I just found out that my parents are elementals 30 minutes ago!" I replied, desperate, although wondering how she knew my name.
"Use it or we die!" she yelled, urgency in her voice. The demon charged toward us. In that moment, I felt something surge within me. I stood up, grabbing the demon's hand, feeling an intense heat coursing through me.
I punched him in the gut, and he was thrown back, screaming, "What is happening"
Then I smirked and the word that came out of my mouth was, "INFERNO BLAST!" An enormous blast of fire erupted from my hands, engulfing him.
I didn't see him after that, as the flames obliterated him, then the flames disappeared from my hand, and I was normal again, not sure how that happened, I guess it was because of danger, it normally happens in manga, uh, how did my life turn into a fictional one.
The girl slowly stood again, saying, "HEALING SPRING." Water enveloped her, magically healing her injuries, she had that, and didn't use it, what the hell. "My name is Aqua Neptune," she continued, "I'm sure you have a lot of questions but right now, you are following me."
I wanted to protest, I didn't want to follow a girl I have never met before and has powers, and but thoughts of that kind of demons lurking in the city filled me with dread, and she protected me, which means she is on my side, probably.
I didn't want to put my parents in danger again and also especially my friends, I'm sure they will miss me, and I'm sure my parents are fine, right. "Okay," I finally said.
She picked up a stone and struck it against the ground, creating a purple vortex. She grabbed my hand and said, "Be ready."
"For what?" I asked, bewildered.
"Jump!" she exclaimed, and before I knew it, she grabbed my hand, and we leaped into the portal. I screamed as we entered.
Meanwhile, two other dark elementals were in the vicinity. One was holding my parents while the other declared while smiling, "We have found him!"
I was screaming when Aqua said, "Quiet, we're here." I looked up and saw a place resembling a kingdom, but when I looked back, If I were to say, the whole place was surrounded by sandstorms.
"Where are we?" I asked.
"This is your new home," she answered, "the Elemental Kingdom, or the remains of the elemental kingdom"
"What do you mean?" I queried, still processing everything.
"You'll see."